Raw from JHawk Beak (Cinco de Mayo 2003)
By Jared "JHawk" Hawkins
May 5, 2003, 21:43
Raw from JHawk's Beak (May 5, 2003)
by Jared "JHawk" Hawkins
E-Mail of the Week: Chris Vining asked:
I am a big fan of your column. I would like the opportunity to start my own online wrestling column. How did you get your shot, and is there a good way to get into the field? I would appreciate any help you could give me. Thank you.
It was a slow week. Anyway, the key thing is to A) keep writing at every opportunity and B) apply for any open positions you hear about. That's all I really did, and here it is. I've officially been here for the entire first year of TSM (which Dames documents here) as your friendly Raw recapper. And tomorrow also marks one year for World Wrestling Entertainment. How's that for a coincidence?
Forums Quote of the Week: I've gotta know..whose gorgeous TITS are those in your avatar? If they're yours, give yourself a hand.
..better yet, let me do it. -Agent of Oblivion
Sexist? Yes. Funny? Hell yeah!
Let me eat my damn breakfast without thinking of death: I get to miss the story itself, but one of the local news outlets is doing a story on "Where are your eggs coming from?" Quite frankly, does it really matter? See, stories like this make me upset I'm a journalism major. I already hate people trying to tell me how to eat, and now my freaking news outlets are trying to do it! Eggs could kill me? My response? I eat them! (George Carlin mode off) You know, I had this big long rant planned out for that, but that pretty much got the point across, huh?
Shameless Plug: TSM Mat Madness tournament. Final Four. Vote now.
Tonight: This is the "Boycott Raw" edition of Raw, and WWE is trying to prevent the boycott by...not announcing anything that could actually increase TV ratings. You know, like matches involving popular wrestlers and stuff? Goldberg vs. Christian was announced during STTNG, and that's it.
And as a special Cinco de Mayo treat, we'll be grading each segment on a Corona scale...the worse the segment is, the more bottles of Corona Extra you should drink to numb your mind of it. We'll serve up cups of coffee if we actually like something tonight. (On Raw? Heh!)
Segment 1
In memory of Elizabeth Hulette "Miss Elizabeth" 1960-2003.
We've added a picture of Steve Austin flipping the bird right behind the usual Eric Bischoff pic at the top of the show. He's the new co-manager, as the opening video recap shows.
Cue the opening (without X'd out Austin picture).
Before we can tell you that we're LIVE from the sold-out Metro Centre in Halifax, Nova Scotia (that's in Canada for those of you who failed high school geography), Cold Stones Steve Austin makes his way to the ring! Your hosts are Coach and The Pharaoh. Austin cuts off a nice ovation by sending a special thank you to Linda McMahon for the sole purpose of eliciting "what" chants. He was going to make it a low profile deal, but he's never done anythin low profile in his life (except work for WCW for five years). So he's going to throw a beer bash live on Raw. But to the business end of things. Lots of stuff happened that he didn't approve of. Like abolishing the Intercontinental Championship. So at Judgment Day, there will be a battle royal to determine a new Intercontinental Champion (complete with belt...but I can't tell which one they're using). And if you were a former IC Champion and you're on Raw, you're in. So much for Booker T. But that's in the future, so let's do something tonight. It's not calling out Earache Bitchoff, but he and Chief Morley are coming out anyway. That brings out an "asshole" chant before Bischoff ever opens his mouth. Bisch wants to make something clear for the record...they're CO-general managers. So any decisions have to be agreed upon mutually. Austin stepped on his toes a little bit because "that one's kind of a no-brainer". Bischoff understands the announcement, but it was Bischoff that abolished that title. So just to prove to Linda McMahon and "these fine people here" that he can work with Austin, he'll agree with Austin's decision. But it's all about making things better, so Bisch announces that at Judgment Day, it will be Triple H defending his World Title against Kevin Nash. I'd say "SMELL THE BUYRATE", but that's so cliche. Austin agrees to that call, which should make him a heel by default now. They express a like for each other (Austin: "Not much, but I like you."), but Austin has another decision. It should be a no-brainer, but he didn't talk to Bisch about it. He apparently hired somebody. He hired his friend........wait for it........Good Ol' JR, who just HAPPENS to be in Halifax tonight. OK, so he was called ahead of time, so sue me. A handshake for index finger to the face for Bischoff...and Bischoff doesn't agree and tries to fire him. They do the Daffy Duck/Bugs Bunny thing until Austin cuts him off. "I am trying extremely hard not to lose my temper." And the crowd starts chanting "Lose it." Heh. Austin wants to settle it like men. How about with a match? Austin vs. Bischoff, winner gets his way on the JR decision. Bisch likes it, but Linda made it clear that they can't touch each other. More Looney Tunes stuff on whether Bisch is scared or not, so Morley interrupts...and he asks to wrestle on Bischoff's behalf. But it's JR's job on the line, so he should represent Austin. Bischoff likes it, but Austin thinks "You're extremely stupid." So who's going to wrestle for him? Lawler grabs a house mic and asks for the spot. A huge "Jerry" chant, and we apparently have a main event. But Austin wants it right now. That they agree on.
JR's job on the line: Chief Morley vs. The's NEXT!
Surprisingly a good segment, as they did enough of the old stuff to satisfy McMahon and fans who only remember 1998, while still making it different enough to keep it somewhat fresh. The I-C belt coming back is a GREAT idea. The Nash-HHH match isn't. The Lawler-Morley match? We've seen it before. That and the segment was a bit long. Take a sip of your Corona to help prepare for this one, but that's all we'll force you to down right now.
Segment 2
JR's job on the line: Chief Morley vs. The Pharaoh
Who do you root for if you're Jonathan Coachman? Coach is under the impression there will be a three man booth. Lawler hits a DROPKICK! Wow! Series of punches to Morley's head. Cover for 2. Morley with a backdrop. Whip, duck, Lawler hits the Piledriver! ONLY TWO? Off of a LAWLER piledriver? Lawler doesn't believe it either. An elbowdrop misses. Forearms to the back. Morley with a set of rolling suplexes, followed by a flying elbowdrop for 2. Now Morley can't believe it. Into the turnbuckle as the crowd gets behind Morley. Lawler comes back with a turnbuckle smash of his own and begins his comeback. Lawler off the ropes...but Bischoff trips Lawler. Austin heads over, but L'il Naitch stops him. DDT by Morley, and he's up top, but JR pushes him off the turnbuckle. Lawler to the middle rope...flying fistdrop, pin at 3:59, and Lawler's won JR his job back!
Bisch isn't happy, and he's summoning Morley over...and they begin arguing. Bischoff: "You let me down!" And a slap to the face. Bisch runs away before Morley can react to it. Austin is now summoning Coach to the ring. Why am I expecting Teddy Long to get involved? Austin tells Coach to congratulate him. But we got a problem. they don't...nope, he changes his mind. They only need a two-man Coach gets a stunner. Paging Theodore Long, paging Theodore Long!
Predictable match with a predictable finish and a predictible aftermath. The only thing of note that actually came out of this is the animosity that is brewing between Morley and Bischoff. Why am I expecting Morley to become Austin's top guy? And why am I expecting Theodore Long to cry racism in an attempt to get Coach his job back. (Konnan: "I thought he'd only help black announcers.") Finish off that bottle of Corona you were sipping, but keep the bottle opener within reach of the fridge. (1 full bottle so far)
Segment 3
Morley tries to defend himself, but Bischoff is tired of the excuses. And when Bischoff gets embarrassed, people get fired. And Morley is now the newest one on the unemployment line. Morley walks off pissed, but he bumps into Austin....who brings him over to Bischoff. Austin wants to know why he's fired when they didn't talk to each other about it first. Morley thinks he's safe...but Austin fires him anyway. Well, they're in agreement.
Your new hosts are Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler. Lawler calls JR "Coach". Last week, Goldberg saved Booker T's ass, as this video recap shows us. So tonight, Goldberg makes his in-ring Raw debut against Christian.
Big Poppa Steroid Pump is working out when Test walks in front of him to look in the mirror. My Future Wife comes in to kiss their ass, because their title shot is next.
Well, I gotta say Morley's firing surprised me...or it would have had they written it just a bit differently. I'd caught on just before Morley felt he was safe. Steiner and Test get a title shot? When they've had like three matches as a team? Drink down another half a bottle (I'm being generous because I liked the Bischoff-Morley-Austin segment. That's 1 1/2 bottles.)
Segment 4
One fall for the World Tag Team Championship: Rob...............Van...............Dam and Kane (champions w/simultaneous entrances) vs. Big Poppa Steroid Pump and Test (w/My Future Wife)
Since this is the only title that gets defended on TV every week, I'm tempted to call this the Television Tag Team Title. Hey, black tag ropes! Yes, I noticed those with Stacy's legs in the shot. I'm slipping! Steiner and RVD start. RVD is insanely over tonight. Chops by Steiner to start. Steiner rams RVD's back into the corner, but RVD slips out, spinning heel kick, split-legged moonsault for 2. JR: "Two very popular teams here..." That's a lie. Test was never popular outside of SummerSlam 99. Steiner with a clothesline and a posing elbow, but as usual, push-ups instead of a cover. Belly-to-belly suplex #1 for 2. Test tags in and sends RVD into the corner as a "Stacy" chant starts. Ah, Stacy's legs are the second popular team. Hadn't thought of that. Test slows things down by going into a reverse chinlock. Power bomb, RVD tries to counter with a sunset flip, which Test tries to counter with a choke lift, which RVD counters with a dropkick. Tag to Kane, who works both challengers over. Kane with a flying clothesline to Test, but in comes Steiner...EXPLODAH suplex! Test sends RVD to the floor...pumphandle slam to Kane, but only for 2. Test calls for the boot, but he misses. Choke slam, Steiner breaks it long enough for Test to hit a full nelson slam. Test through the air for a tackle and a two count! RVD counters Test's pumphandle slam, but RVD ducks a boot that hits Steiner! Choke slam, Five Star, Kane covers for the pin at 5:51. You know something? That didn't suck!
Later, Jazz vs Trish for the Women's Title.
Maybe it's just the fact that the match wound up being more of a Texas Tornado match before it was all said and done, but I found that highly entertaining. Of course, that also means they're still setting up Test vs. Scott Steiner, which I have absolutely no hope for. Of course, Test was a former Intercontinental Champion, so we might get spared that least until Badd Blood. Not bad enough to justify another beer, but quite honestly, not good enough to justify a cup of coffee either. (Total: 1 1/2 Coronas)
Segment 5
Live in Halifax, where Goldberg wrestles, plus Kevin Nash in the Hi-Lite Reel!
Austin puts a painting of himself up next to the one of Bischoff. Bisch questions the amount of beer Austin's brought into the office, but it's Canadian beer (Molson actually) so it's all good. Austin wants a desk in, but there's no room now that the beer's in the room. So Austin makes room by moving Bischoff's couch. What is up with that plant? Oh, and Bischoff isn't invited to the beer bash.
Big Lazy Cool is on his way to the Hi-Lite Reel...NEXT!
Now this is more like what I expect from Raw. A meaningless non-wrestling segment that furthers nothing (don't overkill the tension with Austin and Bischoff before the first show's over!), and not all that entertaining a segment at that. That's worth a full bottle of Corona! (Total 2 1/2 Coronas) For the record, I'm drinking all these AFTER the show so the report doesn't look like "SKAJDKAKDFJKAKFKFKAFFKS" for the entire second half.
Segment 6
Tonight, Goldberg vs. Christian!
Y2J+3 gets a nice pop, but JR announces Jericho vs. Hurricane for Heat! Ever think that would be a better match than Lawler vs. Morley? And Jericho will be on Jimmy Kimmel Live! on Thursday. So we can exploit him but not push him? Anyway, the talk of the wrestling world is now the Highlight Reel (with "highlight" actually spelled right)! Listen to that Y2J chant! Quick rebuttal to Piper from SmackDown!: "It's time for you to eat some wheat germ or go on the Atkins Diet, because this is as talented as it gets!" Onto Judgment Day, where Jericho is in the I-C battle royal and will bring the gold to Canada. Now at Backlash, Jericho was the captain of the winning team at Backlash, and there's the footage of Triple H "fairly and squarely" pinning Kevin Nash for the win. Nash retaliates like a "typical American thug", as we see with last week's limosine attack. Nash has to pay for those windows out of his own pocket...and Nash is Jericho's guest this week. Nice plan...extend the talent as long as possible so Nash doesn't suck up the joint quite as long. No, that's not sarcasm. That's actually a nice plan. Nash tells Jericho to back off...and gets booed. Hunter tried to end Nash's career, but he's still standing. "Triple H! You're a dead man!" That's funny...because Hungry Hungry Hippos is tonight's OTHER guest...and he gets a good pop. Just when I was about to praise that Halifax crowd for cheering talent instead of others. Nash tosses Jericho over the top rope (more boos) and destroys the "set" while Hunter waits down the aisle. Hunter approaches the ring...low blow by Jericho (POP!). There's the opening for Hunter to go to work on Kevin Nash. Hunter with a chair....DAMMMMMMMMMMN! Nash avoids a chair Pedigree. Hunter grabs the chair, but is met with a big boot. Trading blows as the segment begins to dive into the seventh circle of hell. Nash finally does his typical offense to get the advantage on Hunter and dumps him out to the floor with a clothesline. And here comes some outside brawling! Is that a "Diesel sucks" chant? Hunter dodges a chair shot as JR admits the Nash hate is because he worked over Jericho instead of the crowd being pro-HHH. Nash sends Hunter into the steel steps...where the fuck is security? He rams the steps into Hunter's skull! That's busted him WIDE open! And now they're brawling down the aisle. And Ric Flair's in Australia, so therefore Hunter has no backup. No the referees and road agents try to break it up...down goes The Red Rooster! That gives Hunter a chance to use a sledgehammer. And a lead pipe. CUT TO COMMERCIAL ALREADY! Now a light stand to Nash. Nash sends Hunter into the Titantron, and let's start cueing the replays of this godawful segment. Now the fight is in the gorilla position...this is the longest boring ass brawl ever, and I remember the Big Bossman/Al Snow feud. God, I wish I could fast forward a live show. I need TiVo. Now they're outside the building and fighting by a conveniently placed ambulance. Out to the street, where Hunter conveniently tosses a truck driver aside and steals his SUV. Security tells Nash to let it go, and he gets nailed for his trouble!
HHHater Clock: One segment, 9:55, and no way to bring Hunter back without one hell of a logic gap. And this crowd is going to fuck with Vince McMahon's mind. Never mind that Hunter got no reaction outside of his intial entrance pop. Kevin Nash kept getting soundly booed whenever he had the upperhand, and all because he tossed a Canadian, Jericho, aside. Oh yeah, where the hell was Jericho for the last 10 minutes of his own segment? A boring ass brawl which shows that even a no DQ match at Judgment Day is going to bomb horribly. Three bottles of Corona for this one, and had it not been for Hunter's bladejob and Jericho getting huge pops, it would have been much worse. (5 1/2 Coronas total)
Segment 7
The crowd is "still buzzing" over what we were bored with last segment, so let's see parts of it AGAIN!
Back live, and the poor driver is being helped out as Jericho looks on with a smile. Austin is with him, and Jericho admits to being the architect of the entire thing. Jericho considers himself a main event guy, so next week he'll get the main event of Raw...against Kevin Nash. Did Bischoff agree to that? Jericho doesn't like it, that's for sure.
Your hosts discuss the match we've just signed. Now let's show you the finish of Lawler vs. Morley. And let's discuss the return of the Intercontinental Title (and apparently they're losing the 1998-2002 belt. Dammit!). And let's discuss Nash vs. HHH at Judgment Day.
One fall: Booker T vs. Lance Storm
A nice pop for fellow Canadian Storm. So the popular people get to face the Canadians and thus get depushed for lack of heat. Gotcha. WWE logic. Each man uses forearms and chops early. Brisco roll up by Booker, Storm rolls through and into a sharpshooter. Booker reaches the ropes. Storm with a leg lariat for 2. Booker with a spinebuster for 2. Flying forearm. Clothesline. Short knee to the midsection...Storm avoids the scissor kick but not the leg lariat...SPINNAROONIE! SPINNAROONIE TONY! But Storm levels Booker and nearly scores the quick pin. Booker with a flapjack, followed by a scissor kick for the pin at 2:33, and why the fuck does the one appealing match on the entire fucking card get shortchanged for moments ago footage?
La Resistance (or is it "Le" Resistance? I don't know my French articles) runs into Stacy, and they claim they acted in self-defense last week. They question why Stacy aligns herself with such "egoTesticle" people when they can be with two hot French-Canadians like themselves? Oh, just watch their debut match NEXT!
Now this is a blatant slap in the face to anybody who watches wrestling for the wrestling matches. You spend like five minutes showing us stuff we've already seen, then give the actual match (and one that fans might actually want to see) less than three minutes...and go with the finish that you know the crowd is going to shit on to top it all off. Two bottles of Corona, but this should have been good for at least one cup of coffee. Way to fuck the no-brainer up, guys!
Segment 8
Tag Team Contest scheduled for one fall: La Resistance vs. Spike Dudley and Tommy F'N Dreamer (w/no entrance)
Nice berets. Fresh out of the Monica Lewinski line of headgear. Yet no Monica-like kneepads despite the resemblance to Pat Patterson. Spike uses his speed to try to keep the French-Canadians at bay, but Rene Dupree pulls the ropes down to send Spike to the floor. Beatdown, into the ring, and Sylvan Grenier picks up where Dupree left off. Into a chinlock as the crowd rallies behind Spike. Double hiptoss, and Grenier covers for 2. Another chinlock. Battering ram by Spike, and Dreamer makes the tag. Spinebuster for 2. Dreamer with a DDT to one and a neckbreaker to the other at the same time (beautiful move!). Spike off the top for a double stomp, but a double flapjack leads Grenier to cover Spike for the pin at 3:13. They try to work over Spike with Dreamer's Singapore cane after the match, but out comes Scott Steiner. The 2-on-1 becomes too much, but out comes Test for the save. *yawn* Is the show over yet?
For you impatient ones out there, a piece on Miss Elizabeth on Confidential this week.
Color me completely unimpressed. This match wasn't entertaining, was too short to see what these guys can do (TWO chinlocks in a three minute match?), and it's a damn shame that guys who get a reaction like Dreamer and Spike get stuck looking like Wrestling Challenge jobbers while Kevin fucking Nash gets to suck the main event scene dry. Four bottles of Corona for this one for putting Test on my screen again (9 1/2 total). By the way, three segments...two announced matches...a beer bash...I think it's safe to say there's no Five Minute White Boy Challenge this week.
Segment 9
Bischoff on his cell phone, and he tells Linda McMahon that Austin is out of control. He can't work like this, but he doesn't want to resign. He's trying to get along with him. He even gave Trish the title shot that she LOST to Bischoff last week. Bisch says he'll raise the bar next week, then flirts with Linda some more...before getting hung up on. "Damn. Canadian cell service."
Someone Feed Terri talks to ChrisTIAN, who wants to be "Christian, the New People's Champion". He'll be against Goldberg, who happens to be on the cover of WWE Magazine. Christian is unimpressed, but tonight is Christian's night. He's still standing after two spears, and he'll avenge The Rock's loss at Backlash. "All of the people will be chanting my name." And they do! And tonight, Goldberg will be starting a new streak...a losing streak.
Trish the Cheating Bitch gets her title shot next!
I just can't help but smile, as the Canadian crowd puts over Christian's promo when he's supposed to get booed for it. Did nobody think of how this would backfire on them tonight? Goldberg's going to win though, and the crowd might riot because of it. You should have half a bottle of Corona still opened, so finish it up. (10 Coronas total, and still no coffee)
Segment 10
One fall for the WWE Women's Championship: Trish the Cheating Bitch vs. Jazz (champion--w/Peanuthead and Back Rodney Mack)
At least they tried to explain why Trish is getting the shot. But at least Rodney Mack made Raw somehow. Jazz outpowers Trish to start, then outwrestles and outbrawls her on top of it. Trish finally gets in an armdrag. Trish with a Victory roll for 2. Jazz comes back with a spinning back kick to the face. Big Leg Drop for 2. Trish with a Thesz press (w/punches). Series of chops. Jazz comes back with an elbow. Trish back with forearms. Long tries to use the shoe again but falls off the apron. Jazz with a power bomb, ropes for leverage, two count. Trish with the Stratusfaction, but there's Victoria on the apron. Down she goes to a Chick Kick, but Jazz uses the belt (given to her by Mack) and gets the pin at 2:34. Can you hear the crowd getting disgusted with the anti-Canadian booking tonight?
Goldberg vs. Christian is tonight, but so is the beer bash...and this is our last...
I give up. I should have joined the boycott. This was a slow but at least somewhat entertaining show for the first 45 minutes or so, the last hour or so has been complete boring dreck that wouldn't even end up on an early episode of the AWF. It's been that bad. You realize that in order for one Canadian to win on the Raw portion of this taping, then Christian has to beat Goldberg? And their in Canada! That would be like no Americans winning in Nashville at Starrcade 95. Oh yeah, three more bottles of Corona, and even the wall's looking bare at this point.
Segment 11
Main Event scheduled for one fall: ChrisTIAN vs. Goldberg
Is that a piped-in Goldberg chant? Because I'm detecting a LOT of boos mixed with it. Ooo, cute black and white tights for Goldberg tonight. BUT WAIT! Before the match can begin, Three Minute Warning and Rico are at the top of the ramp, and they haven't forgotten what happened last week. So before Christian tears him apart, they're getting a piece of Goldberg...and Rico proceeds to reveal the plan, much like the typical stupid evil villain. It's gonna be ninja at a time. So Christian, leave the ring until the myth's destroyed. Here they come, and none of them can get a discernable advantage. Finally they get an edge. Samoan drop by Jamal. But that didn't last long. Double spear! Jackhammer for Rico! And he pins Rico. Um...why? Christian gets in a chair shot from behind and runs like hell. Goldberg wants a piece of Christian, but here come Austin to the ring. They stand eye-to-eye, and I'm guessing they're not having THE ONLY MATCH THEY ADVERTISED BEFORE THE SHOW! Austin's out to drink some beer, but Goldberg's still in the ring. Does he have a problem with that? Goldberg: "Hell yeah I got a problem with that." Austin thinks his problem is that Goldberg's problem is he wants to kick Christian's ass, so he decides to make the match for next week. That ain't good enough, so let's put it inside a cage. Goldberg likes that one. So now Austin's got some beer to drink. But Goldberg is still staring at Austin...until Austin tosses him a couple of beers and toasts him. That is surreal! Here come hot female beer vendors to bring out more beer...and a shitload of extras who are here to party and earn 20 bucks while they're at it! An extended celebration, with Austin making swimming motions on the mat. Christ, this has gone on like four minutes now!
More of this bait and switch bullshit. What better way to please the fanbase than backing out on the only match you bothered to announce more than ten minutes before belltime? Jolly good show. ::rolls eyes:: And how damned long do you need to stay on the air to show two men drinking beer? We already have that. It's called "putting the cameras on fans in the Black Hole at a Raider game". Add another...oh, I don't know, six beers to this, because watching four minutes of beer drinking is not my idea of entertainment!
Overall, let's look at the numbers. HHHater Clock: One segment (featuring the worst brawl ever), 9:55. Number of matches: Five for 18:00 (Not counting the Christian-Goldberg match that didn't happen). Number of good matches: None, with only the Tag Title Match being of the "that didn't suck" variety. Final Cinco de Mayo beer count: 19 bottles of Corona. Hell, give yourself a full case if you actually WATCHED this crap!
This had some entertaining stuff (the Austin-Bischoff stuff started well before they went overboard with it), and I like that they're trying to build to future shows ahead of time (when was the last time two matches were signed a week ahead of time?), but overall, it's the same people being pushed in the main event, the midcard booking being uninspired at best, and the same line of complete shit that they've been trying to pass off as "entertainment" since the change to WWE a year ago. And just think, that boring ass brawl between Hunter and Nash is your Raw main event at a PAY-PER-VIEW! And where was the White Boy Challenge, which was done for the sole purpose that Rodney Mack would have to wrestle every week on Raw?
Pass on this show if you get a replay or a tape delayed first showing.
E-mail me if you haven't completely sworn off watching wrestling yet
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