Brain Droppings: Mid-Week Review
By Josh Lowmon
Jul 24, 2002, 08:35
Welcome all my readers. Actually I seem to have only one of you since the only feedback I have every gotten was from one person� WHO WRITES FOR THE DAMN SITE! Come on people; EXPRESS your opinions to me. Tell you what� you can ask me questions and I will answer some right here and you will be all cool and stuff because you had your question answered by me, Josh Lowmon. Step up to the plate!
Ok, time to get back on track here. RAW was great this week in my opinion. Solid wrestling and some angle developments. I wished Booker T vs. Benoit would have went longer but I am cool with that because it leads to RVD vs. Chris Benoit next week and who knows� maybe Booker T gets involved for a 3-way at SummerSlam for the Intercontinental title.
The ladder match between RVD and Jeff Hardy was solid as well if a bit spot laden. But it served its purpose in getting the crowd jacked up for the rest of the night.
Speaking of which� with the European belt gone what do they do for the lower mid-card guys now that the title is gone? I mean it wasn�t a really important belt but at least it was something for guys like Regal, D�Lo Brown or Tommy Dreamer to hold and could be used for a basis of a feud. By basis I mean instead of stuff like shampoo. I would have gotten rid of the Hardcore title long before I got rid of the European championship.
The Island Boys(z) debuted as well and I thought it was damn impressive. Of course the immediate question would be why the hell is a tag being added to the brand WITHOUT the Tag Team championship? My answer� well my hope is that at SummerSlam they possibly do a RAW tag team vs. a SmackDown tag team and bring the belt over this way or they make it a floating title.
I tell you one thing though; Bischoff is doing a great job as GM. He is playing a greedy scumbag GM/owner perfectly. I know all the flack about them doing another owner vs. company/wrestler thing but he is doing something different and it�s refreshing and he pulls it off so well because he looks like one of those cocky bastards that make you want to punch those pearly whites straight down their throats. And I applaud him for that.
Ding-Dong Brock is gone. I think this will be good in the long run because Lesnar was getting NO heat with anyone on the RAW roster so perhaps him on SmackDown he will get some more heat (No, I�m not talking about the canned heat) from working against Edge, Hollywood Hogan and some of the rest. I am especially looking forward to anything involving him and Kurt Angle. Perhaps we will see an Anglesault and Lesnar�s Shooting Star Press in one match? Here's to hoping.
Hmmm� according to good old Dave, Stone Cold is getting very �antsy� to return and folks in the WWE think he could return sooner than later. But according to Dave he still has major heat with Vince McMahon and JR. Could the return of the Rattlesnake be at hand? I hope so. I miss Stone Cold. Can you imagine Eric Bischoff confronting Austin? When you here the glass� that�s your ass Easy E.
Not to mention we need to finish Austin vs. HHH.
I am still looking for some ideas for pictures for the �SmartMarks Tour of Pictures� of RAW and SmackDown on August 12th and 13th. Anyone in the Seattle area going to either show? If you are drop me a line here.
I would also like to thank the Almighty One for letting the Seattle Sonics trade Big Softie (aka Vin Baker) to the Boston Celtics. Tears of joy man.. tears of joy.
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