From TNA SmackDown from JHawk's Beak (1/29/2004) Segment 1 We are taped 1/27/2004 from the MCI Center in Washington, DC. Michael Cole and Tazz bring you all the action. Your God and Mine Paul E. Heyman welcomes us to SmackDown. And before he can announce the main event, Mr. McAsshole makes his return to TV. I hate this show already, and it's only 8:01. Sign in crowd: "Don't talk to the internet." Vince says tonight was supposed to be a night of celebration as the winner of the Royal Rumble walked to the ring. But Chris Benoit's not going to be here because he was welcomed to Raw by Stone Cold Steve Austin. Why, he challenged Triple H for the World Title at WrestleMania. Vince blames it entirely on Heyman, as Benoit jumped through a legal loophole. Since Benoit's life was made a living hell by Heyman, he's jumped through that loophole and become Raw's sole property. Lots of boos for that one. So what's Heyman's explanation and/or apology? Heyman: "I say SCREW CHRIS BENOIT." It's the same thing Vincent Kennedy McMahon would say. When Scott Hall and Kevin Nash walked out, when Hulk Hogan walked out, when Bret Hart walked out he said "Screw them, I'll give someone else the chance." Heyman: "And you did screw Bret Hart, didn't you?" Vince: "Yes, I did." So tonight, in the finest tradition of WWE, for the first time ever on network television, SmackDown will present the Royal Rumble. Fifteen superstars walk down the aisle, and the winner gets his shot at the WWE Title at No Way Out. Matt Morgan is injured, so Hardcore Holly gets his spot. Good pop for that. And with no Benoit, Eddy Guerrero gets his spot. HUGE pop for that. And Heyman's prepared, so he's got the other 13 SmackDown entrants from the Rumble in there as well. But it is Vince's call, but it is coming after his vision and all. Vince: "I say SmackDown has a Royal Rumble!" COMMERCIAL BREAK I still don't like Benoit's "defection" to Raw, as we've established the precedent that it's for your brand's championship from last year's Rumble. But this is at least a logical progression of the new storyline, and hell, I'm all for getting to watch a Royal Rumble for free. I wonder how they'll fit commercial breaks into it without completely ruining the flow of it, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there, I guess. Segment 2 The troops have joined us, and it's snowing in D.C. At least it was on Tuesday. One fall for the WWE Tag Team Championship: The Basham Brothers (champions--w/Shaniqua) vs. Paul London and Billy Kidman Someone want to explain to me how a brand new team gets a title shot? Is it 1983 again? Doug and Kidman start. Doug outpowers Kidman at first. Kidman with a headscissors takedown. Tag to London, who gets a heel kick for 2. Dropsault for 2. Illegal double team by the champions to send London to the floor, and then Danny comes in without a tag as Kidman distracts Brian Hebner. Spinning back suplex by Danny. Tag to Doug, and they double team London. Double wristlock with a knee to the back. Tag to Danny, who kicks away at London. Double wristlock with a knee to the back. A mule kick breaks it and gets London to the corner for the hot tag. Kidman works over both Bashams, taking one down with a headlock as he takes another one down with a headscissors. Enzuigiri to Doug (who is legal) for 2. Shanqiua distracts the referee, allowing Danny to prevent the shooting star press, hit a hanging DDT, and score the illegal pin at 3:45. * Dawn Marie is spinning the hopper for the drawing, and My Olympic Hero has to draw his own number to make things legit. Once again, Angle's dedicating it to the troops. He's glad Benoit jumped ship, so he gets a second chance. He looks at his number and quickly hightails it. COMMERCIAL BREAK There are certainly worse ways to open the show, but here again is where that damn continuity thing comes in. There's no real rhyme or reason for London and Kidman to get the shot (like teaming together on TV before, in past years a prerequisite), and then the match isn't long enough to showcase what anybody can do. I'd love to see London and Kidman get a chance to team up more frequently, just to see how it works out. A double shooting star press for a finisher, anybody? Segment 3 Next week, the world premiere of Rey Mysterio's music video. Reminds me of a star from Mexico who used to wrestle for WCW in between music videos. Whatever happened to him? Chavito Guerrero is in bad shape as Chavo Guerrero Sr. questions how Eddy could have done such a beating to him at the Rumble. Chavo Jr. says the wound will heal, but the scars will be there forever. He will get his revenge on Uncle Eddy, and when he does, "Everyone will know who the biggest star is in the Guerrero family." Eddy Guerrero is in to draw his number. "Do me a favor. Blow on my ball for good luck." Rey Misterio Jr. brings in Jorge Paez, who's there to wish Eddy luck. Up next, Rey Jr. meets Jamie Noble. COMMERCIAL BREAK So the Guerrero family saga isn't over yet, and we get a celebrity sighting that I'm not sure anybody actually gets. Paez was a pretty successful boxer back in the day, but I haven't heard his name in years. Nothing major happening here. Segment 4 Thank you for ordering the Royal Rumble, but there were some injuries. John Cena was injured when he got eliminated by The Big Show. And John Cena draws his number. He wants Dawn to do it, but in Heyman's office, she can't grab anybody's balls. In comes The Man Beast Rhyno, who says it would be a shame if someone finished the job on Cena's bum knee. Cena: "You stink. Use some soap." Heyman: "I find no humor in that!" One fall for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship: Jamie By God Noble (w/Nidia) vs. Rey Misterio Jr. (champion) This is a rematch from Sunday's Royal Rumble, where Misterio got the win after Nidia "accidentally" tripped Noble. Quick takedown and cover by Noble for 2. Rey into a crucifix for 1. Front facelock by Noble. Hammerlock. Single-leg takedown for 1. Northern Lights suplex for 2. Counter sequence into an anklescissors takedown by Rey. Noble with a tilt-a-whirl into a backbreaker submission. Rey out of it. Armdrag. 619, but Noble stops it with an elbowsmash. Nidia again grabs Noble's leg, and Rey gets a spinning rana for 2. Noble regains control and shoots the Look of Death to Nidia. Backbreaker by Noble for 2. Seated abdominal stretch. When did Charles Robinson become a SmackDown referee? That must have been who Heyman got in the Benoit trade, I guess. Rey counters a pumphandle slam into a cradle for 2. Noble rams Rey's back into the turnbuckle, then busts out the ringpost bow-and-arrow. Chop. Corner whip, but Rey ducks the charge. Rey tries to go up top, but Noble's there to meet superplex, shades of The Dynamite Kid! Noble slow to cover, and he only gets 2. Rey again avoids a charge, then hits a flying bulldog for 2. Whip, reversal, Code Red by the champion for 2. Noble goes for the tiger driver, but Rey ranas him into the ropes and hits the 619. Noble ducks the West Coast Pop, and Noble maneuvers Rey outside, and he hits the floor hard. Noble goes up top, but Nidia's in the Nidia gets thrown into the ring. Nidia ducks a charging Noble, and Mysterio comes in for the pin at 7:48. **3/4 Nidia takes off the sunglasses and stares at Noble. She can see! It's a miracle! It's also the finish they should have done on Sunday! Rue DeBona has a special report, as rumor has it that Playboy wants a WWE tag team for the cover. It's Torrie Wilson and Sable. Playboy's already advertised it for crying out loud! Why are we treating this like the "Who Shot J.R." episode of Dallas? COMMERCIAL BREAK Seriously, this is exactly the match they should have given us on Sunday. You know, when people were asked to pay $34.95 to watch it. Absolutely no surprises here, but a very good match. My only real gripe is that Noble did all that work on Rey's back, and Rey basically forgot to sell it over the last two minutes or so. Segment 5 We're in Washington, DC. It's all snowy and stuff, but not on February 15 in San Francisco when we present No Way Out. Heyman asks Dawn to pick The Too Damn Big Show's ball (to chuckling by Dawn and Show) so he doesn't break the hopper. Dawn then marvels at the size of Show's hands. Josh Mathews wants to ask King Brock I about Bill Goldberg. Goldberg chants as we replay Goldberg's comments toward Brock from Raw. Is Brock afraid of Goldberg? Ever since Brock came to WWE, people assumed he was a Goldberg wannabe. But Goldberg wasn't the youngest WWE Champion ever and never main evented WrestleMania, so he's a Brock Lesnar wannabe. But tonight, Lesnar's coming to the ring. He's not afraid of anybody. Not Goldberg, not Bob Holly, nobody. So tonight, he'll come to the ring and issue an non-title open challenge. Louder Goldberg chants, and Brock hears them and gets all mad and stuff. Who's next? Dawn Marie tells The World's Greatest Tag Team to pick their balls, and Shelton Benjamin tries to grab Dawn's breasts. A technician tells Heyman that Eddy is hurt, and he goes running, and of course, Chavo Jr. and Sr. are there denying involvement. Rey Misterio Jr. comes out to check on him. COMMERCIAL BREAK Let me see...a Royal Rumble entrant is going in hurt...let's not telegraph this one or anything. And can we please get through one drawing segment without sexual innuendo? Get the writers some hookers or something already! But there you go. We fucked up the easiest storyline in the world to build toward Brock Lesnar vs. Goldberg. Sorry, but the only match I want to see Goldberg in at WrestleMania is one against Steve Austin. I know Austin's hurt, but if that's not the match, I'm not interested. Segment 6 During the break, Eddy Guerrero was loaded into an ambulance. With oxygen and everything. He's got between 20-50 minutes to come back for the know it's happening. Non-title contest scheduled for one fall: King Brock I (WWE Champion) vs. Orlando Jordan SmackDown is in Cleveland next week, and no, I won't be there. Brock kicks Jordan in the head pretty much as he enters the ring. And he quickly dumps him to the floor. Jordan comes in and attacks Lesnar from behind and out to the floor. Jordan with a couple of punches and a sunset flip for 2. Jordan finally gets caught and dumped into the corner, and Lesnar with a series of shoulderblocks. Huge powerslam. Bodyscissors. And he holds it. And holds it. And holds it. Jordan struggles to his feet and breaks the hold. Boot to the face. Kicks to the knee. Flying forearm. Dropkicks for 2. Lesnar into the corner...and out of it with a lariat! Brocklock, tap out at 4:20. Probably the one time four minutes is too long. 3/4* SmackDown superstars took the opportunity to visit injured soldiers at Walter Reed Hospital. This is neat and all, but I'd really rather see this left on Confidential. The SmackDown Royal Rumble is NEXT! COMMERCIAL BREAK Well, the point seemed to put Lesnar over big as we gear toward WrestleMania, but Orlando Jordan got in almost as much offense as Hardcore Holly did at the Rumble on Sunday. Eh, whatever. Merely a way to kill five or six minutes before the main event. Segment 7 We're in Washington, DC, and even though The Undertaker was buried alive by Kane at the Survivor Series, some "supernatural" stuff has been happening to Kane since Sunday. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Josh Mathews asks Vince McMahon if Taker had anything to do with that, but he's not John Edward and therefore doesn't talk to the dead. Vince thought he was going to be asked who was going to win the Rumble. So Josh asks, but Vince won't answer. Kurt Angle storms Heyman's office to see what's up with Eddy. Eddy's regained consciousness. Angle accuses Heyman of wanting to put Chavo Jr. in it. Heyman says if Eddy's back in time he's still in, and if he's not, Angle's odds went up. Royal Rumble Match to determine a number one contender for the WWE Title at No Way Out 90 second intervals. Kurt Angle draws #1. COMMERCIAL BREAK Why exactly does Angle care whether Eddy Guerrero is there or not? It seems like TSM's own Matt Ditaliano barely scratched the surface in his column this week. But now it's Angle in the Chris Benoit role from Sunday...but without the ready made storyline to guarantee him the victory. Segment 8 Rhyno is #2. Rhyno gets a kick to start. Series of punches, and Angle fights back. Whip, reversal, GORE! GORE! GORE! Rhyno wants to dump Angle, but it's dead weight, so he can't lift him. Series of forearms by Rhyno, and he tries to dump Angle to no avail. Angle Slam! Charlie Haas is #3. And he goes right after Angle. Continuity. That won't last long. Nice dropkick by Haas. Down go Haas' straps, but Rhyno hits him from behind. Rhyno tries to dump him over, but no go, and Angle attacks Rhyno. They brawl, with Angle getting the better of it, and Haas attacks from behind. Haas dumps Angle, who slides back in, and Shelton Benjamin is #4. How convenient. Benjamin with a snap suplex to Angle. Haas flapjacks Rhyno, and there's the World's Greatest Tag Team Move. Angle with Germans to each member of the former Team Angle, and he tries to keep everybody down. Haas eventually suplexes Angle as Rhyno and Benjamin go at it. Bradshaw is #5. Clothesline from Hell to Haas. And one for Rhyno. Benjamin after Bradshaw, but he eats a big boot. COMMERCIAL BREAK No eliminations, and a little bit of continuity with Charlie Haas going after his former mentor. So far so good, I guess, but this commercial is going to kill the flow for the home audience. Segment 9 Ernest Miller drew #6 during the break and was immediately eliminated. Tajiri Yoshihiro is #7 and targets Rhyno, who eliminated him on Sunday. Angle eliminated Miller after Miller started dancing, but as Tazz said, "He did some offensive moves, very impressive." I agree except for the impressive part. Billy Gunn is #8. He quickly gets the Fameasser on Bradshaw and tries to eliminate Benjamin, who saves himself. Haas also saves himself from elimination. Angle and Gunn brawl. Tajiri with a handspring elbow to Haas. Angle with an Ankle Lock to Benjamin, and Gunn saves him. The Big Show is #9. Here's where the eliminations start. Everybody waits for Show to enter the ring, and they all go after him. And Show clears seven guys away from him and starts beating on everybody. That spot always looks good. Tajiri is choke slammed over the top rope and is eliminated. Another gang tackle on Show, and again he clears everyone out. Show eliminates Bradshaw by pulling the top rope down, but not before eating a big boot. John Cena draws #10. Show waits in the ring and stares him down. Cena's got a knee brace on and yells at Show for injuring him, then goes to work on Show. Cena knocks Show over the top, but he lands on the apron... COMMERCIAL BREAK As expected, the commercial breaks are pretty much killing this one, as we missed almost an entire 90 second interval to watch a replay of all of Ernest Miller's involvement. Why they didn't wait two minutes for the first break I'll never know. This should be the last commercial break of the evening though, so we could salvage it. Segment 10 We're back, and Nunzio was #11 and eliminated by Cena, but Cena reaggravated the knee. Eddy Guerrero draws #13...and staggers to the ring. It looks like Ape Train drew #12, and Eddy quickly eliminates him. The crowd is behind Eddy bigtime here. Eddy ends up on Show's shoulders but luckily falls to the mat. If you can be lucky falling seven feet to the canvas. Rikishi is #14. Rikishi superkicks Gunn over the top rope, but Gunn is able to stay in. Rikishi knocks Show down into the corner, clotheslines Angle, then gives Show a Stink Face. And one for Benjamin. And one for Billy Gunn. Well, he is "Mr. Ass". Softcore Holly is #15 and the final entrant. And he targets Angle, who has been in for 22 minutes at this point. Holly tries to eliminate Angle, but nothing doing. Show chokes Cena over the top rope and gets kicked off the apron to be eliminated. One of Show's legs is over the top rope, and that gives about six guys (and Cena) the opportunity to eliminate him. Tazz bitches about it, but Show's officially gone. Gunn tries to avalanche Eddy but misses. Here's a replay of previous elimianations. Rikishi squashes Eddy in the corner. Angle tries to eliminate Gunn and can't. Haas tries to eliminate Eddy, Eddy eliminates Haas after 22 minutes and change. Angle eliminates Benjamin. Angle with an Angle Slam to Rikishi, followed by Eddy's frog splash to Rikishi. Angle eliminates Holly as Holly tries to eliminate Gunn. Final Four: Angle, Gunn, Eddy, and Rikishi. Eddy goes to monkey flip Gunn and gets caught, so he eliminates Gunn with a monkey flip and hangs on to stay alive. Eddy and Angle try to double team Rikishi, but Rikishi is in control. Superkick to Angle. Samoan drop to Eddy. Rikishi climbs the ropes for the Rump Shaker, but Angle rolls out of the way. Eddy goes for the elimination, but Rikishi saves himself with an elbow. Angle tries, but another elbow gets the save. So they both try it, and Rikishi is gone! It's down to Eddy and Angle. Amateur wrestling sequence. Eddy ends it with an elbow. Eddy tries to backdrop Angle over, but Angle lands on the apron. Hard right hand by Angle. Punches by Eddy now, but Angle goes into rolling German suplexes. Angle wants to German Eddy over the top, but Eddy hangs on. Eddy avoids a kick, and he ankle locks Angle, the climbs back in the ring while still utilizing the hold. Angle reverses into an ankle lock and puts another one on with Eddy over the top rope. Over they both go as Eddy counters, but they both hang on. Nice spot. Trading blows now. Hard elbow by Eddy, and into the rolling vertical suplexes. Eddy's feeling froggy. He holds his head as he climbs up top, but Angle runs up the ropes. Both men fall, and both men teeter. Angle rolls in, and Eddy gets in a few seconds earlier. Wow. Trading blows again as they Eddy chants begin. Angle with a sleeperhold. Into more of a reverse chinlock, but Eddy looks about out cold. Eddy tries to work his way to his feet. Eddy moves to the ropes and sends Angle over, but Angle stays on the apron. Right hand, and Angle hangs on. Another right hand, and Angle barely hanging on. Another, and again he hangs on. Shoulderblock by Angle. Angle goes to a suplex, but Eddy counters and dumps Angle forward to eliminate him and win at 36:59. Wow! Talk about hot finishes. Very hard to rate it with the commercial breaks and the replays in the middle, but I'll call it ***1/2 based on what we saw. Eddy celebrates, and Angle's visibly upset. END OF SHOW Well, the commercials hurt the flow of the match considerably. Hell, by the time I realized that A-Train was in the ring, Eddy was already eliminating him. That takes some of the fun out of it. But the finish more than made up for it. A great way to show exactly how much that title shot meant to these two guys, as they both came so close to elimination so many times and yet found ways to stay alive. I'm not sure any other two guys could have pulled that sequence off for that long without somebody hitting the floor before they were supposed to. Overall, a largely wrestling heavy show, just the way I like it. Enough angle development to put some things in motion, but SmackDown's in the unique situation of trying to build up No Way Out while the WrestleMania hype is in full swing. That could hurt No Way Out in the long run, although they did a nice job of balancing things out. Thumbs up overall, but I miss Benoit. Send me somefeedback or check out the archives. © Copyright by |