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" The Gravel Pit "

On Site Report: WWE RAW at MSG
Posted by FakeRazor on Aug 27, 2002, 13:30
There�s nothing like a WWE event at the Garden. Well, except maybe a GOOD WWE event at the garden. I had tickets to yesterday�s RAW at the Garden (nosebleed seats, but there�s not a bad seat in the house at MSG� I was right on top of the center of the ring, really a great view), and figured I�d give you a perspective of how the show was live.
I took the midtown direct train to Penn Station, and got to NYC at about 3:30. After some walking around and exploring, I went to eat at a restaurant across the street from MSG. Security was pretty tight, everything was blocked off, and only certain cars were let down 8th Avenue (which is where the Garden is). Anyway I�m sitting there eating my cheeseburger and looking out the window in hope of seeing a wrestler. All of the sudden, a black car pulls up and stops right in the middle of the street. Rob Van Dam gets out! I threw my cheeseburger down and ran outside. He did his R-V-D pose really fast and the crowd outside went wild. He hopped in his car and sped away before the mob could get to him. It almost seemed like he was *GASP* high! Pretty fuckin hilarious, and one of the coolest things I�ve ever seen.
We paid the bill and headed outside in hope of meeting some more wrestlers. After a few minutes, The BROOKLYN BRALWER and HARVEY WIPPLEMAN show up, and a few other people and myself start chanting �BRAWLER! HARVEY!� I ran up to them and asked for an autograph, and they threw their hands up and said �NO AUTOGRAPHS!� Wow, I just got turned down for an autograph from a jobber and a manager who hasn�t managed one successful wrestler. They were lucky ANYONE asked them for an autograph!
The crowd outside slowly got bigger and bigger, and the �ROCKY SUCKS!� chants started. Wow, I was amazed at how fast they turned on The Rock. A �Y2J!� chant started which made me happy. Eventually, they let us inside, and I bought me a Booker T shirt, sucka. Yeah, I coughed up $28 for a shirt. After waiting around for about 40 minutes (ugh), they finally let us in to our seats. As soon as people were seated, huge �WOOOOOO!� chants started.
Before Heat, they tested the crowd by playing the Rocky desire video. It got massive heat, and a huge �ROCKY SUCKS� chant started up. I guess everyone is getting sick of his constant sabbaticals. Even when they played the History of the WWF desire video (which had a few edited in scenes, Austin and JR drinking a beer, and the new WWE logo), the fans booed whenever Rocky was on screen. Bret Hart and Steve Austin got a nice reaction though.
First match of the night was Shelton Benjamin vs. Shawn Stasiak. I�m not sure if this will be a dark match or a Heat match, as the arena was still pretty empty as this match was going on, but they had Coach and D�Lo out there and the Heat stuff set up. Shelton Benjamin has the FUNNIEST titantron. His music starts with �It�s all about the Benjamins� and then his titantron shows a dollar bill with his face on it, and his tooth twinkles. I was laughing my ass off at that. Stasiak got decent heat. I started a �STASIAK SUCKS!� chant. Benjamin got little reaction as many people didn�t know who he was, but when he hit his Roundhouse Enziguri for the win, people started to cheer him.
Howard Finkel got good heat whenever he was on camera too, except when they were shooting T-Shirts into the crowd.
Charles Robinson came out to ref the next match, and he got a lot of �WOOOO!� chants as well. Pretty funny, I was surprised people remembered �Little Naytch.� Goldust came out to a HUGE pop. His opponent is� Bull Buchanon? No wait, they just played the wrong titantron, it�s Johnny Stamboli! A �You fucked up!� chant arose after that. This match was pretty sloppy, with an UGLY suplex by Stamboli onto the ropes. Another match I�m not too sure they�ll be airing. Goldust won with the Curtain Call, and got a big pop.
Next was Richards vs. Crash. Richards got a mixed reaction and some �E-C-DUB!� chants. Crash got a good pop. I was pulling for Richards here, but Crash got the W.
Next, the WWE�s own version of the South Park gay puddin eatin cowboy came out. Bradshaw got a huge pop, HUGE. I shouted �WHY THE FUCK DO YOU LIKE THIS GUY?� No response. Justin Credible is his opponent; he got a mixed reaction and some big �E-C-DUB!� chants. Bradshaw won with the Clothesline from Hell and posed for the fans.
Raven came out and got some decent heat. He finally wrestled D�Lo Brown this week� and lost after D�Lo hit the Sky High. An ok match. D�Lo got a great pop when he came out, and when he was announced as an announcer too. Coachman got a big pop too, despite reeking of sucktitude.
Heat ended, and they showed the History of the WWF desire video. Good pops for Morales, Andre, Hogan, Bret Hart, Randy Savage, Roddy Piper, Austin and Owen. The Rock got major heat.
JR and Lawler came out to a big reaction, particularly Lawler. The crowd EXPLODED with anticipation when the pyro went off. Bischoff came out to start the show, and got a mixed reaction. He got decent heat and a lot of pops here and there too. I couldn�t hear a word he was saying. Ditto for Heyman and Lesnar when they came out. Lesnar got a HUGE POP when he came out, and a �LET�S GO LESNAR!� chant started up. Heyman got big time heat though, when he got on the mic.
Someone had a Bret Hart poster by us, which got a little �BRING BACK BRET� chant started. A �WHAT?� chant got started too at various segments in the show.
HBK�s music is hit, and the fans go ABSOLUTLY NUTS! It was only HHH though� and he also got a mixed reaction, which turned to heat once he started talking. The crowd popped huge for Taker, and huge for Taker throwing Lesnar and HHH out of the ring. They popped huge when the Number one contenders match was announced too.
Ah, I almost forgot, there was a big fat guy with a mullet and a RODDY PIPER T-Shirt two rows in front of me. Awesome!
Booker T and Goldust got a huge response, and I busted out my patented Booker T impression which some people laughed at. Christian and the Un-Americans are WAY OVER with the crowd as heels, they got MASSIVE heel heat. I was cheering them on, but then felt a little guilty when they said they were gonna burn the flag. I knew it wouldn�t happen though, since it�s a felony and all. Short match, won by Booker T.
The Dudleys came out next to a huge pop. I started a mini �WE WANT D-VON!� chant, and a �SPIKE SUCKS!� chant. I tried to start a �HARVARD!� chant for Nowinski, but it quickly turned into a �HARVARD SUCKS!� chant. The blown Acid Drop through the table got a �YOU FUCKED UP!� chant. Seemed like a pretty shitty match, but hey, so far I�m having a blast screaming my ass off.
When Bischoff talked to the �Hall of Famer� a �HIT-MAN!� chant started up. Ah, I felt so proud.
Snuka got a pretty big pop, which surprised me. The crowd expected the �THREE MINUTE� deal right off the bat though. Notice that the Island Boys only sell for their relatives? Island Boys got decent heat.
Jericho came out and got a decent pop, and I went WILD! I proudly held up my �KING OF THE WORLD� sign with an arrow pointing down. Eventually it turned to massive heat when he put Snuka in the Walls, and when he started trashing the New York Rangers (which I don�t think aired). He sang his own version of �New York, New York� which I couldn�t hear because of the MASSIVE �SHUT THE FUCK UP!� chant, which I tried to counter with a �Y2J!� chant, but to no avail.
Jeff came out to a big pop, though it was mainly from the girls in the crowd. The match seemed ok, maybe a little slow. I was PISSED that Jericho lost, even if it was by DQ. Only match of the night to get �BO-RING!� chants though�
Crowd popped for Lesnar again when Terri interviewed him.
The Unamericans got huge heat when they came out, because they were about to burn the flag. There were a few Canadian flags and upside down American flags out in the crowd. The crowd got PISSED when Kane didn�t come out after the first pyro sequence, and a �BULLSHIT!� chant started. Booker T and Goldust got a huge pop when they stopped them. When Kane DOES come out, he gets a MASSIVE pop, one of the biggest of the night. His new attire looked goofy to me. He talked in his normal voice, which was surprising to the crowd and myself. Crowd popped huge for Spinarooni and the Kanearooni.
RVD came out to a MASSIVE pop. His opponent is Tommy Dreamer, who also got a decent pop. I didn�t know this was a unification match until now, because I couldn�t hear Bischoff at the start. The match was awesome live; there were lots of �E-C-DUB� chants.
Finkel got good heat when he came out for his match; Lillian got a nice pop. Stupid match, Lillian won, I guess. Crowd was sorta into it.
The main was boring as all hell. Triple H got a mixed reaction. Undertaker got a HUGE pop. I left right when HHH won, because I didn�t want to miss the train. I hear Hebner cleared HHH out of the ring though. Man, that would have been funny to see.
All in all, this was a good show live and a great experience as always. The show probably sucked on TV, but I had a blast at the event and before the event as well. The crowd was AMAZINGLY hot throughout the entire show, and a fun crowd to be a part of.
�Longfellow couldn�t have said it better.�
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