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" The Gravel Pit "

A Tribute to "Sick" Nick Mondo
Posted by Jay Doring on Feb 12, 2004, 22:01
Well, it�s a been a while since I�ve done one of these here dang things. Other than my usual reason (I�m really fucking lazy) the big reason is also quite simple- not to sound overly melodramatic or sappy or anything, but I�ve fallen in love with the most beautiful girl in the whole world. When something that special happens in your life, writing about pro wrestling on the Internet really doesn�t seem like much of priority. As I�ve learned through my travails with this column, it�s important to keep gigs like this in perspective, and if I ever become like some of the loser, wannabe quasi-reporters on the scene who scribble in notebooks rather than enjoying the damn show, I�ll give you my address and invite you to put a bullet through my skull.
I�ve been meaning to finish this article for a long while though, because Nick Mondo is a guy who has a very special meaning to me, both as an aspiring wrestler and as a person. I intitially meant to have this up when he first retired, but since he was recently inducted into the new CZW Hall of Fame, and the documentary about his career, �Unscarred,� was recently released by the Brutal Butcher Shoppe, I figure now would also be a perfect time to pay tribute to a man who I have a tremendous amount of respect and admiration for.
For those of you who don't know who I'm talking about (and there are some), Nick Mondo has probably endured more punishment than any wrestler alive- dragged through broken glass, had hundreds of light tubes busted over him, and most famously, got cut in the stomach with a weedwhacker. And I'm watching the trailer for his film yet again, and the only thing I'm thinking is....
"I want to be that guy."
Crazy right? But think about it. Here's what a fellow hardcore wrestler said about Nick Mondo, "When Mondo's on the show, the building's electric and there's a different feel...he's one of those guys who makes a wrestling show more than an indy wrestling show."
And isn't that what, deep down, most people dream of? To make an atmosphere "electric?" To be the center of attention, a showstopper, a star? If you say no, you're a liar. Nick Mondo, no doubt, was a showstopper in his wrestling career, and for that he should be proud- through his work, he earned a deep connection and love from the fans. Myself and the CZW faithful will remember what he�s done as long as we�re still breathing, and that�s no hyperbole- at least in my case, that�s the truth.
The other part is that Nick Mondo is, no lie, probably the toughest man on Earth. And as immature as it seems at 19 years old, I've always wanted to be thought of as a "tough guy." I still do. When I was younger, for whatever reason, whether it be my glasses, somewhat rotund frame (gone now) or brains, I was always thought of as a pushover. It's why as I got older, I always picked the sports that required the most brawn, -ice hockey, and later amateur wrestling and martial arts. Whenever I'd injure myself- bleed, get bruised or break something, it was a badge of honor to me. I remember my mother being somewhat perturbed that, when looking in the mirror at a particularly grotesque black eye, I smiled. I volunteered for the most painful activities, in hopes I would gain some respect. I pushed limits I probably shouldn't have pushed, but you know what? I came out stronger in character and in body because of it. Nick Mondo through his body of work, taught me to push those limits, and for that I'm thankful.
The final component is, no lie, I love this. Besides family and girlfriend, wrestling is thing I openly proclaim my love for. It's been an obsession since I was eleven years old. When you love something, a sport, an art, whatever, you have a compulsion to try it. And every contact in the business I've had the pleasure of making has only reinforced that desire. The sad fact is, you only get one life to live, and who knows what comes next. While you're on this Earth, you should try to live your dreams without fear. Don't be afraid to bleed, don't be afraid to get knocked around, if that's what it takes to achieve your goal. I just want to hear that pop, that pop that's just for me, one time. I want to entertain, tell a physical drama, one time. I don't think I could live with myself if I didn't give it a shot. The best things in life are earned the hard way, and �Sick� Nick Mondo is the embodiment of that.
Nick Mondo the wrestler, and Matt Burns the man, thank you for the entertainment you�ve provided to CZW, independent wrestling, and your fans. Thank you for being my inspiration. I�ll miss watching you in the ring, but I wish you the best of luck in your arts and film pursuits, and I know you will succeed, because I know you won�t settle for anything less.
Jay Doring
-Just a fan.
As a second feature to this tribute, I�ve included a review of �Nick Mondo�s Favorite Matches: Volume 1.�
The first thing you notice when opening the DVD, is the fully animated menus, featuring various clips from the DVD. This is the first time I�ve seen this on ANY indy wrestling DVD production, so it�s definitely a cool touch.
Johnny Kashmere vs. Nick Mondo �CZW �Beyond the Barrier�
Prior to this match, Johnny Kashmere begins his series of brilliant promos, complaining (quite rightly) that he never receives any title shots. �I like belts too! I mean all I have is this belt [the one that holds his pants up] and like, eight other wrestlers have the exact same goddamn belt!� The crowd starts chanting for Mondo, which miffs Kashmere. �Settle down weirdos�I am every bit as sick as Nick Mondo, it�s just that I happen to have a beautiful body and I don�t want to ruin it! I mean, last time I wrestled Nick Mondo, I ended up on a soda machine, and he gave me the, what�s it called, the Assault Driver through a table- that didn�t even hurt!� �Last Resort� hits, and it�s on!
Slapfest to start, irish whip by Mondo, a spinning roundhouse is ducked by Kashmere, but he takes a palm thrust to the chest. A basement dropkick and La Magistral by Mondo gets a quick 2, Kashmere evades a low roundhouse and that segues into the Malenko/Guerrero sequence. Mondo and Kashmere exchange chops, Mondo irish whips Kashmere into the corner, but he vaults to the top rope and he catches Mondo with an armdrag. Mondo gets an armdrag of his own, followed up with a satellite headscissors and a standing rana, sending Kashmere to the outside. Kashmere grabs his trusty bat and stalls on the outside, he tries to climb up on the apron, but Mondo dropkicks the knee, and Mondo immediately nails him with a GORGEOUS tope con hilo. The bat is in the ring, Mondo grabs it and nails him in the ribs off the ropes. Mondo chokes Kashmere out of the bat, and he BREAKS IT OVER THE POST! Oh man, there�s three rules in CZW: 1. Real hardcore men don�t wear shirts 2. Once you ho Black you�re not welcome back and 3. don�t fuck with Kashmere�s bat- so it�s ON NOW! Mondo picks up Kashmere, but Kashmere catches him with a Roll the Dice from a Fireman�s Carry. Kashmere sees the bat, and looks like he�s about to cry. Kashmere heads under the ring and throws in some chairs. Mondo throws one back at him, ducked by Kashmere, Kashmere gloats, and Mondo SLAMS HIM IN THE FACE WITH A SECOND CHAIR! Slingshot Blue Thunder Driver by Mondo, followed up by a springboard legdrop. Mondo sets up a chair bridge and tries for the Assault Driver, but Kashmere turns it into the Most Requested Neckbreaker. That gets two. Chairshot to the back by Kashmere, and he sets up a chair bridge on the floor. Kashmere whips Mondo into the rail, and lays him across the chair bridge. Kashmere on the top- TUMBLEWEED OFF THE TOP- BUT MONDO�S NOT THERE! HE GOES CRASHING THROUGH THE CHAIR BRIDGE! Mondo covers for a nearfall, and grabs a table. Mondo heads to the top- but Kashmere recovers quickly and is on the opposite corner- MID AIR COLLISION! KASHMERE SPEARS HIM THROUGH THE TABLE! TWO COUNT!!! Both guys are woozy, and they exchange right hands. Mondo has the advantage and places Kashmere under the chairs- M. BISON (top rope double stomp) FROM 3/4THS OF THE WAY ACROSS THE RING! OH MAN, KICKOUT! Chairshot to the back by Mondo gets a two count, another one gets another two count, so he slaps on a Boston Crab. Trent Acid makes his way to ringside as Mondo has him in the center of the ring. Acid throws an ALUMINUM BAT to Kashmere! Acid grabs a light tube, Mondo snatches it from him- KASHMERE SMASHES THE LIGHT TUBE WITH THE BAT, DRIVING THE GLASS INTO HIS CHEST! Kashmere grabs Mondo for the Cradle Breaker, Acid places a light tube on Kashmere�s knee�CRADLE BREAKER, DRIVING THE TUBE INTO MONDO�S HEAD! Fucking brutal, and that gets the pinfall.
This match is really interesting to watch, just because it has so many peaks and valleys. It started off hot with a lightning-quick counter sequence and great intensity, but when it hit the middle it slowed down and turned into a spotfest, with some GREAT spots (I marked hard for Kashmere getting his face bashed in with the chair after he gloated about ducking the first one, and the chairshots/Boston Crab spot was actually smart and unique) and some slow, contrived ones (the corner-to-corner spear through the table, the chair bridge spots). This was entertaining for sure, but there are a bunch of obvious flaws in it. Personally, I think the good outweighs the bad, so it gets my standard �solid match� rating.
Winner: Johnny Kashmere
Rating: **1/2
Nick Mondo vs. Horace the Psychopath � SDW
Horace the Psychopath is a well-traveled veteran of the Midwest independent scene, wrestling in Minnesota and Wisconsin for over a decade against stars like Jerry Lynn and Sean Waltman. Horace has also done shots for WWE and ECW, has been on tours of Japan, and just recently competed in this years IWA Mid South King of the Deathmatch tournament. This match is for the SDW Television Title. Speaking of SDW, I often wonder why they don�t get more hype. They draw good-sized and HOT indy crowds, have an excellent old-school announce crew, and were the original training ground for guys like CM Punk and Colt Cabana.
Horace and Mondo exchange rights to starts, Horace backs him up against the ropes and starts BITING him! Irish whip, Horace ducks and Mondo backflips over- JUMPING ROUNDHOUSE KICK BY MONDO! Mondo tries a baseball slide to the outside, Horace evades and fakes out Mondo on a dive. Stiff chop by Horace, followed up with a bodyslam and a knee across the throat. Hard thrusts to the bitten stomach of Mondo, and he BITES HIS NECK! Irish whip into the corner and there's a corner splash. Jumping roundhouse by Horace sends Mondo to the outside, and he baseball slides him in the face! Horace sends Mondo back into the ring as he encourages the crowd to chant for Mondo, and STEPS ON HIS CHEST! Delayed vertical suplex by Horace gets a two count. Mondo charley horses Horace with a roundhouse to the knee, and there's a basement dropkick to the back of the heard for two! Rolling Northern Lights Suplexes by Mondo, and there's a spinning heel kick! Bodyslam by Mondo, followed up with a springboard legdrop for another nearfall. Mondo heads to the outside of the ring and brings in a chair. Van Daminator and Horace cracks Mondo across the back with the chair, and there's a sitout powerbomb! Series of headbutts by Horace, and a clothesline sends Mondo to the outside. Horace spits soda in Mondo's face, and he's BITING HIS FACE NOW! Mondo counters with a jumping spinning roundhouse nkick, by Horace recovers quickly and rams Mondo's back into the pole! Open-handed chop across the sternum by Horace, and they're heading to the entranceway! BRAINBUSTER ON THE CONCRETE BY MONDO! SICK! More brawling in the crowd, and the crowd is GOING NUTS! They head back to the ring, Mondo quickly clotheslines him out, and there's that BEAUTIFUL RUNNING SOMERSAULT PLANCHA! Mondo hangs Horace across the top rope, and NAILS THE MONDO SLEDGE~! (Springboard tumbleweed). Another roundhouse is BLOCKED INTO A SPIKE DDT, and there's a RUNNING FLIP SPLASH! HORACE IS 280+! TWO COUNT! Mondo recovers with a TORNADO DDT! NO! KICKOUT! The crowd is NUKED! "MONDO! MONDO!" PERFECT M. BISON! 2.999! Mondo tries for a moonsault, cut off by Horace! RELEASE POWERBOMB, AND MONDO FALLS RIGHT BACK ON HIS HEAD! RUNNING FLIP SPLASH! KICKOUT! THE CROWD CAN'T BELIEVE IT! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! Horace nails a Russian Legsweep, and SLAPS ON A SPAGHETTI BENDER! MONDO TAPS! MONDO TAPS OUT!
I love matches like this- crazy, high-energy brawls that spill all over the arena with the crowd going nuts every second of the way. There wasn�t a dull moment at any point in this match, and the finish was suitably brutal for the story they were telling (�you can�t kill Mondo!�) The nearfalls leading up to the finish were also extremely believable and had me going �oh man he got him!� at least four times. To me, that�s the mark of a really good match, getting the audience emotionally invested in it without even knowing what the backstory is. Also, my brother would like me to include in this review that he marks for Horace the Psychopath.
Winner: Horace the Psychopath
Rating: ***3/4
Nick Mondo vs. Homeless Jimmy- CZW �Tournament of Death 1�
Homeless Jimmy was part of the original XPW roster when they first started out in Southern California, and while he was basically a glorified jobber over there, he gained a fan following among XPW fans for his willingness to take any nutty bump presented to him. He earned that reputation and then some in this match, as you�ll see in a bit. Useless random fact: there�s a dude who sleeps at my college�s theology building everybody calls �Homeless Jimmy.� Same guy maybe?
Jimmy tries to jump Mondo with a wooden washboard, but Mondo takes out the leg with a martial arts kick and blasts the sitting Jimmy in the face with a KDX-style dropkick. Mondo slams Jimmy and places the washboard on his stomach. He tries for a springboard legdrop, nobody home, and Jimmy breaks the washboard over Mondo�s back. Jimmy tosses Mondo to the outside, and after some shots from a stop sign, hits a NICE dive to the outside on the sick one! They had back in the ring, but Mondo immediately clotheslines Jimmy out of it, and capitalized with a SUPER-SWEET SOMERSAULT PLANCHA! Alliteration yo! Mondo busts Jimmy open with some hard shots to the head. Mondo sets up a chair bridge, places another washboard over it, and POWERBOMBS JIMMY THROUGH IT ON THE ASPHALT! FUCKIN� KILLER! Jimmy regains the advantage and pulls barbed wire from his patented shopping cart, whipping Mondo in the back with a string of it. Mondo ducks a shot by Jimmy and tosses him straight into the shopping cart! Another hard martial arts kick to the face by Mondo. More stiff kicks to the back of the head, Mondo up top�M. BISON~! Kickout at two by Jimmy, and he gets dumped to the outside again. Uh oh, they�re heading to the yellow Ryder truck parked in the lot, and oh look, a table with light tubes on it is conveniently right next to it. THEY�RE UP TOP-FISHERMAN�S BUSTER BY MONDO- BLOCKED! GERMAN SUPLEX BY JIMMY! BLOCKED! FUCK, ASSAULT DRIVER, ASSAULT DRIVER THROUGH THE TUBE-FILLED TABLE 15 FEET BELOW! HOLY OH MY FUCKING-DAMN! MONDO WINS!
This match is most famous for the ending bump, which has made it onto CZW�s permanent highlight reel, but the rest of the match is also rock solid. Some nice highspots, a creative (but not excessive as many deathmatches are wont to be) use of weaponry, culminating with a few brutal bumps all add up to a well-worked, energetic and fun hardcore match. Man, that ending though, DAMN!
Winner: Nick Mondo
Rating: *** (deathmatch scale)
Nick Mondo vs. Super Crazy vs. Ric Blade � CZW �Crushing the Competition�
Super Crazy, a former ECW Television champion, has been semi-active on the US independents since the company folded. He put on a memorable match with Eddy Guerrero at �The Era of Honor Begins,� worked CZW several times, had a 1-shot with TNA, and also competed for XPW sporadically. There is extensive history in CZW between Ric Blade and Nick Mondo. Blade and Mondo engaged in memorable wars with the Backseat Boyz in 2000, and won the CZW Tag Team titles together. However, an issue developed between Blade and Mondo over Blade�s valet (and real-life wife) Shorti, which culminated in a Barbed Wire Ladder Match at �Break on Thru� in which Mondo broke his fibula. Blade and Mondo restarted their issues with the Backseats when Blade returned last December at Cage of Death 4, putting on a spectacular, but losing, effort in a TLC match. This match is a CZW-style ladder match, meaning you don�t have to climb a ladder, it�s just the weapon of choice in the match.
Crazy quickly goes on the attack with an Asai moonsault press to both guys after a feeling out process. He whips Blade in, reversed, and there's the sunset flip bomb/german suplex spot! Blade bails to the outside, but eats the AWE-INSPIRING TOPE CON HILO! CRAZY CHIMES IN WITH THE ASAI MOONSAULT TO THE FLOOR! BLADE WITH A DIVE! Blade brings Mondo back into the ring and clocks him with some martial arts kicks, and there's a handspring roundhouse by Blade. Chairs come into the ring as Blade tries another handspring into the ropes, but Crazy catches Blade with a tarantula on the apron! Chair-assisted dropkick to the face by Mondo! Crazy comes back in the ring with a Lionsault, and Mondo brins in a ladder! Well, tries to, because he EATS A CHAIR TO THE FACE! Crazy sets the ladder up iun the corner, and clamps on a surfboard on Mondo. He quickly releases and KICKS MONDO FACE-FIRST INTO THE CHAIR! Blade takes advantage with a Samoan Drop, kips up and nails a standing moonsault! Blade has the ladder no, lays it across the mat, tries for a tornado DDT- no! REVERSED TO A SITOUT POWERBOMB BY MONDO! Lionsault across the ladder by Crazy, but MONDO MAKES HIM PAY WITH THE MONDO SLEDGE! Cover for 2. Mondo drives the ladder into Blades ribs and climbs, cut off by Blade- HOLY FUCKING SHIT- CRAZY POWERBOMBS BOTH OFF THE LADDER, SUPERPLEXING MONDO! "CZW!" chants finally drown out the "ECW" ones at the beginning as Crazy covers both men for two counts. Crazy sets up a steel chair coffin on the outside, but Blade gives chase and drops him with kicks. Blade puts the ladder on the chairs, heads back in...AND A RUNNING SWANTON BOMB, NAILED PERFECTLY ON THE OUTSIDE, KILLING SUPER CRAZY! Blade is cut off by Mondo back in the ring with a spinning powerslam, and Crazy can't get back in the ring. Mondo sets up a chair/ladder contraption on top of Blade, and HITS A SPRINGBOARD LEGDROP, DRIVING THE CHAIR INTO THE BACK OF BLADE'S HEAD! Cover, save by Super Crazy! Crazy spikes Mondo with a powerbomb, and hits a trifecta series of moonsaults from each rope. Blade takes out Crazy, and hits the QUADRASAULT ON MONDO! CRAZY BREAKS IT UP AGAIN! Blade and Crazy team up on Mondo and BACKDROP HIM THROUGH THE LADDER ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE RING! Mondo is DEAD, and Blade and Crazy both cover for the double pin!
This match is the personification of CZW wrestling- crazy athleticism with weapons galore. Everything was hit perfectly (this is one of the few matches where Blade was totally �on�), nothing seemed contrived and the nuttier spots had me marking out bigtime. My only problems with the match were with Super Crazy, who spent too much time mugging for the camera and relied too much on one move (the quebrada/moonsault) but it's definitely an underrated match from CZW's earlier history.
Winners: Super Crazy/Ric Blade
Rating: ***1/2
Nick Mondo in Italy- This is basically a bunch of random footage from when CZW sent Mondo over to Italy to train students at the newly formed Nu Wrestling federation. Highlights include shots of the car accident that occurred when a Mack truck rear-ended Mondo�s car, and the �fastest snatcher in Italy.�
Tournament of Death 2 Highlight Reel- Set to Atreyu�s �Lip Gloss and Black,� this is a fantastic highlight reel of the show done by Lars Butcher. The music completely in sync with the action, all the major highspots are covered, and the song sets the perfect mood for Mondo�s final blaze of glory. Dramatic and action-packed, I wish I could make something like this on my best day.
Speaking of videos, one of my favorite new video producers is Richie over at CZWFans.com. The kid�s just 15 year�s old and he�s already a brilliant video editor. He recently made the 5 year retrospective video package that played at CZW's 5th Anniversary Show- I suggest you go out of your way to check that out, either on the commercial tape at SMV or online at CZWFans.com
Mondo Stills Gallery- Basically a series of well-done photos taken throughout Mondo�s career.
Mondo Stats- Again, nothing special. His brief career bio, with championships won, set to his theme music, �Last Resort� by Papa Roach.
Mondo Commentary- To my knowledge, this is the first wrestler compilation DVD with commentary by the wrestler himself. This, I think, is the main selling point of the DVD, so I�m not going to spoil any of it for you- but you HAVE to hear the Homeless Jimmy �puke� story.
Final Thoughts: From a production standpoint, this is BY FAR the best DVD I�ve ever seen for indy wrestling- fully animated menus, bonus commentary, a nice amount of extras (including that awesome video) and top-notch video quality. I�m a television productions major in college, so that scores major points from me.
The main gripe I have with this is the lack of matches (only 4) but that�s understandable because there�s only so much you can cram into a DVD-R, and more volumes will be on the way, so you don�t want to blow your load on the first disc.The wrestling itself is solid, with everything around the *** range, although if you�re not a fan of hardcore you�d probably only enjoy the Horace match, which is a neat little gem of a brawl.
The big factor though, is that sales from this DVD, as well as his new documentary �Unscarred,� go straight to Nick, and it always makes me feel good to know that I�m supporting my favorite wrestler.
Overall Recommendation: Definite buy.
This production, as well as �Unscarred� and the greatest video tribute to a wrestler I�ve ever seen, can be found at Brutal Butcher Shoppe. Also check out the brand new straight-edge t-shirts there, as well as merchandise and videos featuring Sonjay Dutt, B-Boy, Wifebeater, Messiah, and Ruckus. If you're wondering what Nick's up to now and want to check out some more more killer media, hit up NickMondo.com.
Jay Doring
