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  " The Gravel Pit "

Wrestling > TNA

TNA Lazarus - 4/21/04
Posted by Corey M. Lazarus on Apr 22, 2004, 13:28

Sorry about last week's Lazarush, kiddo's. Last week's show left a TERRIBLE taste in my mouth, and I've been busy all week. I was procrastinating BIG TIME to get the show done because I knew I'd have to watch Raven/Harris again, which was a terrible, terrible match with a terrible, terrible finish. I'll skip the pleasantries, and get right to the show.
FBI warning, and then Monte Brown says that he'll give you the Pounce if you steal cable. Haha, nice. Video recaps of the past few weeks, focusing on the Road to the Cage. Harris attacking Jarrett, Raven attacking Harris (and then injuring his arm with the drop toehold onto two steel chairs, followed by stomps and bashing it with the chair), Raven choking Russo and AJ making the save, and then AJ refusing a handshake from Vinnie Ru. Styles told Russo to put him into the match with Raven last week, but Harris said he could work through the arm injury. 3 Live Kru is dressed for war, and Truth wants the title shot. Kazarian looks to shake hands with Abyss, and gets a Blackhole Slam instead. Dutt gets pushed into the ropes, and then dropped with the Rackbreaker. Sabu throws a chair into Monte Brown's face, and the chair wraps itself around Brown's head. They fight into the crowd, and then into the old SEX locker room, but Abyss throws Sabu out and then powerbombs him through a table. Raven says he has a destiny to fulfill, and then wrestles Chris Harris, working on his LEFT ARM all throughout the match...and then Harris uses the LEFT ARM to win the match with an inside cradle.


  • Chris Harris takes on NWA World Heavyweight champion Jeff Jarrett� in a Steel Cage match for the title.
  • "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels takes on Michael Shane in a match to determine who will take Sonjay Dutt's place in Team NWA (Sonjay left on his own will to go after Frankie Kazarian and the X-Division title).
  • D'Lo Brown and Gran Apolo defend their newly-won NWA World Tag Team titles against the former champions, Kid Kash and Dallas, in a rematch from last week.
  • Monty Brown and Abyss team up to take on Sabu and Raven.
  • David Young tries to end his losing streak when he takes on Shark Boy.
  • Glenn Gilberti and Johnny Swinger take arms against Sonny Siaki and Simon Diamond, stemming from the post-match happenings last week after the Simon/Swinger singles match.
Introductory video package, and we're right off to the first match.

MATCH ONE: Monty Brown and Abyss vs. Sabu and Raven
THE ACTION: Abyss comes out with a chain, and what looks like maybe a new mask...? Sabu enters, and there's Raven's video and music...but where is he? Sabu taunts in the ring, but then his opponents jump him. Stomps by both Brown and Abyss on Sabu, and Abyss brings Sabu up, sending him down with a right. Brown brings Sabu up, connects with a right, and then Abyss knocks him down with a big one. Sabu fights back with rights to both men, and he focuses on Brown, knocking him down. Sabu turns around, and Abyss knocks him down with a big boot. Stomps by both men, and the referee is telling them that one of them needs to take the apron. Sabu's up, and they whip him into the ropes, but he kicks Abyss in the chest after a backdrop attempt, and DDT's Brown down. Kicks to the knee by Sabu to Abyss, and Brown sends him down with a big right. Stomps, and Abyss takes the apron. Brown lifts Sabu up and hits a Butterfly Suplex for 2. Crossface punches by Monty, and he whups Sabu into the ropes, taking him down with a big back elbow. Blind tag by Abyss, and Monty is mad. Kick to the stomach by Sabu, followed by rights, but Absys sends him into the corner with a big right. Abyss with an overhand chop, and Sabu fights back with rights, but Abyss whips him into the corner. Abyss charges, and connects with an avalanche. Abyss brings Sabu back to his feet, and then takes him to his corner for rights, but Monty tags himself in. Rights by Monty, and Sabu slumps down from stomps. Brown taunts, but Sabu back up, and Brown connects with a knife-edge and rights. Sabu fires back, but a knife-edge ends it. Whip to the corner, and Brown charges, connecting with a back elbow. Forearms to the back, and Brown slumps Sabu over the ropes, connecting with jabs to his ribs, and then chokes him over the middle rope. Sabu back up, and he kicks Monty in the gut, but Brown fires back with rights and a big left. Whip to the corner, and Brown stalks in, connecting with a double axehandle, but Sabu fights back with rights to both Brown and Abyss. Brown grabs Sabu by the hair, and slams his face into the top turnbuckle. Brown slaps Abyss, and then Sabu fires back with rights. Brown stops it, and whips Sabu into the corner, connecting with a back elbow. Brown holds Sabu in the corner, Abyss enters the ring and charges, and Sabu pulls Brown in the way. Sabu bails, grabs a chair, and smacks Abyss over the head with it before throwing it at him. Springboard back kick from the middle rope, and Sabu covers for 2 as Brown tries to break it up, but Sabu moves out of the way of the splash, causing Monty to splash his own partner.
Sabu picks up the chair, and tosses it into Monty's face, knocking him down. He sets it up, off the ropes...TRIPLE JUMP MOONSAULT FOR 2! Abyss back up, and he whips Sabu into the corner, but Sabu gets a foot up that Abyss charges into. Up to the middle rope, and Sabu flies off, catching Abyss with a 'rana. Sabu tosses the chair into Abyss' face, and then holds the chair...ARABIAN FACEBUSTER! 1...2...NO! Abyss uses the ropes to get up, and Sabu whips him off, but it's reversed by Abyss. Brown off the ropes, and he hits THE POUNCE. Abyss lifts Sabu up in the Torture Rack, and the Rackbreaker ends it at 7:34.
THE WINNERS: Monty Brown and Abyss
POST-MATCH: Brown and Abyss face off, looking like they're about to fight, and Abyss flexes a Brown looks like he's about to bail, but stays in the ring. They keep circling for what seems like FOREVER, and Tenay wants to know where Raven is. Oh, there's Raven...he's attacking Chris Harris! Raven throws Harris into some extra guardrail near one of the arena entrances, and works on the left shoulder. Raven grabs a chair, and holds Harris' left arm onto it...AND THEN WAFFLES IT WITH ANOTHER CHAIR! yes, West, it's all about Raven. Raven then drops one of the extra guardrails, and drops it onto Harris' left arm. Armbar by Raven, and James Storm comes to his partner's aid with a trashcan shot. Raven runs into the ring, steps OVER Sabu, and then bails, telling Sabu to come along. Russo and Blackshirt Security helps Harris to the back.
RATING: *1/4. Nothing too offensive, but nothing happened at all. Half of the match was just Brown kicking and punching Sabu in the corner, and the other half was Sabu trying to make a solid retaliation, but failing to do so. There was an "E-C-Dub" chant for the Triple Jump Moonsault, but that's it.

Borash is in for Hudson, and he's interviewing Frankie Kazarian, X-Division champion. Kazarian says to look at the facts: he's beaten all of Team NWA, and the last time he saw Sabin, he gave him the Ike Turner treatment. The Amazing Red and Sonjay Dutt are going to have a Best of 3 series (or a 2/3 Falls match, Kazarian didn't elaborate) to see who will face the X-Division champion, but Frankie's beaten them both. David Young comes in, and asks where Hudson is, but Borash reiterates a few times that Hudson isn't here. Young wants to know where Gilberti and Swinger are, but Borash doesn't know. Young says his losing streak is over tonight, and he's going to start hitting nothing but homeruns from now on, starting with Shark Boy.

MATCH TWO: Shark Boy vs. David Young
THE ACTION: Shark Boy points out a sign that says "DAVID YOUNG: 0 - ?" in relation to his losing streak. There's the bell, and they circle. "Sharky" chant, and a tie up. Go-behind by Shark Boy, Young reverses into one of his own and takes Sharky down. Sharky drops Young to the mat and drops knees to his back, ducks a back elbow, and connects with chops. Whip is reversed, but Sharky floats over a backdrop attempt, and ducks a pair of clotheslines. Tie up, and Young forces him into the corner. Sharky moves out of the way of a big right, and connects with chops. Whip to the corner is blocked by Young, who holds onto the top rope, and then he throws Shark Boy into the corner and connects with rights. Shark Boy goes under Young's legs with a school boy for 2. Young argues with the ref, and then Shark Boy rolls him up again for 2. Rights by Shark Boy, off the ropes, Young ducks a clothesline, and then lifts him up for a Sideslam, but connects with an inverted sideslam. Whip to the ropes, and Young hits a Gorilla Press Slam. Sharky in the corner, and Young hiptosses him out. Rights in the corner, and Young brings Shark Boy up to the top, connecting with rights, and then a top-rope hiptoss that sends Shark Boy all the way ACROSS the ring, and Sharky bails. Young follows him out, and throws Sharky back-first into the apron before rolling him into the ring. Whip to the corner, and Young charges in with a clothesline, knocking Shark Boy down. Whip to the opposite corner, Young charges, but Shark Boy gets a boot up, and then goes for the Dead Sea Drop, but Young fights out of it. He goes up for a superplex, but Shark Boy knocks him off of the top rope. Sharky takes flight, and he misses a big splash as Young sits up. David Young says it's over, and goes to lift Sharky up, but Shark Boy rolls him up with an inside cradle for the pinfall at 4:10.
POST-MATCH: Shark Boy celebrates while he walks up the ramp, and David Young starts breaking down and crying in the center of the ring.
RATING: 3/4*. Solid work, but nothing happened. It was pretty much "see David Young beat on Shark Boy, and then Shark Boy rolls him up for the surprise win." Filler match, no doubt.

3 Live Kru come out as Young bails, and 3LK is dressed in camouflage. ORALE! ARIBA LA RAZA! Konnan says that it could be worse, they could be David Young, who couldn't be a star if a ninja threw him (nice line). K-Dogg says that the people want The Truth to get a World title shot. BG takes the mic, and says 3LK is ready to go to war. James goes over how the Road to the Cage started, and how it was originally Truth and Abyss, but then Raven came in, and there were 4, so Truth said they should make the match go four ways. As usual, Raven politicized the whole event, handshaking and backstabbing in the dressing room, but he sucks in the ring (ironic considering it's BG JAMES saying this). He proved he sucks when Chris Harris pinned him 1-2-3 in the ring last week (is James saying Harris sucks?). Tonight, Russo makes it alright. Not by B-Jizzle, not by K-Dogg, but right by RON..."THE TRUTH"...KILLINGS. Tonight, Russo needs to put him in the cage with Jarrett, and make him the next NWA Heavyweight champion of the Woooorrrrrrrrlllllllld. Killings asks if they want the truth, but says they can't handle the truth. Can he get an "amen"? AMEN!

Backstage with JB as Harris is being loaded into the ambulance, and he has a separated shoulder. Harris asks Russo to give Storm the match, and Russo holds his head and walks away.

MATCH THREE: Glenn Gilberti and Johnny Swinger (w/ Trinity) vs. Sonny Siaki and Simon Diamond
THE ACTION: Diamond is without his robe, as Swinger ripped it apart last week. There's the bell, and it's Siaki and Gilberti to start. Siaki pumps the fans up, and then makes fun of Glenn's attire. O...kay...Glenn bails and talks strategy outside with Swinger and Trinity, and gets back into the ring. They circle as Siaki makes sure Swinger doesn't try anything, and tie up. Siaki pushes Glenn into the corner, and breaks the hold. Chop by Glenn, and Siaki charges, but the referee pulls him off. Glenn onto the apron, and then back in. They circle again, and tie up. Hammerlock by Siaki, and then a side headlock. Shot off the ropes, and Glenn down with a shoulderblock. Sonny off the ropes again, and Glenn goes for a leapfrog, but Siaki stops dead in his tracks and nails a chop. Off the ropes again, and Siaki nails Glenn with a single-legged dropkick for 2. Rights by Siaki, and a whip to the ropes is reversed. Inverted atomic drop by Glenn, and he kicks Siaki in the midsection, going for a Stunner, but Siaki shoots him off into the ropes, boots him in the gut, and connects with a Stunner of his own. 1...2...Swinger pulls Glenn out of the ring, and in comes Simon Diamond after a tag. Simon reaches over the top rope, and grabs Swinger by the hair, bringing him onto the apron. Suplex brings Johnny inside, and Simon puts the boots and the rights to him. Whip to the corner is reversed, Simon floats over, Johnny turns around, and a superkick gets 2 as Glenn and Trinity pull Swinger out of the ring. Simon off of the apron with a forearm, and it's a brawl outside now. Into the guardrail goes Gilberti, and Siaki knocks Swinger back into the guardrail with a big right. Whip by Siaki, and Simon knocks him down with a back elbow. Siaki lifts up the ring steps, and positions them properly. Whip by Diamond, and Siaki runs up the steps and then clotheslines Gilberti on the outside.
Simon sends Swinger down into a chair with a right, and he and Siaki then hit a double superkick to Swinger. NICE. Rights by Sonny to Glenn, and Simon rolls Swinger back into the ring, covering for 2. Tag out to Siaki, and they whip Swinger into the ropes, connecting with a double flapjack. Siaki covers, but Swinger kicks out at 2. Tag out to Simon Diamond, and they whip Swinger into the ropes, connecting with a double hiptoss. Simon covers, but Swinger kicks out at 2. Simon with a snap suplex, and he rolls over, but Swinger blocks the second one with rights. Whip to the ropes, but Simon holds on. He ducks an apron clothesline from Glenn, knocks Gilberti off, but gets sent out of the ring with a knee to the back. Trinity and Glenn beat on Simon, and then Glenn rolls Simon back in after smashing him against the ringsteps. Swinger covers, but Simon kicks out at 2, and Swinger chokes him. Tag out to Glenn, who connects with a series of rights, taunting Siaki. Whip to the ropes, and Simon eats a back elbow. Gilberti paintbrushes him, and a tag brings Swinger in. Rights by both men, and Swinger chokes Diamond with his boot before breaking it up...and then choking him with his hands. Stomp by Swinger, and a tag in to Gilberti. Whip to the roeps by Swinger, and he drop toeholds Simon, allowing Gilberti to connect with an elbow drop for 2. In the corner, and Simon begins fighting back with rights to Gilberti. INto the opposite corner, and Simon whips him back, but eats an elbow as he charges. Gilberti to the middle rope, and he flies off with a double axehandle, but Simon catches him with a Novacaine. Tag out to Siaki and Swinger, off the ropes, and a flying forearm takes Swinger down. Backdrop, and then Siaki off the ropes with a somersault swinging neckbreaker. Double whip by Glenn and Swinger, but Siaki blocks the double clotheslines, and begins chopping away at both. Siakolypse by Sonny to Swinger, and he covers, but Glenn breaks it up at 2. Simon and Glenn go outside, brawling, and Siaki scoop slams Swinger down. Sonny goes up top, but Trinity shoves him off, allowing Swinger to hit a Double-Arm DDT for the win at 10:14.
THE WINNERS: Glenn Gilberti and Johnny Swinger (w/ Trinity)
POST-MATCH: Glenn and Swinger hold Siaki up for Trinity to slap him...BUT IN COMES DESIRE WITH LOW-BLOWS TO BOTH GLENN AND SWINGER!!!!! Desire takes her shoes off, and faces off with Trinity. Trinity charges with a clothesline, Desire ducks it, and she Spears Trinity down. CATFIGHT! CATFIIIIIIGHT!!!!! Glenn pulls Trinity out of the ring, and Siaki notices Desire. Big hug by Siaki to Desire, and then Diamond hugs them both.
RATING: *1/2. Solid work by all men, although Swinger was his usual sucky self and Glenn is nothing special. I can't really rate it too high, because it wasn't much, and I'm not a fan of anybody in this match. The work was solid, however, so that deserves some rating. The post-match antics actually had me mark out slightly, as I remember when Desire FIRST debuted nearly a year ago.

JB is in the back with Vince Russo, and Borash wants to know who Russo is going to pick to replace Chris Harris in the steel cage. Russo doesn't know, and he's asking JB if he has any idea how stressful this decision is to make. Russo thinks Storm isn't the right guy, and here comes AJ Styles. Styles says Russo should put him in, since he's been the NWA World Heavyweight champion before. If Russo wants to make everything up to Styles, putting AJ in the cage will do it. For the last six weeks, Russo has been calling Styles, apologizing, but Styles hasn't given Russo the right time of the day. Russo says AJ should have thought about this six weeks ago.

Video recap of the dissention within the ranks of The New Franchise, focusing on last week's backstage promo where Douglas chewed out Michael Shane for going behind his back to get the match. Cut to Daniels, who says that he remembers how every time he got close to the X-Division title, Michael Shane was there to push him away. Who better than "The Fallen Angel" to represent Team NWA? Daniels will join Team NWA, and bring the X-Cup home. And that's the gospel according to "The Fallen Angel."

MATCH FOUR: "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels vs. Michael Shane (w/ Shane Douglas and Tracy Brooks)
THE ACTION: Tenay says that Michael Shane is very qualified to be a part of Team NWA, as he's the longest-running X-Division champion to date (also the worst, both in terms of match quality and booking). Daniels is out, and now in the ring. There's the bell, and they circle as Shane Douglas joins Tenay and West at the commentary table. Tie up, and Daniels shoves Shane off. Another tie up, and again. Another, and Daniels with a school boy for 2. Shane slaps Daniels, and Daniels tackles him, connecting with rights. In the corner, knife-edge, whip to the other corner, and a backdrop has Michael Shane down. Poke the to the eyes, side headlock, but he's sent off the ropes. Shoulderblock, and Daniels goes for a leapfrog, but Shane stops. Slap by Daniels, Shane off the ropes, and a single-legged dropkick gets 2. Slap to the face, whip, and Shane blocks a backdrop attempt. He charges, but gets backdropped over the top rope to the outside. Daniels on the apron, and then steps onto the floor, sending Shane into the apron. Shane gets rolled into the ring, and Daniels steps in, booting Shane in the midsection. Whip is reversed, boot to the midsection, and Michael Shane with a swinging neckbreaker. Rights by Shane, and he whips Daniels to the ropes. Reversed, and Daniels sends Shane out of the ring again. Daniels steps onto the apron, and drops a bionic elbow to Shane's back before rolling him into the ring. Daniels goes to get in, but Tracy hooks his leg, allowing Shane to boot him in the chest, and a Yakuza Kick sends him down. Short-arm clothesline by Shane, and he holds on, bringing Daniels back up. Short-arm into a fireman's carry, and Shane flapjacks Daniels down, posing before he covers for 2. Rights by Shane with Daniels on one knee, and he whips him chest-first into the corner. Boot to the midsection, and he whips Daniels into the corner, but Daniels stops short, boots Shane in the midsection, and a school boy gets 2. Rights by Daniels, but a whip is reversed, and Shane flapjacks Daniels onto the top rope, pushing Daniels to the outside. On the outside, Tracy clotheslines Daniels in the gut with the cast, and Shane comes outside, rolling Daniels back into the ring.
Boots by Michael Shane, and he brings Daniels to his feet, connecting with a right. Whip to the ropes, and Shane locks on an abdominal stretch, punching Daniels in the midsection. Shane reaches outside, and Tracy holds Shane's hand, adding leverage. The ref checks it, but Shane releases, and the ref sees nothing. The ref finally sees it again, and kicks Tracy's arm away, and Daniels reverses the abdominal stretch into one of his own. Tracy grabs for the leg, breaking the hold, and Daniels grabs Tracy...but Shane knocks Daniels out of the ring! Slingshot plancha to the outside by Shane, and he begins some mounted punching. Shane throws Daniels into the guardrail, and then rolls him back into the ring. Shane slides in, and brings Daniels to his feet...but Daniels fires back with rights! Whip to the ropes is reversed, and Shane connects with an overhead belly-to-belly throw (not a suplex, a throw, as it was more like a double-arm hiptoss, Rock-style). Shane covers, but Daniels kicks out at 2. Rear chinlock by Shane, and he puts the boots to Daniels, but Daniels fights back with rights. Shane stomps back, and rakes his eyes against the ropes. Whip, Daniels ducks a clothesline, and then Daniels leaps forward, grabbing Shane's hair and driving his face into the mat. Both men up, and Daniels clotheslines Shane down. A big back elbow sends Shane down, and then Daniels blocks a left, and hits an Exploder Supelx (!!!). Shane back up, and Daniels whips him off the ropes, connecting with a Blue Thunder Bomb. In the corner, and Daniels climbs up, connecting with three rights before Michael Shane shoves him off. Daniels charges, but eats boot, and Shane goes up top. Daniels slaps him with an uppercut, and then tosses him off of the top rope, crotching him over the top rope. Daniels off the ropes, and he shoves Shane off of the top rope and to the outside. Douglas tries to cheer on Shane outside, and Daniels connects with a baseball slide. Daniels on the apron, and Douglas shoves Shane out of the way, taking an Arabian Press. Michael Shane throws Douglas out of the way, and connects with rights to Daniels. Daniels whips Shane into the guardrail, and Douglas produces a steel chain, wrapping it around his hand. Daniels rolls Shane back in, following suit, but gets booted in the midsection. Fireman's carry attempt but Daniels floats over, and then hits a Rock Bottom. Daniels to the corner...BEST...MOONSAULT...EVER! 1...2...NO! Michael Shane kicks out at 2. A right by Daniels sends Shane into the corner, and Daniels walks in, but Shane drops Daniels face-first into the middle turnbuckle. Whip to the corner is reversed, and Shane hits chest-first. Daniels off of the ropes, but Michael Shane DRILLS Daniels with a Superkick. 1...2...NO! Daniels kicks out!
Shane brings Daniels to his feet, and hooks him in a front facelock, cradling the leg for the Cradle DDT...but Daniels backdrops Shane out of it. Off the ropes...single-legged dropkick by Daniels gets 2! Douglas yells as Shane to beat Daniels, and in the ring, "The Fallen Angel" headbutts Shane. Whip to the ropes is reversed, but Daniels ducks under a clothesline, and goes for the Last Rites...but Tracy distracts the referee, allowing Douglas to hit Daniels in the back of the head with the chain! Douglas tells Shane to cover Daniels, but Shane says no, and he wants to do it his way. Douglas distracts Shane, telling him to listen to him, but Shane wants to do it his way. Shane tunes up the band, Daniels up...HE DODGES THE SUPERKICK! STO! 1...2...3! Your winner, and NEW member of Team NWA via pinfall at 13:28...
THE WINNER: "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels
POST-MATCH: The rest of Team NWA meet Daniels on the ramp, and embrace him as one of their own. In the ring, Michael Shane is pissed that he lost, and Tracy Brooks consoles him as Shane Douglas enters the ring, talking down to Shane. Michael gets to his feet while Douglas asks him why he didn't pin Daniels when Douglas hit him with the chain, and Douglas gets in Shane's face, making him look at him, and Michael swats Douglas' hands away. Michael Shane starts yelling at Douglas, and goes to leave the ring, but Douglas holds him back, and Michael swats away the hand again. Michael Shane shoves Douglas, and then again, and again, and continues shoving him, and Tracy Brooks pushes the two apart, and Shane throws Tracy down. Douglas shoves Shane, and Shane shoves him back. The two begin yelling at each other, and Shane goes to leave the ring, but Douglas stops him again, and gets slapped across the face for it. Douglas then rips his shirt off, and hands is watch to Tracy before taking his belt off. Shane begs off, but Douglas whips him with the belt continuously, and then clotheslines him down with the belt before whipping him again. Douglas then knocks Shane down wqith a right, and then another, and he then whips Shane off of the ropes, but Michael Shane ducks a clothesline, and connects with a series of rights. Douglas pokes him in the eyes, and then clotheslines him down before laying in a series of rights. Tracy Brooks grabs the belt...and then begins choking Douglas with it! She jumps onto Douglas' back, and Michael Shane gets up, superkicking Douglas down before yelling in his face. Tracy begins whipping Douglas with the belt, and then Shane once again admonishes Douglas before he and Tracy invert the New Franchise symbol (Triple Threat symbol, essentially), and Blackshirt Security hit the ring.
RATING: **3/4. The match solid, but I can't help but think that it was lacking something. Michael Shane has become quite a solid worker since losing the X-Division title (odd, isn't it?), and Christopher Daniels is always awesome, but this match lacked something to make it really worth watching more than once. There wasn't a whole lot of psychology, honestly, but in an X-Division match, that's excuseable.

Russo's in the back with Borash, and Borashs says we've heard from The Truth, from Chris Harris and James Storm, and from AJ Styles. Russo knows what's at stake, and that this match has been in the works for six weeks, and he needs some time to come up with a decision. As soon as he knows, Borash will be the first to know. Abyss enters the scene, and Russo asks him if he has anything to say. Goldy-Lo enters (Goldylocks dressed and acting like a latina), and begins saying Abyss has been waiting for a title shot his whole life. Russo goes "Halloween is over, Cybil," and then tells her to not call him, because he'll call her.

Now we take a look at last week's Tag Team title match, where Dallas - unaware of the "titles change via DQ" ruling - was disqualified for using the pipe, and D'Lo Brown and Gran Apolo won the Tag titles. Kash says they were robbed of the titles, and after they win the belts back, they'll go down as the greatest tag team of all-time. D'Lo says that he and Apolo will walk out just as they walked in: World Tag Team champions.

MATCH FIVE: D'Lo Brown� and Gran Apolo� vs. Kid Kash and Dallas for the NWA World Tag Team titles
THE ACTION: There's the bell, and the challengers attack right away! Whip to the ropes, double reversal, and both men clothesline the challengers down. Dallas gets double clotheslined over the top, and Brown whips Kash into Apolo, who Gorilla Presses Kash over the top onto Dallas, but Dallas catches him. D'Lo off the ropes, and he connects with a suicide dive. Brown holds both men, and then Apolo off the ropes and he connects with a top� con hilo. Brown rolls Kash into the ring, and gets a basement dropkick. Chops against the ropes, and Kash whips Brown, but D'Lo reverses. Pancake press-up, and he catches Kash on the way down with a Cutter. Tag out to Apolo, and they whip Kash into the ropes, going for a hip-toss, but they botch it as Kash doesn't get enough rotation, and Apolo and Brown then flip Kash over into a double powerbomb. Apolo brings Kash to his feet, but Kash rakes the eyes, and tags in Dallas. Mid-ring staredown, and they trade rights. Apolo whips him into the ropes, ducks a clothesline, and Apolo off the ropes with a shoulderblock, but Dallas remains. Off the ropes, and Apolo catches Dallas with a spinebuster. Tag out to D'Lo, who connects with rights to Dallas. Whip to the ropes, but Kash stops Dallas, and Brown charges, knocking Kash off the apron. Dallas with a flapjack over the top rope to Brown, and he tags in Kash. Kash with a springboard dropkick, and he locks on a headscissors. He breaks the holds, and then stomps on D'Lo before tagging in Dallas. Dallas lifts Kash in a back suplex, and Kash moonsaults onto D'Lo. Dallas covers, but Brown kicks out at 2.
Brown fights back with rights to Dallas, and chops the entering Kash. Kash and Dallas both up near D'Lo's corner, and Brown goes for the tag, but Kash and Dallas spear him down. Kash covers, but Apolo enters to break it up at 2. Rights by D'Lo, and he whips Kash into the ropes. D'Lo telegraphs a backdrop, and Kash boots him in the chest before running up the corner...BUT D'LO CATCHES THE DOUBLE-SPRING 'RANA AND TURNS IT INTO A HUGE POWERBOMB! Kash gets the tag to Dallas, and D'Lo tags in Apolo. Apolo ducks a clothesline, connects with rights, and whips Dallas into the ropes, knocking him down wit ha shoulderblock. A series of clotheslines keeps Apolo down, and Kash enters. Apolo lifts him up for a Gorilla Press Slam, but Kash floats over with a rear waistlock, but then Apolo turns around and htis a high vertical suplex for 2 as Dallas breaks it up. Dallas on one knee, and D'Lo charges, hitting a Shining Enziguri (no, Mike Tenay, a Shining Wizard is NOT a kick to the head, it is a KNEE TO THE FACE) on Dallas as Apolo brings Kash into the corner. Brown brings Dallas into the opposite corner, and they whip their opponents towards each other. Dallas reverses, but Kash doesn't, and Brown clotheslines Kash to the mat. Dallas near the ropes, and Apolo superkicks him to the outside. Apolo follows him out, and D'Lo scoops Kash up, going for the Swinging Rock Bottom, but Kash's foot hits the ref, and knocks him down. The ref argues with D'Lo, and Dallas slides the pipe into the ring to Kash. Kash sets up to hit D'Lo, but Apolo enters the ring, takes the pipe from Kash, and begins trading off between hitting Dallas and Kid Kash with the pipe. The referee turns around as Apolo beats on Kash with it, and there's the disqualification finish at 6:26.
THE WINNERS: And NEW NWA World Tag Team champions...Kid Kash and Dallas
POST-MATCH: D'Lo is pissed that Apolo got them disqualified, and therefore losing the titles, and Apolo is mad at himself. Kash and Dallas go up the ramp with the NWA World Tag Team titles, and Kash rips a fan's sign in half (I didn't get to see what it said).
RATING: *. Seriously. Not a good match at all. Apolo sucks, D'Lo is sporadic in the quality of his work (he was THE MAN in mid 2003, but lately hasn't been that good), Dallas is uber-green, and Kash can't carry EVERYBODY. The finish sucked, too, but hey, it gets the belts on two TNA mainstays at least.

It's the eleventh hour, and Borash wants to know who Russo chose. Raven enters, and Russo tells him to get the hell out, but Raven tells Vince to calm down. They have common goals. They started out together a year ago, when Raven professed his destiny to Russo, and Russo says that was then, a year a go, so let's talk about the last six weeks. Raven says the reason he put Harris out is because nobody but Raven can beat Jeff Jarrett, and the main goal is to get the title off of Jarrett. Raven says he's the lesser of two evils, and if Raven doesn't beat Jarrett, than Russo can do what he wants. Russo wants to know if Raven would be the champion that would be a thorn in his side. Raven says he doesn't care what kind of champion Vince wants, because all he wants is the belt. If Russo wants him to defend the belt nightly, he will, but nobody can beat Jeff Jarrett but Raven, and Russo knows it. Russo says that there are a lot of people that won't like the decision, but he'll do it anyway, and shakes Raven's hand.

A video promo for the World X-Cup airs, showing clips from each of the X-Cup's so far, and damn! The finals of the World X-Cup (on May 26th) will be an Ultimate X match! Booyah! Tenay and West inform us that there'll be a gauntlet, including the usual tags, a ladder match, and the Ultimate X match to finish it all off. West hypes the Academy at the Asylum again, and then the site, focusing on the TNA trading cards. Now, why the hell does anybody want trading cards for WRESTLERS? Honestly, I can understand baseball cards, because they're worth a shitload these days. I can understand Yu-Gi-Oh and Magik: The Gathering cards, because they're games. But WRESTLING TRADING CARDS?! WHAT THE BAKA?! Next week, Desire/Siaki/Diamond take on Trinity/Gilberti/Swinger, a preview of the World X-Cup as Team NWA take on Team AAA in a tag match, and Abyss takes on Sabu one-on-one. Aside from the 6-person, next week already has two matches I'm looking forward to. Tenay wants to know if the handshake between Raven and Russo cemented the decision of Raven as Jarrett's opponent.

In the back, Borash is with Jarrett, and Jarrett says Russo had the World champion fooled. For weeks and weeks he said he was going to give guys opportunities, and he fooled them. Now? He's just as true as true can be, and he and the devil are making another deal together. One year ago, almost to the day, it's Raven and Jeff Jarrett facing off again, challenger vs. champion. At the time, it was the most anticipated match in TNA history (still was), and Jarrett says Raven/Jarrett II is the most anticipated match in TNA history AGAIN. He had it all laid-out. Harris couldn't get the job done, Russo's left Styles, he doesn't trust Truth, and he's tried to turn Abyss against Jarrett but it hasn't worked. Once more, it's Raven and Jarrett, and the same result as last year will happen.

Hype video for Jeff Jarrett...and screw this, I'm fast-forwarding to the match.
Tales of the Tape, and it's made clear that Russo hasn't officially chosen an opponent for Jarrett. We go live as the cage is fully erected, and Jarrett comes out first with a guitar, placing it at the commentator's table before getting into the ring and the cage. Russo comes out, and he has a mic. There's one point he wants to make clear: Harris deserves to be in the cage tonight, and when he's healthy, he'll get his opportunity. In the corner of the screen, we see Raven in the back warming up while watching the monitor. For the past two hours, there's been a lot of lobbying going on for who gets to be in the cage. James Storm has been brought up, but he's not ready for Jeff Jarrett. Then there's Abyss, and Russo wants to make it perfectly clear to everybody, and he says that he won't push people around to get a title shot, since it doesn't work that way with Russo as the DOA. People have been chanting for The Truth, and as much as it hurts Russo, 3LK is also going to learn that they're not going to bully Vince into putting Truth in the spot. Who does it come down to? It comes down to Raven. Jarrett and Russo had a bond, but Russo and Scott Levy (Raven) also had a bond. He worked with Raven in the WWF, in WCW, and he brought him into TNA. There's no question in Russo's mind that Raven could step into the cage and beat Raven, but when Russo came out here and said he won't be pushed around, he meant it. He reached down deep into his heart, and he did the right thing for the entire company. He's going to get the challenger out here, because his opponent, and his last title defense is against..."THE PHENOMENAL" AJ STYLES!!!!!!

MATCH SIX: Jeff Jarrett� vs. AJ Styles in a Steel Cage for the NWA World Heavyweight championship
THE ACTION: Holy SHIT is the pop for AJ huge when he walks out! Styles slowly walks to the door of the cage, and walks up the steps into the ring. He takes off his robe after a small scuffle, and there's the bell. The cameraman gets out of the cage as they lock the door. AJ goes for a tie-up, but Jarrett with a go-behind. Standing switch by Styles, but Jarrett turns it into a side headlock and drags AJ down to the mat for 1. Legsweep by Styles, and he covers for 1, but both men up, staredown. Shoving match, and they stare each other down again. Jarrett and Styles circle, and tie up. Side headlock by Styles, and he's whipped off the ropes. Shoulderblock, but neither man goes down. Knife-edge by AJ, and Jarrett backs into the corner as AJ taunts him. (NOTE: I have to give props to Jarrett here. His facial expressions after the chop of "holy shit, I'm in over my head" were great.) They circle again, and then tie up. Styles with a side headlock, and he WRENCHES it in. Whip to the ropes by JJ, Styles ducks under his legs, and he armdrags Jarrett down. Roundhosue kick misses, and Jarrett connects with an armdrag. They trade knife-edge chops, and then Jarrett sends Styles down with a right hand. AJ gets another right as he tries to get to his feet, and then another. Jarrett plays the crowd, and then brings Styles to his feet, scooping him over his shoulder, going to ram him into the cage. Styles floats over, pushes Jarrett into the ropes, and leapfrogs him. Styles ducks under him, and then connects with a high-flipping dropkick. Scoop slam by Styles, and he hits the ropes, connecting with a kneedrop for 2. Kick to the face by Styles, and he brings JJ to his feet, connecting with forearms. Whip is reversed, and Jarrett sends Styles over with a knee to the midsection. Jarrett measures Styles up, and knocks him to the mat with a right hand. He measures Styles again, and knocks him down again with another right. Jarrett yells at Styles to get up, and AJ kips up into a 'RANA~!!~~! Forearms and chops to Jarrett, and he whips him off the ropes, connecting with a powerslam for 2. Styles with a front facelock, and he lifts Jarrett up high...holding him there...BAM! High vertical suplex gets 2. Both men up to their feet, and Styles with a forearm. Whip is reversed, and Styles goes for the moonsault inverted DDT, but Jarrett catches him, and sends him head-first into the cage. Jarrett grabs Styles, and sends him back-first into the other side of the cage. He brings him back to his feet, and sends him between the top and middle ropes to the cage again, sending the cage out at least two feet. DAYUM!
Jarrett brings Styles to his feet, and hits a back suplex, not bridging at all and lifting him back up. Another back suplex, and Jarrett brings Styles to his feet again. He twists the arm, and connects with a VICIOUS back suplex that drops Styles onto his head for 2. Jarrett brings AJ up, and places him on the top rope. Styles fights off, shoving Jarrett to the mat. JJ charges, but eats boot. AJ flies off of the top rope with a missile dropkick, but JJ dodges it. He grabs AJ's leg for the Figure-4, but AJ fights too much, and then Jarrett drapes AJ's leg on the bottom rope, dropping onto it. Jarrett once again goes for the Figure-4, but AJ reverses it into an inside package for 2. Jarrett up, and he legsweeps AJ, and then locks on a Sharpshooter. AJ reaches the ropes, and then reverses the hold into one of his own. Jarrett reaches the ropes, and Styles gets to his feet, rolling through with a prawn hold for 2. Both men up, and Styles with rights, but a whip is reversed. Styles reverses THAT whip, locks on a rear waistlock, and a German Suplex gets 2. Chops in the corner, and Jarrett reverses a whip into the corner. Styles goes for the float-over, but Jarrett stops dead in his tracks. Styles with a back elbow, and then he moonsaults off of the middle rope, connecting with an inverted DDT.! Styles brings JJ to his feet, and signals for the Styles Clash! He places JJ's head between his legs, and JJ then pushes Styles into the referee. (NOTE: What the hell?! A ref bump...IN A CAGE MATCH?!?!?!?!?!!) AJ with rights to Jarrett, and then Styles goes for a tornado lariat, but Jarrett ducks it, and Styles goes into the cage. Jarrett reaches into his trunks, and produces a bag of powder! AJ up...JARRETT THROWS THE POWDER INTO HIS FACE!!!! The referee comes to, and Jarrett connects with a backslide! 1...2...NO! AJ KICKED OUT!!! Whip to the ropes, but Styles reverses, and sends Jarrett face-first into the cage. Rights by Styles, and the referee pulls him off of Jarrett to check his eyes. Jarrett unlaces his boot, and produces a chain. He wraps it around his hand, and goes for a right, but AJ ducks it, tripping Jarrett down, and he flips over with a carpet press for 2. Back up, and Jarrett knocks AJ down with the chain-wrapped fist! Jarrett puts the chain back into his trunks, and covers! 1...2...NO! AJ KICKED OUT! Jarrett brings Styles to his feet, and gets ready for The Stroke, but AJ elbows out of it, and whips him into the ropes. AJ telegraphs a backdrop, and Jarrett gets him for a powerbomb, lifting him for the Styles Clash! NO! AJ REVERSED THE STYLES CLASH ATTEMPT INTO A 'RANA!!!! Styles rolls over, and lifts Jarrett up by the legs...STYLES CLASH!!!! 1...2...NO!! AJ is frustrated, and he climbs to the top rope...BEFORE CLIMBING TO THE TOP OF THE CAGE!!! Jarrett shoves the referee into the cage, causing Styles to lose his balance and hang on outside of the cage. Jarrett then charges, and he jumps into the cage, knocking Styles off of it! The fans chant "HOLY SHIT!" and I'm agreeing with them! The referee orders the cage to be unlocked, and it is. Jarrett goes outside, and tosses Styles back into the ring. Jarrett looks over at the commentators' table, and walks over, grabbing his guitar before re-entering the ring. The outside ref tells Jarrett he can't use the guitar, and Jarrett winds up, but Russo is on the ramp! Russo keeps trying to climb up the cage to prevent the guitar shot, but Jarrett keeps knocking him off! Jarrett turns around and swings as AJ is up to his feet...BUT STYLES KICKS THE GUITAR AND BREAKS IT IN HALF MID-SWING!!! Jarrett is BEWILDERED and swings the neck of the guitar at Styles, but Styles ducks it...CRUCIFIX PIN! 1...2...3!!!!! NEW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION AT 13:35!!!!!!
THE WINNER: And NEW NWA World Heavyweight champion..."The Phenomenal" AJ Styles
POST-MATCH: The camera focuses on Raven in the bleachers, and his fae shows utter disgust. AJ takes a victory lap aorund the rap, slapping hands with the fans and Don West. AJ celebrates, walking up the ramp with the NWA World title, and Russo stands there, extending a hand for a handshake. AJ knocks the hand away...AND THEN GIVES RUSSO A HUG!!!! NEW NWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!!!!!!!
RATING: ***3/4. While the work in this match was pretty shoddy at first, the drama once the second half started was AMAZING. While I'm not too big a fan of the fact that Russo had to distract Jarrett so Styles could collect his bearings, it wasn't direct interference, and thus AJ went over clean in my book. I only wish that Jarrett would have kicked out of the crucifix, and then go for the Stroke, but Styles kicks out of The Stroke and Jarrett eats another Styles Clash, but kicks out of that too. Then AJ goes to the top rope...SPIRAL TAP! Now, tell me how great of a finish the SPIRAL TAP would have been, considering we haven't seen it since AJ was a member of the X-Division.

Well, that's another Lazarush for you, kids. Lackluster show until the main event, which was VERY good. Extra points go to TNA for realizing, if even at the last minute, that Chris Harris and Jeff Jarrett wouldn't be too good of a match in the Cage, and putting AJ Styles in there to win the title. I'm STILL marking out over it. The people that were in the TNA Inception and TNA Revolution chat last night caught my PBP of the Cage match, and knew how stoked I was for it. The main event alone makes this show a must-see, as Styles OWNED. The finish wasn't too good, because I think Styles should have won with the Styles Clash, but it was a dramatic cage match, albeit rushed. They could have EASILY taken time off of the other matches (especially Swinger/Gilberti vs. Simon/Siaki, and Abyss/Brown vs. Sabu) to clear time for the Cage, but hey, still an awesome match. Should you catch the replay? Yes, but only for the Cage match.

The L-A-Z
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