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Hello and welcome to
If you are reading this, there is an excellent chance you are a wrestling fan. As wrestling fans, many of us have witnessed the evolution of the business. We watched in amazement as Ric Flair and the Four Horsemen rose to prominence. We were there when Vern Gagne's AWA crumbled and met its demise. We watched Wrestlemania become an institution as Hulkamania was running wild! We became aware of how great a wrestling match could be after witnessing the actions of Ricky Steamboat and Randy Savage. As wrestling fans, we watched with bewilderment as ECW raised the bar of acceptable behavior. For many of us, Monday nights were a chance to share with obnoxious friends, drinking our beverage of choice (read beer) with a noticeable lack of females present. We anticipated every Monday Night, eagerly watching the antics of the nWo and "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, albeit on different stations. We were shocked as we witnessed the Montreal "screwjob" and rejoiced when our favorite wrestler obtained gold. Now, the choices are fewer on Monday nights but the faithful still tune in to watch Vince McMahon's empire. Not long ago, there was a wrestling site called thesmarks.com. One of the features of this site was a message board where wrestling fans could interact with each other and discuss the current wrestling scene. When thesmarks.com chose to merge with 411wrestling, the message board was in danger of becoming extinct. What about the wrestling fans who enjoyed our community? Well, with the hard work and creativity of many people, we chose to forge our own identity and provide a site that will allow our community to grow. The first step in forging our identity was the naming of the site. After a public vote in the forum, thesmartmarks was chosen as a worthy successor to the websites that have come before us. This is our creation that you helped to build. TheSmartMarks.com will provide you with a wrestling fan's glance at the business of wrestling. We have a great staff of writers, some of whom you may be familiar with. You'll have the chance to read recaps and reviews on a variety of wrestling programming. You will read a diverse range of wrestling opinions from our columnists, who span across the continent. Our pop culture section will give you insight into the world of music, movies and DVD's. The Vanilla Midgets section is your opportunity to write for the site and voice your opinion because the readers are the real workhorses, never fully appreciated but always the most important component. "Leave no man behind." This message evokes a sense of belonging and respect. It is the goal of this website to provide another outlet for wrestling fans to express themselves. Hence, we aim to include you in everything we do: from expressing your thoughts and ideas in our forum; to providing feedback to our staff of writers; and even the opportunity to write a column with the possibility of appearing on the website. We cannot emphasize enough that this is an interactive community. Our site is only as good as our readers and we hope you'll get as much from it as we do. |