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" The Gravel Pit "
UWC TV Taping On-Site Report (9/2/2003)
Posted by Jared "JHawk" Hawkins on Sep 3, 2003, 21:27
UWC TV Taping On-Site Report (9/2/2003)
by Jared "JHawk" Hawkins
Once again, apologies abound, as my TSM account still won't allow me to e-mail AOL subscribers. And since AOL subscribers are basically half my viewership, I've been unable to reply to at least half my feedback this week. I'll be opening up a Hotmail account before my SmackDown recap is posted as a temporary solution.
And speaking of SmackDown, I get informed today that I have to work during SmackDown, even though I specifically requested not to work Thursday evenings. *sigh* I should be home right around the end of the show, and as long as I'm somewhat coherent I'll stay up and review it then, but odds are that it won't be up on www.thesmartmarks.com until Friday afternoon.
Anyway, most of you are actually reading this because you're UWC fans (or you're just so damn bored that you'll read just about anything this time of night), so let's go to it. As always, this is quite the spoiler-laden recap, so if you get UWC Ripped on Sundays, turn back now.
And no, there shouldn't be any Off the Hook spoilers at all (that show is this Saturday Night at Akron's North High School, and the lineup is over at www.christhebrain.com), as they'll be dubbing voiceovers Sunday morning before the TV airs.
September 2, 2003 from Shamrock Nite Club in Barberton, Ohio. And yeah, I'm kinda rushing through this, but I'm not feeling well as it is and want to get this over with.
Dark Match: Lennox LaShay (sp?) vs. Rip Cripple
LaShay wears a blue singlet and mask, and one fan said he looked like a certain part of the male anatomy. A fairly even matchup to open the show. LaShay clearly calls for a forearm, but misses, then intentionally hits the referee. Oops. Lennox then leaves the ring and reaches underneath it for a chair, then hits Cripple with it just as the referee's waking up. Cripple wins by DQ at 2:49. Decent opener.
Dark Match: Double Dragon vs. "High Impact" Bret Myers
Dragon has apparently earned a reputation for stealing other wrestlers' moves. As if there's actually such a thing as an original move these days. Quite the match until the finish, where Myers goes for his handspring somersault senton thing but slips during the handspring, yet still lands a weak looking senton for the pin at 3:45. Well, the fans wanted an original move, and they got it.
TV Match: Kano vs. Phattie Dattie
Remember all the way back at the first taping when I mentioned that top rope moves are practically impossible with the low ceiling? That didn't stop both men from trying to hit top rope moves. Dattie missed a swanton bomb, but Kano did hit a Randy Savage elbow for 2. Dattie eventually makes the comeback and gets the pin with a flapjack at 4:11. Pretty solid for what it was.
Keith Kennedy then has the crowd help him with his football pool picks, promising to buy a round if he wins. Keith, if it's not already too late for you, check out Dr. Tom's NFL Week 1 preview at www.thesmartmarks.com! Then just buy me that drink.
TV Match: The Red Spyder vs. Mardi Gras
Before the match can even begin, "Your Rolemodel" Ric Lieb brings out "The Black Superman" Vinn Wilder. Wilder's been held back due to being a member of the Four Henchmen, and as such has yet to be on TV, so this is now...
Handicap Match: The Red Spyder/Mardi Gras vs. Vinn Wilder (w/Ric Lieb)
No contest, as Wilder hits each man with Black Kryptonite and gets the double pin after just 42 seconds. Lieb then gets on the mic and says that since that match took no time at all, we should just start the Lieb-Mike Smiley match right now. That doesn't, however, prevent us from simulating a commercial break anyway.
"Happy" Mike Smiley vs. "Your Rolemodel" Ric Lieb
Short and to the point. Smiley gets a backslide in for an early near fall, but Lieb quickly goes into his trademark offense before getting the 4H and the Rolemodel Clutch for the submission at 3:22.
Kid Lightning vs. Sirob Draga
This makes the third straight week we've seen this match, but the first on TV (these were the two unidentified wrestlers in dark matches the last two weeks). And we get roughly the same match we've had the first two weeks, as Draga gets the pin with a spear at 2:54. Postmatch, Chris the Brain tries to ask Draga what his agenda in the UWC, but he gets a shove for his trouble.
TV Main Event: Feature Presentation and "The Champ" John Potok vs. "Timebomb" Fred Potok, The Purple Hooter, and Tack
Nobody brings out title belts even though at least one of these men will definitely hold a title after Saturday night. Before the match, the heels cut a promo against their opponents that was tough to hear over the crowd. A good formula tag team match, as Hooter plays face-in-peril and takes his licks from all three opponents. Hooter finally gets in the hot tag, and the usual brawl breaks out leading into the finish. Hooter drinks his Purple Juice, choke slams the Champ, and Timebomb covers for the pin at 11:27.
Postmatch, the crowd sings "Happy Birthday" to Timebomb, and that's the end of the show.
A good show overall, especially since the focus became the wrestling by default due to Off the Hook this coming Saturday. Some promos were taped backstage that I'm sure will air on Sunday, but the idea was to make sure they could get the hour of TV in even with the big show this Saturday.
And I will be at that big show this Saturday, so look for the exclusive report right here sometime Sunday. In the meantime, you can try e-mailing me, but I can't guarantee I'll answer.