
The Royal Treatment: RAW (12.13.04)
By Peter Kostka
Dec 14, 2004, 14:54


J.E. made some pretty good points regarding last week�s main event and my rating for it:

Man, I can't believe you only gave Raw's main event a 5.5/10. It was easily
the best match of the night and it proved 3 things:

1) The girls can not only wrestle but hold their own in a main event
2) Fit Findlay is doing a great job
3) The WWE still has the potential to create exciting matches.

This is exactly the kind of thing they should be doing all the time - taking
their time with an angle, building it up slowly so that the payoff is
better. The Lita/Trish story arc has been going for months now, with a
variety of different characters and developments all of which led to a
logical and satisfying conclusion. They kept the buildup going through the
show, showing clips of the various bad stuff Trish has done to Lita as well
as bringing in Snitsky for a cameo. The whole "Kiss of Death" promo was the
icing on the cake. By the time they came out for the main event (which this
angle deserved to be in) the crowd couldn't wait to see it.

And they didn't disappoint. The girls busted their asses (and almost necks)
putting on a great match with some great spots - the suicide dive, the
removal of the faceguard, Lita sweeping Trish's legs out from under her
after her "Matrix" move, Trish grabbing the top rope at the last possible
second to avoid Lita's swinging DDT - these showed that not only do they
hate each other, but that they know each other's styles, which makes sense
since they've been facing each other for so long.

The crowd was hot the whole way through, and I know part of it is because it
was Lita's home town (sort of) but that's good for what, a pop when she
first comes out? They were cheering for every move and when she hit the
moonsault the place exploded. I was marking out the whole time. I don't
think I've ever seen a women's match this good. When was the last time
there was any match this good with this much crowd reaction on Raw?

Just a complete home run... 5.5/10??? If you were using a different ratings
scale for women's matches it would deserve a 10 for sure, as it was I would
have given it at least an 8.5. Great match for a big payoff, and it's all
thanks to the WWE not screwing the angle up (which I thought for sure they
had done a couple of times).

Explain yourself sir.

I do agree that this was probably the best WWE Women's match in a LONG time. I do rate women's matches a bit lower, since they usually are more basic in their skills and they never get that much time. If I did have a scale for women's matches, this would definitely approach a 10 (though if I was crabby, I'd dock them a point for Lita nearly killing herself).

A 5.5, on the star scale, is about ***, which I think is the appropriate rating for a match like this.

Want to send feedback? E-mail it to [email protected].

Live from Huntsville, Alabama. Someone has a giant �Will Work for Puppies� sign at ringside. Only about 5 years too late to be witty there, guy.

- Yes, Eric Bischoff is once again YOUR General Manager of RAW, and look what he�s come back from vacation to: new tag team champions, a new Women�s champion, and, oh yeah, he has to decide what to do with the World Title. He recaps the controversy, introducing Chris Benoit, Edge, and Triple H, who are all in the back. HHH interrupts, pointing out that he wasn�t involved in the decision, and ties go to the champion after all. Besides, even if Edge or Benoit get the title, it�s only a matter of time before he gets it back. Edge and Benoit take exception and end up brawling, with HHH joining in, so Bischoff makes a rematch of last week�s tag match with HHH and Batista facing Benoit and Y2J+4 � and informs Edge that his match with Randy Orton is up next, with Bischoff making up his mind regarding the title later on.

Thoughts: Really, the most logical way they can settle this is just have a triple threat rematch, but I certainly can understand why they want to do something bigger. I still would like an 8-man one night tourney at New Year�s Revolution.

Edge vs. Randy Orton

Orton gets a headlock and a knockdown to start, and Edge takes a breather in the corner. Another Orton headlock leads to Edge blocking a hiptoss and getting a quick rollup. ANOTHER Orton headlock (find something else, Randy) and he gets a takedown, leading to both guys trying a dropkick, and Orton clotheslining Edge out. And we take a break. Slow start to things, so they should pick it up after the break.

Orton works Edge over on the outside as we come back and hits the chinlock back in. He at least leans into it to sell it like he�s choking Edge out instead of just sitting there. Edge makes the ropes for a break, and then pulls the ref in front of him on an Orton charge to take over, baseball sliding Orton to the floor and then spearing him off the apron. He gets 2 back in and hits the chinlock and body scissors combo. Orton fades a little bit, but rallies and breaks the scissors to get to his knees and fight out, hitting a crossbody for 2. Double clothesline leads to a double KO, and Edge heads to the top, but gets dropkicked out of the air and backbroken for 2. Orton gets a rollup for another 2, but Edge ducks a clothesline and hits the Edge-o-Matic for 2. Orton tries an RKO, but Edge counters it with a rope-assisted backslide for another 2. Edge argues with the ref and charges, which gets him dropped into the corner and powerslammed. Orton goes up, but Edge avoids a bodypress and preps the spear, but Orton trips him into the corner and tries the RKO again, but Edge counters and tries a DDT, and Orton counters the counter and hits the RKO for the pin. Edge throws a tantrum in the ring as Orton celebrates up the ramp.

Rating: 6/10

Thoughts: On second viewing, the pace was much, much too slow for what these guys can do, and I don�t really see the point of Orton winning cleanly, since he�s already an established main eventer while an Edge win (by nefarious means or not) would have helped him along. They did bring a lot of intensity, and they did get the crowd into the match, making this a pretty decent midcard PPV-ish type of match.

- Tonight�s RAW Interactive question: What should Eric Bischoff do with the title? Give it to HHH/Benoit/Edge or make a triple threat rematch?

- Ric WHOO Flair again tells HHH how great he is, and that Eric�s decision should be easy. HHH starts with the threats again, and Batista once again tells him that isn�t the smartest thing. He should quit yapping and use their tag match tonight to prove that he deserves to be champion. HHH seems to like that idea. We should send Batista to settle the problems in the Middle East.

- We take a look at RAW house show action, and Christy, with some other �Divas�, fire t-shirts into the crowd while JR and King Lawler discuss the title, and Gene Snitsky slides in. The ladies shouldn�t be scared of him, like the RAW roster is, he just wants to have some fun and shoot some shirts. He asks Christy how to work the gun and chokes her, saying that he isn�t having fun unless someone is suffering. Lita comes out, and points out how Snitsky loves picking on women, and that all his intimidation didn�t stop her from winning the Women�s title last week. Oh yeah, she�s heard from her hubby Kane. He�s coming back, and that means bad things for Gene. Snitsky chases after her up the ramp, but a wall of fire on stage stops him.

Thoughts: What momentum Snitsky had is pretty much gone now, since they have pretty much halted his push and seemingly made him WrestleMania fodder for Kane. Oh well, I�ll miss him trying to be menacing with that goofy voice of his.

- We get some footage of HHH at the Blade: Trinity premiere and Christian gets his makeup touched up. He�s none too happy with being Captain Charisma last week, and Eugene recognizes him, saying that he�s in his top 10 superheroes, although he doesn�t speak with fish like Aquaman can. Eugene wants an autograph, and Christian goes to put one on his face, but he stops when he sees Mick Foley. Eugene fawns over him, putting him on his �favorite wrestlers� list with Rock, Papa Shango, and �Beautiful� Bobby Eaton. Foley�s here for a �special announcement�, he says.

- Simon Dean signs a RAW competitors contract in Bischoff�s office, but wisely amscrays when Benoit enters, telling Eric not to just hand the title to anyone like he did two years ago with HHH. If he does, that just proves he�s as spineless as everyone says he is.

The Canadian Chrisses vs. HHH and The Voice of Reason (w/ Ric WHOO Flair)

HHH and Benoit start, with Benoit taking the advantage quickly, but HHH backs him into the heel corner and Batista tags in, but Benoit gets a dragon screw on him and tags Jericho. Batista pounds away on him and tags in HHH, who gets a knockdown, but Jericho comes back with a hiptoss and kicks away in the corner. HHH takes back control with a high knee and tags Batista, who whips Jericho HARD into the corner and hits the chinlock. Jericho tries the rally, but Batista beats him down and tags HHH, who chokes him in the corner. The ref pulls him off, which allows Batista to measure Jericho�s neck with the tag rope. HHH hits a delayed vertical suplex and drops a knee as JR mentions that referee Jack Doan might sue HHH for the chairshot he got last week, which baffles Lawler. HHH puts his head down and Jericho boots him (Lawler: �Sue him for that, Hunter!�), and then knocks Flair off the apron. Flair flies off the handle and tries to get involved, so HHH has to restrain him and calm him down as we take a break.

Benoit hits the Rolling Germans on HHH as we come back and knocks Batista off the apron, since he wants to use that corner to go up. He kicks off Flair as well, but it�s all for naught, as HHH avoids the headbutt anyway and tags Batista, who gets a powerslam for 2. They take turns whipping Benoit into the corner, and HHH locks in an abdominal stretch, using Batista for leverage each time Benoit tries to fight out. Unfortunately, Earl Hebner catches them and calls for a break leading to a Benoit rally, but he runs into a boot. HHH goes up, but Benoit gives him a taste of his own medicine and makes him eat boot as well, which leads to the hot tag to Jericho. Jericho gets to chopping Batista and jumps into his arms, but he escapes a powerslam and takes Batista�s knee out before going for the Walls, but Batista kicks off and gets rolled up for 2. Batista goes for the �Tistabomb, but Jericho escapes that too and hits a running enziguri and Lionsault (it�s NOT the Liontamer, JR!!!) before taking both HHH and Flair out while Benoit hits the headbutt and locks in a Sharpshooter. HHH tries to break, so Benoit catches him in the Crossface, but Batista just pulls Benoit off and hits a spinebuster for the pin. HHH stares at him in disbelief as Batista celebrates the victory.

Rating: 6/10

Thoughts: The usual good tag match from these guys, and a nice little twist they needed to do with Batista saving HHH�s ass again and getting the pin.

- Foley heads out, and gives a patented Mick Foley Cheap Book Plug �, but that isn�t the real reason he�s here. Next week, he�s temporarily jumping to Smackdown and joining them for their show in Iraq for the troops. He isn�t the biggest pro-war guy, and he�s still got boxes of John Kerry for President bumper stickers, but he wants to do it for the troops. And yep, this is the perfect time for the RAW debut of Mohammed Hassan. The fans immediately �WHAT?� him, a bad sign off the bat, and he gets into a shouting match with Foley, where Foley pretty much slaps him down by saying that at least he lives in a country where he can express his views, no matter how stupid they are. Foley ain�t pleased that Hassan had to interrupt HIS time with that crap. Hassan disses the troops, calling them �gutless cowards� and �heartless infidels�, and that sets Foley off. You have the right speak your mind in this country anywhere, except in a 20x20 foot ring he likes to call �Foley Island�, where Hassan has the right to feel Foley�s fist in his mouth. Hassan removes his coat and looks ready to go, but instead he tells Foley that he �can�t fight someone that I don�t respect� and leaves.

Thoughts: Someone brought this up on the forums: why haven�t we actually SEEN Hassan be �wronged� by America? An effective viginette would be Hassan waiting in line at airport security as a white person, a black person, etc. go through without incident while he�s the one that gets checked. His promos are getting to be a bit whiny to me. How is going to WWE and beating people up going to stop the �suppression� of Arab-Americans? They really are pushing a really touchy issue right now, and I hope they don�t push things too far, because they will not like the results.

- We recap last week�s main event, and Todd Grisham talks with the former champion Trish �the REAL Women�s Champion� Stratus. She points out that Lita had to practically kill herself to win, and promises that the title will be hers again. Oh yes, the title will be hers again.

- Bischoff chats with some chick named Rochelle, and Edge barges in, listing all the ways that he�s been screwed so far. Bischoff reassures him that after the next match, he will make his decision and give Edge �something he�s never had before.�

Maven the Heel, Mild-Mannered Christian, and Tyson Tomko vs. Eugene, William Regal, and Shelton Benjamin

Eugene and Christian start, and Eugene controls, pulling out his own version of Socko. Maven runs in and gets airplane spun around by Eugene, who has one for Christian as well, but Tomko clotheslines him down. The heels then work over Eugene for a long while with a variety of basic moves and chinlocks. Lots and lots of chinlocks. Eugene rallies with a Stunner on Maven and tags Shelton, who cleans house and hits an Exploder on Maven, but Christian saves and everything breaks down leading to Maven rolling up Benjamin and grabbing the rope for the pin.

Rating: 1/10

Thoughts: Wow, three guys chinlocking one guy (and the crowd) to death for 6 minutes. Fun. And please don�t tell me that they are pushing Maven to the IC title, because the guy isn�t earning his push at all right now. And he doesn�t even do a dropkick anymore.

- The poll results are shown, and 50% want a triple threat rematch.

- Bischoff prepares to take the belt to the ring, but HHH is at the door. He gets all emotional and begs Eric to do what�s right for him and the business, but more for him. That�s the emotional range that got him a bit role in a vampire movie.

- Next week is the �Best of RAW 2004� special. Whoo-hoo, a week off!

- Bischoff comes down and calls out the three eligible titleholders. HHH comes out with Batista and Flair, which Eric forbade, but HHH says that he is one with Evolution; when one succeeds, they all succeed. Bischoff thought of having a triple threat rematch tonight, but decided he didn�t want that. And he is definitely not just handing the title over again. His decision: In January, at the RAW PPV New Year�s Revolution, the World Title will be on the line in something he likes to call��the Elimination Chamber. The fans� reaction isn�t as boisterous as they probably wanted, which isn�t good. Who will be involved? Benoit, Edge and HHH, of course, but also Y2J, Evolution�s own Batista (who tries to hold back any reaction), and Randy Orton. All six guys brawl and Orton stands alone in the ring after hitting Batista with an RKO. And we fade to black.

Thoughts: I figured they were either going to drag this out again if they didn�t go for a tournament, but, even though it�s been used only twice, there really isn�t anything �special� about that match anymore, and really only Jericho is a �high flyer� who you can see doing moves from the top of one of the pens, like RVD did in the first match. A tournament would at least give us multiple good singles matches with guys that you know can bring it in the ring. The Chamber really might handcuff these guys.

Final Thoughts: Well, we finally settled the whole controversy about the title, so there was some development this week. Three matches (though two were good) is a bit thin though.

Happy holidays (Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Festivus, etc.) to all my readers and I�ll see you on the 27th.

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