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Tape Reviews
True 'till Death Review: The Best of Colt Cabana Vol 1
Posted by Jay Doring on Aug 14, 2003, 21:12
I'm not good at introductions, so I'm going to make this quick and painless (like my love life). My name is Jay Doring, one-third of the Paradise City Ninjas and for one brief and glorious week, one of the biggest heels in the Internet Wrestling Syndicate. Somehow I lucked into getting a tape review column of my own, covering "Best Of" compilations, CZW, smaller indys, and basically anything Jared and Thomas don't review. So before I gas out like Billy Gunn, let's get to the review.
Incredibly talented and versatile in the ring and on the microphone, �Classic� Colt Cabana is rapidly becoming a major player on the independent wrestling scene. Trained by Danny Dominion and Ace Steel, Cabana began his career in Minnesota�s Steel Domain Wrestling, vying for the title of �Best in the Midwest� with his training partner and �best friend/worst enemy� CM Punk (who he wrestled 36 times in one year.) Cabana gained national attention in the literal Clockwork Orange House of Fun that is Ian Rotten�s IWA Mid-South promotion, putting on a series of show-stealing matches with Punk and Chris Hero, a clique that came to be known as �The Gold Bond Mafia� Now a full-time member of the Ring of Honor roster, and a part of the most interesting heel faction in quite some time, The Second City Saints (along with Punk and Steel) the sky is the limit for Cabana in 2003. �The Best of Colt Cabana Volume 1� features matches Cabana chose himself from 2001, in Steel Domain, IWA, and other assorted Midwestern independents.
CM Punk vs. Colt Cabana- 2/3 Falls, Special Ref. Danny Dominion (SDW 8/18/01)
This was shot on a S-VHS video camera and dubbed down two generations, so the picture quality is quite grainy and awkward edits come out of nowhere. Both men have evolved quite a bit since this match, as here Cabana is easily about 30 pounds lighter than he is today and Punk is a happy-go-lucky babyface entering the ring to the Bouncing Souls� �Ole.�� This is for Punk�s Twin Cities TV title and a shot at heavyweight champ Dominion. Both men open with a lightning-fast criss-cross into a snap release Belly to Belly by Cabana. Both guys have their flying shoes on for each other as they exchange blink-and-you�ll-miss-em chain sequences similar to Jonny Storm vs. Jody Fleisch from CZW Best of the Best 2.� For a relatively unknown independent, the crowd is LARGE AND AMPED for this match. Both men are faces in this match and acknowledged as friends by the announcers, but they also note that the crowd is far more behind Punk than Cabana, which comes into play later. Punk and Cabana shake hands and head into the meat and potatoes of the match. Both men try backslides, and Cabana counters with a STIFF dropkick to the face and drops him over the ropes with a reverse suplex. Punk counters with Jerry Lynn�s legdrop guillotine and tries for a tornado DDT, but Cabana DROPS HIM CROTCH FIRST on a steel chair on the outside! Cabana follows up that bit of viciousness with a BEAUTIFUL Asai Moonsault, rivaling Chris Daniels� in pure grace. Back in, Punk catches Cabana with a reverse enziguiri, sending Cabana to the outside, and Punk capitalizes with an INSANE SUICIDE DIVE-THE CROWD IS NUKED, and it�s only the first fall! Punk hits his Crooked Moonsault (that�s what CM stands for) for 2. Springboard dropkick gets two, and we hit the chinlock.� Cabana fights out, and hits a SICK Airplane Spin into a Stunner, dropping him on the top rope, and Cabana�s Frogsplash gets the three count to put him up 1-0.
The crowd starts chanting for Punk, to the bewilderment of Cabana (FORESHADOWING~!) and they come out of the gate FUCKING EACH OTHER UP with nasty stiff chops. Punk gets the advantage and MURDERS Cabana with a Backdrop Driver for 2, followed up by a Belly-to-Belly for two. Excellent logical psychology, as Punk tried to even up the score without spending too much time and energy. Punk tries a monkey flip, but Cabana deposits him on the top and KNOCKS HIM OFF TO THE FLOOR. Nasty and dramatic-looking bump by the Pepsi man. Cabana is now noticeably upping the aggression, catching Punk with a springboard elbow as he crawls into the ring. Now Cabana heads to the top, cut off by Punk, both men standing on the top- MEGA RELEASE BELLY-TO-BELLY, CABANA IS CONVULSING! Punk takes too much time and only gets a near-fall however. Punk tries for another moonsault, but Cabana grabs him in an Electric Chair-TURNED INTO A REVERSE RANA BY PUNK! HE SPIKED HIM ON HIS HEAD! Cabana is dead, and that gets the academic three count to even up the match.
Suddenly, heel manager Dave Prazak arrives at ringside, and Cabana viciously jumps him from behind for the heel turn! The crowd, which had been pulling for Punk anyway, now begins openly calling for Cabana�s head. You can even see a little kid in the front row throw down his Cabana visor and start screaming at him. Now turned to the dark side, Cabana chokes out Punk, and distracts the referee so Prazak can choke out Punk. The crowd is GOING NUTS, waving their arms and chanting for Punk to get back into the match. Prazak pulls the top rope down, sending Punk with a thud to the outside, and special ref Danny Dominion finally interjects himself by ejecting Prazak. Cabana BRINGS THE HATE by flinging Punk into a row of steel chairs! Cabana drags the dead Punk into the ring, and adds in some Ohtani-level dickishness by wiping his feet on Punk. Desperation Rube Goldberg bulldog by Punk, and he�s FIRED UP! Crooked Moonsault misses though, and both men are down. Prazak tries to throw in a chair, but Dominion kicks it away, and Punk gets a botched rolling clutch pin for the three and a MEGA POP! PUNK WINS PUNK WINS!
Now THIS is how you start off a �Best Of� tape, with an incredible match against your most famous opponent. Every move and action by both men told had a purpose and forwarded the story of Cabana gradually abandoning his friendship with Punk to chase the gold. Throw in a very loud and markish (in a good way) crowd screaming their heads off for every sequence, and you have a MUST-SEE match.
Winner: CM Punk
Rating: ****1/2
Colt Cabana and American Kickboxer vs. Chris Hero and Mike Quackenbush (IWA Mid-South 9/8/01)
Chris Hero is the newest indy wrestling darling on the �Net, with a technical style very similar to American Dragon, and is famous for two things: the 93-minute classic with CM Punk and getting annihilated and buried by the H8 Club at CZW�s Cage of Death 4 show. Mike Quackenbush is probably the most underappreciated elite wrestler in the independents, mainly because he only wrestles stateside in Chikara Pro Wrestling, where he�s the head trainer of the famous Chikara Wrestling School. Quack is also the author of the incredibly fascinating look at the indy wrestling business, �Headquarters.� American Kickboxer is one of the saddest stories on the independents. Several years ago, he asked Les Thatcher what it would take for him to �make it� to WWE. Thatcher told him to cut the highspots and hardcore wrestling or he would be crippled before he was 30. Kickboxer didn�t listen, and now he�s out of the business due to injury before his 30th birthday.
History lesson over, now let�s get to the match: Hero is the only heel in this match, and Quackenbush is his unwilling tag team partner. Quack mocks Hero, calling him a �monkey,� which led to chants of �monkeyboy� and �monkey-bitch� throughout the match. Kickboxer and Quack with the standard indy mat sequence ending with the Applause Stance, and Hero and Cabana are tagged in. Hero doesn�t want in, so Quack says �if you come back I�ll give you a banana!� No dice, and Quack and Cabana lock up for another Indy Applause Sequence. Hero finally comes in, but the monkey chats overpower him and he pouts in the corner. Cabana miraculously gets the crowd to call Hero a �towel,� and Hero bails to more mockery and accusations of venereal disease. START THE MATCH PLEASE! FINALLY, Hero escapes an armbar with a kip-up, and nails Colt with a chicken-wing DDT. Hero follows up with a Hangman�s Neckbreaker and a running forearm as the crowd chants for Colt. That�s five minutes elapsed and a total of three wrestling moves. Cabana with a suplex and a surfboard, and in comes Kickboxer to DRILL Hero with a Kaientai-style dropkick to the face. Kickboxer with a super-rotation satellite headscissors, but Hero recovers and nails D�Lo�s Sudden Impact for a nearfall. Quack tags in and puts Kickboxer in an upside-down leg stretch that defies description. Quack holds him for Hero, but some classic MISCOMMUNICATION~! staggers Quack and leaves him prey to a Cabana swinging Michinoku Driver. Quack recovers and they bounce off for a double KO. Tag to Kickboxer, and he GOES TO TOWN on Hero with Low-Ki style stiff roundhouses. Quack comes in with a PALM STRIKE~! that sends Kickboxer to the outside, and he follows up with Sonjay Dutt�s Hindu Press (360 spinning plancha) on Cabana. Meanwhile, Kickboxer has climbed the Spyder�s Nest (ECW-Arena style staging area) and he jumps off and LANDS A HURRICANRANA ON HERO~! Awesome. Back in, Colt connects with the COLT 45~! (Double Underhook Canadian Backbreaker) on Quack, but apparently it�s not his finisher yet so he doesn�t cover and pancakes Kickboxer on top of him for a couple of nearfalls. Quack with the REVERSE RANA OF DEATH on Cabana, but all of a sudden he decides �fuck it� and stiffs Hero right in the head. Man, does Hero ever catch a break in tag matches? TUMBLEWEED LEGDROP by Cabana, and all three fall on top to pin Hero. Ooooo-kay.
This was a pretty entertaining tag match with some eye-popping spots (that rana off the Nest especially) but the interminable stalling at the beginning and the very odd and somewhat nonsensical face/heel dynamics hurt it a lot from a pure quality standpoint. Not the kind of match I�d put on a �Best Of�- Cabana probably wanted to include his buddy Hero on there somewhere.
Winner: Colt Cabana and American Kickboxer
Rating: **1/4
The Super Heroes (Ace Steel, Danny Dominion, Chris Hero and CM Punk) vs. Colt Cabana, Ian Rotten, Suicide Kid, and 2 Cold Scorpio (IWA Mid-South 8/11/01)
This is a 45 minute Survivor Series-style match hacked to death into a 5 minute highlight package, with everybody hitting dives (including the REFEREE chiming in with a springboard somersault plancha) highspots, and finishers. The clipping itself is also pretty random, cutting in the middle of moves and leaving a very odd tape scratch between edits.� �Big name� Scorpio gets the star treatment, hitting Steel with a moonsault from 4/5ths of the way across the ring to be the final survivor and pick up the win for his team. The crowd seemed pretty jacked throughout though, and I�d be interested to see this match in full.
Winners: Colt Cabana, Suicide Kid, Ian Rotten, 2 Cold Scorpio
Rating: N/R
Ace Steel and Danny Dominion vs. CM Punk and Colt Cabana � (SDW 3/4/01)
It�s student vs. teacher time, in front of another jam-packed and raucous SDW crowd. The future Second City Saints clean house to start and hit stereo suicide dives over the ropes on their trainers. There is a missing bit of footage due to a GIANT TAPE SCRATCH OF IRRITATION, and we come back 20 seconds later to Punk fighting out of a Steel headlock and hitting some crisp armdrags. Funny spot as Punk stands on a flailing Steel�s hand for about a minute while posing for the crowd, before dropping a big leg, brother. Dominion comes in and falls prey to some Punk chicanery, and the Punker slows it down with a headlock. Punk with a RG Bulldog off a criss-cross for two, and in comes Cabana with a BEAUTIFUL second-rope moonsault. Cabana with a springboard forearm on Dominion and a TORNADO SNAP SUPLEX-NICE! Some double-teaming from the Saints, but Dominion fires back with a flying forearm to LOUD boos. It�s really refreshing to see crowds on the indys that don�t just pop for fancy highspots or sick bumps and just get into the match as fans. Steel and Dominion now absolutely go to town on Cabana, with old school heelness and eyepokes and stomps galore. Dominion then KILLS CABANA DEAD with Big Show�s �Alley Oop� reverse powerbomb, as the crowd starts stomping and clapping for Cabana.� Cabana tries to fire back, but gets nailed with a BRUTAL Backdrop Driver by Dominion. Steel with the super-asshole sitdown pin, reversed to a sunset flip for two. The heels dump Cabana, leaving him prey for Dave Prazak to do a Cornette impression and STOMP HIM DOWN! The kayfabe throwback goodness continues! Cabana with some desperation rollups, and FINALLY a release Northern Lights Suplex, as the crowd is GOING NUTS for a tag. Steel CUTS HIM OFF as the fans have a collective heart attack, and he adds to that bit of dickishness by killing Cabana�s momentum dead with a HIGH-VELOCITY SPRINGBOARD TORNADO DDT! Damn, that was just cruel. Dominion comes in and slows it down after a dropkick, but� Cabana stops him on the top rope with some funky punches and a frankensteiner! He makes the HOT AND SPICY TAG to Punk for a POP and Punk is LA CASA DI FUOCO~! BODYSLAM! DROPKICK! THE TEN COUNT OF PUNCHES! Double Russian Legsweep by the Saints and Punk heads up top, bur Prazak crotches him, and to complete the rudo trifecta Dominion GRABS THE TIGHTS on a rollup for the pinfall.
This entire match was like �How to Work a Crowd 101.� Some classic 80�s NWA/WWF Tag Format, a heat segment done to perfection by Steel and Dominion, complete with every heel tactic in the book, and some high-impact New Age offense, makes this the most enjoyable tag team match I�ve seen in a while. Toss in a super-hot crowd and you�ve got a match that makes you feel like a 10-year-old mark again. That�s TWO **** matches on this tape, my friends.
Winners: Ace Steel and Danny Dominion
Rating: ****
Colt Cabana vs. Jerry Lynn- (IWA Mid South 2/3/01)
Because this was taped by IWA, all the Smart Mark Video graphics and commentary are gone during this match, replaced by a single hard camera on a balcony that�s pulled waaaay back. Cabana and Lynn fight over an arm wringer for Indy Applause Stance #1. Monkey flip, Cabana lands on his feet but Lynn hits him with a Bossman slam for two, and they back off for ANOHER Indy Applause Stance. The number one sign Jerry Lynn is mailing a match in: he does as many of these as humanly possible, and as I type this, he does a THIRD Indy Applause Stance. Cabana backs Lynn into a corner and the exchange chops, and Lynn gets his corner sunset flip off an irish whip for 2. Cabana comes back with a dropkick and pounds away on Lynn, and hits his flying forearm for a nearfall. He eats elbow on a blind charge, but recovers with a quick powerslam. Lynn recovers and hits his signature guillotine legdrop through the ropes, and they brawl on the outside. Back in, Lynn gets his RG bulldog as Ace Steel arrives at ringside. Cabana with a nice standing Frankensteiner, but Lynn DRILLS him with the Tornado Backbreaker for a close two count. Cradle Piledriver attempt is reversed, and we hit the Malenko/Guerrero sequence to complete the cycle of indy wrestling clich�s. Cabana blocks a second RGB attempt and goes for the second-rope moonsault, but it hits canvas and Lynn gets his HIGH-VELOCITY TORNADO DDT~! Cabana comes back with a hangman�s neckbreaker for 2, but the ref is bumped as Cabana hits the MODIFIED COLT 45~! Cabana tries for a splash, but Ace Steel shoves him off and Lynn gets the Cradle Piledriver and the win.� Lynn puts Cabana over on the microphone afterwards.
Nothing was actively bad in this match, outside of the use of spots that got old on the independents five years ago, but this could have been so much better. Lynn seemed content to just hit his signature spots and get the hell out of there rather than make Cabana look like something special and put on a classic, but a bad Jerry Lynn match is still better than 90% of the other stuff on the indys. This coulda been a MOTY contendah, but it�s merely �good,� and that�s a shame.
Winner: Jerry Lynn
Rating: **3/4
Colt Cabana vs. Tracey Smothers vs. Sabu � (NWCW 10/19/01)
Following comedy runs in the WWF and ECW, Tracey Smothers resurrected his career in IWA Mid-South and other indys by basically being himself, a wild, drunken, profane Southerner. Some trashy valet that Sabu probably got to sleep with as part of his deal brings him out. There are about 20 people in the arena, none of whom are on the camera side, proving that that Sabu fella sure is a draw and well worth his $3,000 price tag. They circle each other�and circle each other�and circle some more. To be fair, the circling is done at a fast and furious pace. Now we get some thrilling stalling. I�ve been watching this match for about another three minutes, and I haven�t typed a new sentence. Now, all three men try for a leglock, they release and we get MORE STALLING. Finally, we get the clich�d triple headlock, and a back elbow sends Cabana to the outside. Sabu comes out of the corner with a springboard tornado DDT on Smothers and sends Cabana into the rail with a baseball slide. Cabana receives what EWR would call �unexciting punishment� from Smothers before coming back with his flying forearm. Double-underhook Michinoku Driver by Cabana gets a near-fall as Sabu has basically disappeared. Smothers follows Sabu to the outside, and Cabana drills them both with a somersault tope. Cabana sets up Sabu on a table, cut off by Smothers. Smothers whips him into the rails and Cabana takes a MANLY bump, FLYING into the crowd! Back in, Sabu with a frankensteiner, but is hit with a missile dropkick by a recovered Cabana. A table is brought in and Sabu hits a double DDT. Air Sabu is cut off by Smothers. Sabu Smash-Mouths both men though for two counts. The ECW alums team up on Cabana for a sloppy double clothesline, and this exact same sequence, just as sloppy, is repeated. They then all kinda stand around looking at each other, until Cabana floors Sabu and climbs the buckles. Smothers decides for whatever reason to chase La Generica around the ring, as Sabu crotches Cabana and frankensteiners him through a very hard, very NOT pre-scored table which doesn�t break. Sabu, known far and wide as the personification of compassion, decides to guillotine legdrop Cabana through the table, almost breaking Cabana�s neck, for the fall. Fuck I hate Sabu.
This match was on the tape for one reason and one reason only, to show Cabana fighting a �big name.� This match was a complete and total trainwreck, with blown spots, sloppy doubleteams, interminable stalling, and a very dangerous finish thanks to Sabu�s general asshole attitude. Only Cabana�s mere involvement and his manly guardrail bump save this from DUDsville. Fuck I really really hate Sabu.
Winner: Sabu
Rating: 1/4*
Colt Cabana vs. Chuck E./Paul E. Smooth (IWA Mid-South 10/20/01)
Chuck E. Smooth is a lesser-known member of the �Gold Bond Mafia� indy clique, looks like a cross between Rico and Bud Bundy, and judging from his latest commentary on ColtCabana.com, is a very, very strange guy. Before the match, Smooth gives lapdances to the FATTEST WOMEN I HAVE EVER SEEN AT A WRESTLING SHOW. Think about THAT for a second. Finally, on the second to last match on the tape, we get the GREATEST THEME MUSIC EVER, Barry Manilow�s �Copa Cabana.� Funny bit as they fight over who gets to do the �fire up the crowd� clapping sequence. I haven�t mentioned this yet, but IWA has by far the crappiest ring I have ever seen, as more than half of it is covered in electrical tape and there are no turnbuckle pads. Back to the match, Smooth tries to bail but A-Train�s sister drags him back into the ring. Military press is reversed into a sunset flip by Smooth, but Cabana reverses that with a legdrop to the arm. Cabana follows up with a torture rack into a hangman�s neckbreaker, which I�ve never seen before. Cabana LIGHTS HIM UP with chops, but Smooth comes back with a flying headscissors and a standing rana. A second rana attempt is countered with a NASTY Lygerbomb for a close two. Cabana eats boot on a blind charge and Smooth takes advantage with a floating neckbreaker for two. Cabana is still down, and Smooth keeps him that way by DRILLING him with a basement dropkick to the head. Cabana heads to the outside, and Smooth comes off with a springboard bodypress to the outside! Nice! Back in, Smooth slaps on a Goku-Raku stretch. Cabana fights out, but a dropkick hits air and Smooth PUTS HIS LIGHTS OUT with a stiffer-than-Low-Ki roundhouse! Didn�t see that coming. Irish whip, Cabana springs off with a sunset flip, and that leads to a reversal series that ends with a release German by Cabana. Cabana goes into overdrive for his comeback, with a slingshot suplex and a slingshot senton for 2.9. Smooth crotches him on a moonsault attempt, putting Cabana in the Tree of Woe, and Smooth hits the MOST HOMOSEXUAL MOVE IN WRESTLING- THE 69 BRONCOBUSTER! He�s DRIVING HIS HEAD INTO CABANA�S NUTS! Smooth brings in some chairs to finish and goes for a Frankensteiner, but Cabana POWERBOMBS HIM THROUGH THE CHAIRS! MOONSAULT ON THE CHAIRS GETS THREE!
The first great IWA match on the tape, as this was an incredibly energetic contest with some high-impact and innovative offense, confined within the classic heel-face formula. Smooth really impressed me here, showing a lot of athleticism and a good grasp of how to work the crowd- I wonder why he didn�t get the exposure and acclaim his other Gold Bond Mafia buddies did.
Winner: Colt Cabana
Rating: ***1/4
Colt Cabana and Quiet Storm vs. The SAT (Jose and Joel Maximo)- IWC (10/19/01)
What, you thought there would be an entire indy wrestling tape WITHOUT an SAT match? The International Wrestling Cartel is actually one of the great unknown indys in the US, regularly bringing in top-name talent like Low-Ki, AJ Styles, and D�Lo Brown. The IWC is also the home of the excellent Super Indy junior tournament, which coincidentally Cabana won this year. Joel and Storm start out, doing their usual lucha sequence they practiced a thousand times and Whipwreck�s school. Cabana comes in and gets lit up with chops by Joel, then hit with a standing rana and sent to the outside. Jose then nails both QS and Cabana with a picture-perfect Asai moonsault on the outside. Cabana and Storm gain the advantage on the floor, and hold the SAT for Dave Prazak to dive on them, but surprise surprise, the SAT escape and Prazak hits his own guys. The classics never die. Back in the squared circle, Cabana catches Joel with a sitout powerbomb off a rana attempt in the corner, and tags in Quiet Storm. QS spinal tap is no-sold, but he catches a boot and turns it into an STF LIKE LIGHTNING (Haha, Quiet Storm, lightning, get it?) Storm relases and tags in Cabana, who gets a front slam and a second rope moonsault for two. Storm back in, quickly caught with a rana by Jose, but Prazak holds his foot coming off the ropes and QS capitalizes with a Northern Lights Suplex for two. Jose tries another comeback on Cabana, but a tornado DDT attempt off the ropes is turned into a SPINNING LIGERBOMB by Cabana. Cabana goes to an electric chair, but Jose DROPS him with the reverse rana. You know, after watching this tape, I realize that Cabana REALLY loves that bump. Jose gets the hot tag and the SAT do their trademark funky double-teaming. German Suplex on Storm gets two, but Cabana low blows Jose and hits the COLT 45~! Neat spot on the outside as Storm tries a body scissors, but Joel holds on and drops him FACE-FIRST on a chair. Cabana heads up top, but Prazak comes in for some reason, and Prazak gets thrown into Cabana for the nut drop on the top. After that, the often-imitated-never-duplicated, from coast-to-coast-like-buttered-toast, SPANISH FLY~! finishes for the Maximo brothers.
This was your basic SAT match, a bunch of really cool stuff that didn�t lead to anything followed by the Spanish Fly to finish. The SAT are the personification of what Raven was talking about recently on Wrestling Observer Live, that the �indy wrestling style� has degenerated into �WOW! Look what I can do! WOW! Look what I can do!�� However, was it still entertaining? Yes, and that�s enough for a decent rating from me.
Winners: SAT
Rating: **1/2�
The tape closes with various clips of Cabana from Mid American Wrestling, home of the annual Hardcore Cup deathmatch tournament, review hopefully coming soon to TSM. Again, the clips are awkwardly edited, with clips being cut off in the middle of moves, and odd clip choices like an arm twist. Highlights include different shots of the COLT 45~!, Cabana taking a SUPER DDT from the top rope to the floor, and Punk and Cabana doing a striptease for a lucky female fan in the ring. So if you ever wanted to see the Second City Saints shakin� what their mama gave �em, this is the tape for you.
Final Thoughts: The video quality itself is fairly poor, because the independents these matches came from used either betacams or S-VHS cameras, and the footage was dubbed down two or more generations. The clipping is very odd and random and the tape scratches can be distracting. I would also have liked to have seen some promos from the Cabana boy on this tape, to introduce a first-time viewer to his unique in-ring personality.
From a match quality standpoint, however, this tape is incredible and proof why the wrestler himself should pick the matches on a Best Of tape and not a tape company. Whereas RF Video and Smart Mark video often pick matches randomly, Colt picked some of his most famous matches against his best opponents and the biggest names on the indys to entice audiences unfamiliar with his work. Two ****+ matches and one *** match make this an easy recommendation, and if you�re a Second City Saints fan this is a must buy.
Overall Recommendation: High
To order this tape, and the other two volumes of �The Best of Colt Cabana,� featuring matches from IWA, ROH, NWA-TNA, and other indys, as well as autographed photos and the new Colt Cabana t-shirt, head over to ColtCabana.com
Comments, gripes, concerns, marriage proposals, death threats from El Generico, and funny variations on my last name can be sent to this space here.
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