
The Royal Treatment: Smackdown (7.29.04)
By Peter Kostka
Jul 29, 2004, 23:11

Can SD build on a pretty good offering last week? Let�s see.

Previously recorded in Cincinatti, Ohio.

- Recap of the events at the end of last week�s show, where Mr. McMahon relieved Kurt Angle (he is Mr. Angle no more) of his GM duties and put him back on the active roster. Michael Cole notes that McMahon rehired all of the people Angle fired last week.

- Booker T heads out to the ring, US title around his waist. He was promised last week that he would officially be declared champion. The man who promised him isn�t in power anymore, but he still expects whoever is in charge to make good. Kenzo Suzuki comes out, and we basically get a repeat of the opening segment two weeks ago, but this time Luther Reigns, Charlie Haas, Rene Dupree, Rob Van Dam, Billy Gunn and finally John Cena join them, triggering an 8-way brawl. Mr. McMahon stomps out, threatening firings for all. It seems like he�s always involved with some controversy, so he�s going to let someone else handle it and introduces the new Smackdown GM��..Theodore L. Long? Well, ok. Booker seems to be very pleased with the decision and launches into a premature acceptance speech before Long cuts him off and tells him that he won�t be getting the title because �you�ve been hating on Smackdown ever since you got here.� No one is going to be given the title, it will be up for grabs in an 8-man elimination match tonight.

Thoughts: Kind of an unexpected decision to put Long in the role, but the guy hasn�t been on TV in forever, and he can speak, so I don�t have too much of a problem.

Rey Mysterio � vs. Spike Dudley (Cruiser title match)

Man, even Rey looks better built than Spike. They have a friendly handshake and launch into a gymnastics exhibition to start, which gets applause from the crowd. Rey works the arm and gets a go-behind, and which Spike elbows out, which Rey does not appreciate. Things get heated as they lock up and topple to the floor. Back in, the gloves are off as Rey hits a vicious tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for 2. Spike takes control and hits an inverted atomic drop followed by a clothesline for 2 himself. Spike whips Rey hard into the corner and tries another one, but Rey reverses, leading to a Spike springboard headscissors and the running stomp. Spike goes up, but Rey crotches him and goes for a superplex, but Spike blocks it and tries a sunset bomb, but Rey blocks that and rolls through, dropkicking Spike in the face for 2. Spike avoids a springboard splash and gets a roll-up for 2. He tries the Dudley Dog, and Rey avoids it, but Spike gets a normal bulldog instead, getting 2. He goes up for the double stomp, but meets a boot to the face and gets set up for the 619. D�Von runs down and gets in Spike�s face, which draws the ref over and allows Buh Buh, who was hiding under the ring, to trip up Rey and leads to Spike hitting the Dudley Dog for the pin and the title. He notices his brothers standing in the aisle and congratulating him, and realizes what happened.

Rating: 3/10

Thoughts: These guys just didn�t really click in the ring, in my view. Spike tried to keep up with Rey, but it just didn�t work out that well. They did some good counters and aerial things, but it was just too rushed.

- RAW Rebound, which focuses on the Ironman match. I�d put it over the SD Ironman, but they really didn�t get it going until the second half; the first 30 minutes didn�t have much focus and was pretty dull.

- During the break, Spike tried to apologize to Rey for his brothers� actions.

- Clips of the JBL-Taker confrontation, as the title match is official for SummerSlam.

- Theodore tells the Divas that they won�t be underused during his watch before heading to his new office, where Kurt Angle sits. He�s not angry that Long is the new GM; he probably would have named Long his successor anyway, making him the first black SD GM. Theodore tells him that McMahon didn�t hire him because he was black; he did it because Vince knew he would do a good job. He tries to book Angle in a match tonight, but Angle says he can�t face the people because he is emotionally distraught. And besides, he forgot his gear. Theodore fines him 1,000 �dolla-dolla bills� for not being ready for work and promises Angle will be in action next week, no matter what condition he is in.

- Another Heidenreich promo. Heidenreich. Did you get that guy�s name? Heidenreich. I didn�t quite hear it. Heidenreich.

Paul London and Billy Kidman � vs. The Dudley Boys (WWE tag title match)

London and D�Von start, with London taking control and hitting a dropkick for 2. Buh Buh tags in and London gets a headlock, but Buh Buh picks him up and slams him to the mat, sending Paul over to tag Billy. They trade armlocks and Buh Buh goes for his Bomb, but Kidman blocks it and armdrags him down. Buh Buh takes back control in the corner, but Kidman springs up the corner on a whip and headscissors Buh Buh down. D�Von comes in and gets backdropped, leading to some double teaming by London and Kidman. The Dudleys take back control, however, and dump the champs to the outside as we take a break.

Coming back D�Von has a chinlock on Kidman. He fights out of it and gets a sunset flip for 2, but D�Von answers with a flying elbow for 2. He gets a neck wrench, but Kidman gets out of it with an enziguri and tags London. It�s dropsaults for all and a side of heel kick for D�Von, but Buh Buh breaks the pin. He slams London and goes for the whassup headbutt, but Kidman crotches D�Von while London kicks Buh Buh down, leading to a double superplex on D�Von for 2. Buh Buh trips up Kidman and drags him out as D�Von takes London�s head off with a clothesline for 2. They go for the 3D, but Kidman comes back in and dropkicks Buh Buh out and dives out after him, but hits the announce table more than he hits Buh Buh. He grabs a chair, but Rey Mysterio comes in through the crowd and dropkicks it into his face. Back in, London gets a small package on D�Von for the pin.

Rating: 4/10

Thoughts: It seems like that D�Von is actually getting worse in the ring as the weeks go by, as it is painfully obvious that Buh Buh is the superior worker of the duo. I don�t really know what it is, but London just doesn�t impress me much right now. It might be because he seems to be working more with D�Von in the ring instead of Buh Buh (who makes Kidman look pretty good), but I�m not drooling over the guy.

- Ivory speaks with Mick Foley at the Democratic Convention, as WWE tries to convince the 18-30 demographic to actually care about politics. Not WWE related, but what the hell is up with these �Vote or Die� shirts that celebrities are wearing nowadays? And why does MTV think using the phrase �Vote for something� is going to work? It seems like they are pleading for people to vote without giving them a good reason. Americans are apathetic about politics, and it�s going to take more than P. Diddy wearing a stupid shirt to change things. I�ll step off the soapbox now.

- Eddie Guerrero heads into the arena with a surprise in the back of his lowrider. He feels for Angle, since it must have been embarrassing to get fired in public like he did, but Eddie plans to embarrass Angle even more at SummerSlam. He calls him out to fight, but Angle stays in the back. Eddie knew Angle would probably not show, so he �borrowed� some things from Angle�s old GM office, and he will give them back if Angle wants them. Still no Angle, so Eddie decides to put it all up for auction on, bringing out the Z-level comedy when describing each item (although, saying his cousin will install hydraulics in the wheelchair for free was worth a laugh). He grabs a framed picture of Angle and draws in hair and a beard, which Cole enjoys (if he thinks it�s funny, you know it isn�t). If I wanted a stand-up routine, Last Comic Standing is on NBC right now. Finally, Eddie pulls out the medals, and decides to just auction them off to the crowd. The bidding gets to a dollar before Angle finally comes out. Eddie challenges Angle to come get his medals, but he decides to take the low-rider instead. Eddie warns him that there is an anti-theft device installed, but Angle doesn�t believe him, until he gets a fire extinguisher blast to the face when he starts the car. Insert laugh track here. Eddie finishes the segment with a rousing �you suck� chant for Angle.

Thoughts: I could have done without the �Night at the Improv� approach to this segment. Angle at least played off Eddie�s goofiness well. I wish Angle would have just forgot about the crowd and just pounded on Eddie, though.

Next Week: Spike and Rey meet the Dudleys while Kurt Angle will be in action.

- We get a �historical perspective� of JBL (paid for by the Friends and Fans of JBL), which comes off like a profile of someone running for President. Did you know he broke his leg in college, but played the last two games of the season anyway? Kind of pointless, but funny nonetheless.

Eight man elimination match for the US title

RVD and Charlie Haas start, with RVD getting a quick bodyscissors rollup for 2. Haas goes for the arm and gets a rollup of his own for 2. Haas goes back to the arm, but RVD escapes, and gets yanked down by the hair by Rene Dupree (which counts as a tag, apparently). He controls for a bit, but Haas scores a dropkick for 2 and goes for the arm. Rene slugs back and chops him down for 2. Haas whips him, but runs into a boot and Dupree goes up. Billy Gunn tags himself in (pushing Rene off the top and into a suplex in the process) and hits the Dumbasser on Haas for the pin. And we take a break.

Coming back, Rene has control of the match and stops for some Outrageous French Two-Stepping, but Gunn trips him up and slugs him in the corner, but Luther Reigns tags himself in for Gunn and hits a neckbreaker on Dupree for the pin.

Luther wants John Cena, who obliges. Cena slugs away and Reigns shoves him off, but Cena just comes back for more. Reigns shoves him off again and meets a charging Cena with his boot, getting 2. He hits another sweet butterfly suplex for another 2 and hits the chinlock. Cena fights out and they brawl to the corner, where Kenzo Suzuki tags himself in as Cena and Reigns head to the outside. Cena sends Reigns to the post and slugs Kenzo down. Hiroko tries to get involved, but instead receives a kiss from Cena, who celebrates with an Icky Shuffle (since they are in Cincinatti). Kenzo grabs the title belt and nails Cena with it, drawing a DQ. What a moron. And we take another break as the ref ousts Kenzo.

Coming back, Booker T controls on Cena and hits a hook kick. Cena rallies, sending Booker over to tag Gunn in, who hits a fisherman�s suplex on Cena for 2. Cena fights back again, but Gunn grabs a sleeper, to which Cena counters with a back suplex. Cena runs through Gunn, ending with the 5 Knuckle Shuffle, but Gunn kicks out at 2. Gunn sneaks behind and hits the One and Only, getting 2. Gunn charges, but eats the corner and turns into an FU for the pin.

Reigns comes back in and drops a knee on Cena for 2. He hits the chinlock, but Cena fights out of it and ducks a clothesline, hitting the FU on Reigns for the pin.

Booker comes in and hits the Book End, getting 2. He goes for the scissors kick, but Cena counters with a DDT, and Booker tags RVD in. RVD works Cena over in the corner, hitting a Northern lights suplex for 2. RVD scores with a kick to the face and hits the split-legged moonsault for another 2. Cena reverses a whip, but eats a boot and RVD lands the flying kick before heading out. Booker tries to pull him off (tagging himself in in the process) and gets slugged down. RVD goes up and nails the Five Star, but Booker slides in and steals the pin on Cena, immediately finishing RVD off with the scissors kick afterwards for the title.

Rating: 5/10

Thoughts: This might have set a record for blind tags in a match. It�s good that they established that a guy slapping the legal man on the shoulder constitutes a tag early on, since the finish would not have worked at all if they didn�t. It also got across the point that none of them cared about each other; they just wanted to get into the match. Billy Gunn getting a good amount of ring time, and not being the first elimination, sinks the rating big time. No one cares about you anymore, Billy. Go away. Please. This would have worked a lot better as just a four way between Booker, Cena, Reigns (since he has an issue with Cena), and RVD.

Final Thoughts: A step back from last week�s show, as we had way too many promos and less ring action. The main was decent, but had a lot of guys that shouldn�t have been in the match in the first place.

I�ll see you Monday for RAW. JHawk will see you Thursday.

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