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" The Gravel Pit "

Brain Droppings: I'm Still Here Edition
Posted by Josh Lowmon on Oct 13, 2002, 18:09
Brain Droppings: The I�m Still Here Edition
I was planning on posting my review of the New Japan 30th Anniversary show tonight but after reading through it I decided it needs some work so I am going to go back through it and rewrite it because it started to make no sense.
By the way� does anyone know where I can get a laptop cheap? Doesn�t have to be anything special, just needs to be able to run a word processing program and also have the a USB port or a expansion slot for a wireless network card so I can watch the tape in my bedroom in silence while typing instead of trying to write on a pad since my VCR is currently in the bedroom instead of the living room because even moving the VCR out there would make no difference because the computer is not even close to being in position for me to be able to watch it at the same time. If you know where I can get hooked up e-mail me.
Since I don�t have the review I am guess I will just have to entertain you with my ramblings of current goings on in wrestling today.
First a little pimping though before we get started. Thomas Green who writes at my site SmarkTalk.com did a interview with NWA: TNA/Wildside�s Rick Michaels and it is a very good read as Rick talks about the WWE, WCW, CZW, TNA and of course Wildside. Check it out here.
RAW continues the murder angle this week according to the official RAW preview here:
RAW preview for Oct. 14
RAW is live this Monday night at 9/8 CT on the new TNN!
"Kane, you're a murderer!"
That was the last sentence we heard last Monday night as RAW went off the air -- Triple H accused the Big Red Machine of killing someone named Katie 10 years ago. When RAW kicks off live this Monday night at 9/8 CT, No Mercy will be just six days away. Kane, the Intercontinental Champion, is scheduled to battle Triple H, the World Heavyweight Champion, in a winner-take-all showdown. But will Kane even make it to No Mercy? Is there any validity to Triple H's claims? We'll undoubtedly get more information on this unbelievable story this Monday night live.
Last week, Victoria revealed that her recent attacks on Trish Stratus were not unprovoked, or so she claimed. What was Victoria talking about? How will the Women's Champion respond to Victoria's allegations?
If the past is any indication, anything can happen when World Wrestling Entertainment is live in Montreal! Who can forget March, one day after Wrestlemania X-8? Brock Lesnar debuted, and Hollywood Hulk Hogan received a deafening ovation from the fans at the Bell Centre. What will happen this time around? The only way to find out is to tune in to TNN at 9 p.m./8 CT
Scary isn�t it? I am so afraid of how they are going to try and pull this Kane is a murderer angle off. The logic gaps are HUGE. How is it that someone is MURDERED and the cops can�t apparently find shit out about it for 10 years but Triple H magically solved the murder in the space of a week? From what I�m seeing if someone in your family is murdered don�t call the police or FBI and fuck Matlock. Call Triple H and he will get down to the bottom of it.
Maybe the Victoria/Trish angle will lead to some weird lesbian lover thing going by how Vince has been saying he wants bigger soap opera storylines. Lets see� lesbians and murders� now all we need is someone to comeback who we thought was dead but in reality he only had amnesia. I understand trying to get more casual fans (i.e. mostly women it appears) into the product but your core audience are males and males like violent confrontations and aren�t too into these mystery angles.
Romans wanted to see the gladiators kill each other or the lion� not fuck with the lion�s head for a few weeks by accusing it of murdering a lamb 2 years before it was imprisoned.
Smackdown seems to be just chugging along at a good clip. A sub-par week for the last outing but you can�t expect that many high caliber shows to follow one after another without some type of drop off. Sometimes things don�t click and it happens to every show from ER to Friends so 2 out of 3 isn�t that bad.
Speaking of Smackdown, I am sure all of you are pumped for the Cripple In A Cell match for No Mercy. The whole point of the Hell In A Cell is to sell your ass off to make it seem like a brutal environment and the way to go about that is you actually have to sell for the cage. But if the Undertaker isn�t going to sell for Brock what do you think the chances of him selling for the cage is?
Assuming Brock keeps the title and the Undertaker goes off to have his baby with his wife, who is going to get plugged into the main event spot? Angle and Benoit have a little thing going and they are pretty much the next two �main event� guys on the Smackdown roster without The Rock or Hogan being there. I see three options with 2 being good and one being bad.
Option 1: Brock gets involved somehow in the Benoit/Angle feud and we end up with a killer 3-way match for the title at Survivor Series that even if Brock still went over it would still be a good match. BEST IDEA FOR THE WWE TO USE
(Just incase they are reading this.)
Option 2: The Rock comes back (I highly doubt it) and feuds with Brock for the month before heading back to Hollywood to film whatever movie he is doing currently. This would be the 2nd best option because the Rock can at least drag a decent match out of Brock and is good with bring the psychology into the match.
Option 3: The return of Hulk Hogan. I have an odd feeling this is what they may be going with since they would have him coming back to avenge his beating that he took on Smackdown a few months back. WORST IDEA FOR THE WWE TO USE (Just incase they are reading this.)
The reason why is this� IF the WWE are serious about building Brock up as a bad ass beating monster what better way to do that then by beating BOTH Angle and Benoit who in the fans eyes are very credible as wrestlers instead of an aging novelty act?
Just as a note: I would prefer Angle or Benoit to beat Brock but you take what you can get.
The only good I see of them creating the wrestlers not being used that much something to do since they combine them as a tag team. They are paying them so might as well use them and perhaps they will come upon a good pairing since the tag ranks are shit right now on both shows.
A few more plugs before I go.
Be sure to check out JHawk's Today in Wrestling History (October 12) with a look at the Intercontinetal title.
The Crossface is up as well but everyone seems to be agreeing on everything! That is why they need Josh Lowmon in there.. I bring the CONTROVERSY~! But they all live on the East Coast so no love for the West Coast brother.
This is a little of subject but to those off you who read this column� SEND ME FEEDBACK! Or even questions that you would like answered or your opinions on things. I want to have a mail bag to answer! Get your name in lights!
All feedback and hate mail can be sent to me here. And following Dr. Tom's lead please remove the leading and trailing x!
