From Commentaries Welcome once again to the statistical wonder that is the Push-Me Poll. For those new to its painstakingly structured charms, the Push-Me Poll is an attempt to compile as close to a legitimate monthly rankings system for North American Pro Wrestling as there can be, based purely on the push any given wrestler is getting at any given time.
WWE Smackdown No.1 contender: WWE Smackdown World title (Apr-May) WWE Smackdown World Champion (Jun-Mar)
WWE Raw No.1 contender: WWE Raw World title (Apr, Jul) WWE Raw World Champion (Sep-Nov) No.1 contender: WWE Raw World title (Dec) WWE Raw World Champion (Jan-Mar)
WWE Raw WWE Raw Intercontinental Champion (Apr-Jul) WWE Raw World Champion (Aug-Sep) No.1 contender: WWE Raw World title (Oct-Jan)
WWE Raw WWE Raw World Champion (Apr-Aug) WWE Raw Co-Tag Team Champion (w/ Edge, Apr-May) WWE Raw Co-Tag Team Champion (w/ Edge, Oct-Nov) No.1 contender: WWE Raw World title (Dec-Jan)
NWA: TNA NWA: TNA Champion (Apr) NWA: TNA Champion (Jun-Mar)
WWE Raw WWE Raw Co-Tag Team Champion (w/ Ric Flair, Mar-Apr) No.1 contender: WWE Raw World title (Jan-Mar)
WWE Smackdown WWE Smackdown World Champion (Apr-Jun) No.1 contender: WWE Smackdown World title (Jul, Dec) WWE Smackdown Co-Tag Team Champion (w/ Rey Mysterio, Feb-Mar)
NWA: TNA & Indies NWA: TNA Champion (Apr-May) NWA: TNA X-Champion (Jun-Jul) IWA Mid-South Champion (Oct) NWA: TNA X-Champion (Jan-Mar)
WWE Smackdown WWE Smackdown U.S. Champion (Apr-Jul) WWE Smackdown U.S. Champion (Aug-Oct) WWE Smackdown U.S. Champion (Nov-Mar) No.1 contender: WWE Smackdown World title (Mar)
ROH & Indies ROH Champion (Apr-Dec) No.1 contender: ROH title (Feb)
ROH & Indies ROH Co-Tag Team Champion (w/ Colt Cabana, Apr-May) ROH Co-Tag Team Champion (w/Colt Cabana, May-Aug) No.1 contender: ROH title (Oct-Dec) IWA Mid-South Champion (Oct-Feb)
WWE Smackdown No.1 contender: WWE Smackdown World title (Aug-Oct, Dec)
WWE Raw WWE Raw Co-Tag Team Champion (w/ Chris Benoit, Apr-May) WWE Raw Intercontinental Champion (Jul-Sep) WWE Raw Co-Tag Team Champion (w/ Chris Benoit, Oct-Nov) No.1 contender: WWE Raw World title (Dec-Jan)
WWE Smackdown WWE Smackdown U.S. Champion (Jul-Aug) No.1 contender: WWE Smackdown World title (Oct-Dec)
ROH & Indies No.1 contender: ROH title (Apr-Aug) Full Impact Pro Champion (Sep-Mar) JAPW Champion (Mar)
WWE Smackdown No.1 contender: WWE Smackdown World title (Mar, Jan)
NWA: TNA & Indies ECWA Champion (Apr-May) NWA: TNA Co-Tag Team Champion (w/ James Storm, Sep-Oct) 3PW Champion (Aug-Feb) NWA: TNA X-Champion (Mar)
WWE Raw WWE Raw Co-Tag Team Champion (w/ Batista, Apr)
WWE Smackdown No.1 contender: WWE Smackdown World title (Jan-Feb)
NWA: TNA & Indies IWA Mid-South Champion (May-Sep) NWA: TNA X-Champion (Aug-Jan)
WWE Raw No.1 contender: WWE Raw World title (May-Jun)
WWE Raw WWE Raw Intercontinental Champion (Sep-Oct) No.1 contender: WWE World title (Jan)
ROH & Indies ROH Champion (Dec-Mar)
WWE Smackdown WWE Smackdown Cruiserweight Champion (Jun-Jul) WWE Smackdown Co-Tag Team Champion (w/ Rob Van Dam, Dec-Jan) WWE Smackdown Co-Tag Team Champion (w/ Eddie Guerrero, Feb-Mar)
WWE Raw No.1 contender: WWE Raw World title (Apr, Oct) 26�(49)�Orlando Jordan, 164 27�(25)�Frankie Kazarian, 156.5 28�(28)�Ron Killings, 151 29�(29)�Chris Harris, 150.5 30�(26)�Super Dragon, 149 31�(30)�Chris Hero, 147 32�(37)�Monty Brown, 146 33�(32)�Jeff Hardy, 141 34�(41)�James Storm, 140 35�(40)�Luther Reigns, 138 36�(36)�Chris Sabin, 131.5 37�(31)�B-Boy, 131 38�(38)�American Dragon, 128 39�(44)�Raven, 122.5 40�(45)�Roderick Strong, 120.5 41�(34)�B.J. Whitmer, 119 42�(39)�Jimmy Jacobs, 116 43�(48)�Jack Evans, 116 44�(42)�Alex Shelley, 114 45�(56)�Danny Basham, 112 46�(33)�Nick �Eugene� Dinsmore, 112 47�(43)�Shelton Benjamin, 108 48�(35)�Rob Van Dam, 107 49�(46)�Danny Daniels, 106 50�(52)�Ian Rotten, 105 51�(70)�Kevin Nash, 103 52�(50)�Kid Kash, 101.5 53�(53)�Elix Skipper, 101 54�(60)�Doug Basham, 99 55�(62)�Abyss, 96.5 56�(65)�B.G. James, 96.5 57�(51)�Michael Shane, 96 58�(47)�Dan Maff, 96 59�(54)�Colt Cabana, 96 60�(55)�Rob Conway, 93 61�(78)�Bobby Rude, 91 62�(57)�John Walters, 90 63�(61)�Rene Dupree, 89 64�(140)�Dallas Page, 87.5 65�(77)�Christian, 87 66�(68)�Arik Cannon. 87 67�(80)�Konnan, 84.5 68�(59)�Sonjay Dutt, 84.5 69�(72)�Sylvan Grenier, 84 70�(73)�John Heidenreich, 84 71�(95)�Eric Young, 80 72�(85)�Slyck Wagner Brown, 79 73�(64)�Shirley Doe, 79 74�(76)�Brandon Thomaselli, 77 75�(58)�Nate Webb, 76.5 76�(99)�Gene Snitsky, 74 77�(83)�Trish Stratus, 73 78�(66)�Ryan Boz, 72 79�(74)�Jay Lethal, 72 80�(63)�D-Von Dudley, 70 81�(119)�Chase Stevens, 69.5 82�(87)�Rocky Romero, 69 83�(71)�Chris Bosh, 68 84�(69)�The Messiah, 68 85�(84)�Matt Sydal, 67.5 86�(67)�Bubba-Ray Dudley, 67 87�(118)�Andy Douglas, 67 88�(88)�Ricky Reyes, 67 89�(75)�Charlie Haas, 67 90�(144)�Carlito Caribbean Cool, 66 91�(81)�Matt Morgan, 66 92�(79)�Nigel McGuiness, 64 93�(86)�Mark Jindrak, 64 94�(82)�Rainman, 63 95�(91)�Joey Matthews, 62 96�(109)�Maven, 61 97�(96)�Trent Acid, 61 98�(103)�Lance Hoyt / Dallas, 60.5 99�(90)�Onyx, 60 100�(110)�Ruckus, 60 101�(92)�Low Ki, 60 102�(151)�Tyson Tomko, 59 103�(97)�Spike Dudley, 59 104�(172)�Outlaw Billy Gunn, 58 105�(89)�Azrieal / Angel Dust, 56 106�(94)�Lita, 56 107�(142)�Chris Candido, 54.5 108�(104)�Eric Xtasy, 54 109�(105)�Kenzo Suzuki, 54 110�(108)�Jimmy Rave, 53.5 111�(102)�Corporal Robinson, 53 112�(143)�Claudio Castagnoli, 52 113�(93)�The Amazing Red, 51.5 114�(112)�Chavo Guerrero, 51 115�(113)�Delirious, 51 116�(170)�Mike Quackenbush, 50 117�(121)�Tajiri, 50 118�(115)�Chad Collyer, 49.5 119�(129)�J.C. Bailey, 49 120�(179)�Lex Lovett, 48.5 121�(117)�Wifebeater, 48 122�(146)�Sabian, 48 123�(150)�Paul London, 48 124�(163)�William Regal, 47 125�(106)�Victoria, 47 126�(124)�Human Tornado, 46 127�(114)�Scott Lost, 46 128�(101)�Scorpio Sky, 45 129�(107)�Quicksilver, 45 130�(159)�Simon Dean / Nova, 45 131�(125)�Scott Hall, 44.5 132�(122)�Adam Flash, 44.5 133�(120)�Doug Williams, 44 134�(134)�Eddie Kingston, 44 135�(138)�Billy Kidman, 44 136�(137)�Hardcore Holly, 44 137�(111)�Steve Stone, 44 138�(132)�Trik Davis, 43 139�(130)�Jason Cross, 42.5 140�(149)�Madman Pondo, 41 141�(123)�Al Snow, 41 142�(133)�Teddy Hart, 41 143�(128)�Tony DeVito, 41 144�(250)�Dustin Rhodes, 40.5 145�(209)�Alex Shane, 40 146�(126)�Dunn, 40 147�(116)�Babi Slymm, 40 148�(187)�Mickie Knuckles, 40 149�(135)�Molly Holly, 40 150�(244)�Jigsaw, 39 151�(131)�Marcos, 39 152�(139)�Hector Garza, 38.5 153�(100)�Jerry Lynn, 38 154�(173)�Necrobutcher, 38 155�(145)�Mark Briscoe, 38 156�(156)�Justice Pain, 38 157�(160)�Mike Kruel, 38 158�(167)�Matt Striker / Matt Martel, 38 159�(157)�Nick Gage, 37 160�(158)�Daizee Haze, 37 161�(154)�James Gibson / Jamie Noble, 36 162�(189)�Mohammed Hassan, 36 163�(155)�Ace Steel, 36 164�(228)�Kevin Steen, 36 165�(153)�Puma, 36 166�(98)�Mick Foley, 35 167�(164)�Tank, 35 168�(127)�Azrael, 35 169�(147)�H.C. Loc, 35 170�(152)�Simon Diamond / Pat Kenney, 35 171�(198)�Scotty 2 Hotty, 34 172�(148)�Jay Briscoe, 34 173�(161)�Brad Bradley, 34 174�(180)�Vito Thomaselli, 33 175�(165)�Chris Cage, 33 176�(203)�Toby Klein, 32 177�(136)�Adam Pearce, 32 178�(141)�Rhyno, 32 179�(175)�Funaki, 31 180�(162)�Joey Ryan, 31 181�(181)�Kaos, 31 182�(182)�The Coach, 31 183�(195)�Sal Thomaselli, 30 184�(NEW)�Scotty Charisma, 30 185�(217)�Josh Abercrombie, 30 186�(171)�Sabu, 30 187�(NEW)�Dawn Marie, 30 188�(197)�Tracy Smothers, 30 189�(184)�Gail Kim, 30 190�(176)�The Hurricane, 30 191�(226)�David Young, 29.5 192�(178)�Sonny Siaki, 29.5 193�(190)�Jonny Storm, 29 194�(174)�D�Lo Brown, 29 195�(192)�Sebastian Dark, 29 196�(NEW)�Rosey, 29 197�(211)�El Generico, 29 198�(185)�Jerrelle Clark, 29 199�(213)�Shark Boy, 29 200�(169)�Topgun Talwar, 29 201�(186)�Chris Masters, 29 202�(188)�Todd Sexton, 28.5 203�(NEW)�Sean Waltman, 28 204�(207)�Phoenix Star, 28 205�(196)�Steve Madison, 28 206�(NEW)�Chandler McClure, 28 207�(223)�Ray Gordy, 28 208�(227)�Bonecrusher Fred Sampson, 28 209�(177)�Fast Eddie, 28 210�(216)�Tank Toland, 28 211�(168)--Disco Machine, 28 212�(202)--Randy Savage, 27.5 213�(NEW)--Christy Hemme, 27 214�(204)--Wonderman Glenn Spectre, 27 215�(208)--Joel Maximo, 26 216�(210)--Psychosis / Nicho, 26 217�(230)--Izzy / Insane Dragon, 26 218�(166)--Glen Gilberti, 25.5 219�(245)--Bruce Steele, 25 220�(218)--Balls Mahoney, 25 221�(219)--Jose Maximo, 25 222�(239)--Danny Inferno, 25 223�(222)--Black Jack Marciano, 25 224�(NEW)--Larry Sweeney, 25 225�(NEW)--J.J. Perez, 25 226�(194)--Salvatore Rinauro, 24.5 227�(206)--Johnny Swinger, 24.5 228�(NEW)--Vordell Walker, 24 229�(193)--Slim J, 24 230�(220)--Vengeance / Seven / Mordecai, 24 231�(236)--Chris Hamrick, 24 232�(238)--James Tighe, 24 233�(200)--Deranged, 24 234�(212)--Matt Hardy, 24 235�(NEW)--Rockin� Rebel, 24 236�(NEW)--Erick Stevens, 23.5 237�(242)--Nunzio, 23 238�(201)--Dixie, 23 239�(NEW)--Davey Andrews, 23 240�(NEW)--Hallowicked, 23 241�(NEW)--Nick Malakai, 22 242�(235)--Rico, 22 243�(199)--Stacy Keibler, 22 244�(240)--Matt Stryker, 22 245�(241)--Nidia, 22 246�(243)--Sterling James Keenan, 22 247�(247)--Steve Corino, 22 248�(205)--Masada, 22 249�(229)--Brent Albright, 22 250�(232)--Chri$ Ca$h, 22 -------------------------------------------------- 40 points = put over strong to close a WWE or TNA PPV 20 points = main event or title match on a WWE or TNA PPV, put over strong to close a 2-hour Raw or Smackdown 10 points = appearance on a WWE or TNA PPV, main event or title match on a 2-hour Raw or Smackdown, put over strong to close a 1-hour TNA Impact or major Indy show (ROH, CZW, PWG, etc) 5 points = appearance on a 2-hour Raw or Smackdown, main event or title match on a 1-hour TNA Impact or major Indy show (ROH, CZW, PWG, etc) 1 point = main event or title match on a WWE house show, appearance on a 1-hour TNA Impact or major Indy show (ROH, CZW, PWG, etc), main event or title match on a smaller Indy show © Copyright 2002-2005 by |