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" The Gravel Pit "

The Dames' Diatribe on NWA:TNA Week 20
Posted by The Dames on Nov 14, 2002, 01:06
NWA:TNA Week 20
Hey people, its that time again for your weekly NWA:TNA recap. For the record, i�m DAMN tired so hopefully I can stay awake and make sure this recap doesn�t completely and utterly SUCK.
I�d be remiss in not mentioning my two favorite shows on TV today. First, The Sopranos had a blockbuster episode with a major angle...and its about time as Season Four hasn�t really had much action goings on. Also, my favorite show of ALL TIME, 24, also had a blow away show in just its third episode of the new season. I�d love to know where they can possibly go from here because it seems like they�ve blown their proverbial load early on. Both shows are in high discussion in the TSM forums...check them out.
Before we hit the recap, I was asked last week why this I consider this show to be week 20 and not last week (which was NWA:TNA�s 20th week on PPV and mentioned several times on air). It�s pretty simple actually as the show between Week 11 and 12 was an X Division special with no new matches aired, so I just don�t count it.
Now....lets his the recap!
The show starts with Goldylocks singing a quick version of the Star Spangled Banner. She�s no Lillian Garcia, but it was decent in her own right. She just used too much artistic interpretation for my tastes.
The camera pans around the arena to hype the crowd, but what I don�t understand is why they focus on the people who look bored out of their friggin� minds. Also, they focus on someone who has a �We came to see Athena� sign, although there�s never been a mention of her on TNA. She�s the person at ringside who takes wrestler�s entrance attire to the back but she�s never acknowledged on camera.
Tenay informs us that Mr. Wrestling III never signed the contract....but he may sign it tonight.
Mortimer Plumtree and AJ Styles (in street clothes) come down to the ring for a promo. The fans seem more riled up as usual, chanting �You suck� at Styles before he DEMANDS that they shut up! He claims that the X Division title match between Kid Kash and Jerry Lynn will NOT happen tonight before handing THE STICK~! to Plumtree. He claims that the contract that he signed with AJ had a rematch clause for the X title, so Kid Kash isn�t getting a shot tonight. Da champ, Jerry Lynn, comes out and shows off his terrible mic skills! He had a feeling that Plumtree would be �out here crying like a whiney ass biatch� so he had the match made into a 3 way dance for the title tonight!
Tony Mamaluke vs. EZ Money:
Match Background: This is EZ Money�s debut match in TNA. He�s wrestled as EZ Money in ECW and was finally getting a push as they folded. He then wrestled as Jason Jett in WCW as they were winding down. It was pretty sad as he was actually getting over with his in ring work before the company was sold to WWE. He was also released from WWE a few weeks ago despite never making an appearance on WWE TV so hopefully he�ll finally have a good opportunity in TNA. Mamaluke hasn�t had a single�s win yet in TNA and I�ll be honest.....I�m not sure if these two ever hooked up in ECW as they were both heels.
The Match: Tenay pimps Money�s size and ability to work both the X and Heavy divisions. Quick Irish whip sequence leads to a BIG monkey flip by EZ Money. I�ve never seen anyone get THAT much elevation on one before and if Mamaluke had landed flat, it would have been the best one EVER. EZ charges Mamaluke, but Tony ducks and he goes spilling to the outside. Mamaluke hits a GORGEOUS suicide dive to the outside, NAILING EZ with it! Mamaluke goes for a cross body off the top to the outside, but Money hits him in the midsection with a dropkick! That leads to the THIRD replay in a row! EZ throws Tony back into the ring, uses the ropes to flip into the ring and clotheslines Mamaluke down in one of his signature moves. EZ gets a gorilla press drop and then performs a standing moonsault onto Mamaluke, but he hits with only his shins! OW. Huge �TNA� chant. Irish whip sequence leads into Mamaluke going for his Back Drop Driver but its blocked, leading him to go for a Fujiwara armbar takedown but THAT is blocked and he transitions into a Russian Leg Sweep! DAMN! He then gets a nice submission hold on EZ but he grabs the rope for the break. Mamaluke gets a drop toe hold into the turnbuckles, which he then uses to set up a hangmans neckbreaker. Top rope legdrop by the former Full Blooded Italian gets two. He goes for another neckbreaker but EZ rolls through it and hits a legdrop for two! He then hits the Cha-Ching (Forward Release Vertical Suplex) for the win!
My Opinion: For his debut, EZ was able to show a few signature moves and impress the crowd. Mamaluke got a quick flurry of offense and he was impressive this week. This could have been a lot better with more time. EZ definitely fits in the X Division. *1/4.
We go STRAIGHT to:
Sonny Siaki vs. Chris Vaughn:
Match Background: I�ve never seen Vaughn before so I think its safe to assume that this is his first match in TNA.
The Match: Poor guy (Vaughn) didn�t even get an introduction on camera so you KNOW this is a squash. Siaki enters the ring and just NAILS Vaughn with a clothesline to start. He charges Vaughn, but he gets a boot up. Siaki then belly to belly�s him into the corner. Gorilla press into a Hot Shot by Siaki which he follows up with his pumphandle Exploder suplex as the crowd chants �Rocky Ripoff�. He goes for the cover but pulls him up at two...but I don�t think this kid has got a chance in hell. Tenay plays off this aggression as Siaki being upset that he�s no longer in the NWA Title shot tourney. He puts Vaughn in the Tree of Woe and he shoulder blocks him a few times. Samoan drop gets another two count before Siaki pulls him up. Mexican backbreaker leads to THREE Siakalypses for the win.
My Opinion: DUD. The poor guy�s only offense was a boot to the face.
In the back, they show a pre taped interview between Goldylocks and Brian Lawler, interrupted by the moans of April in the shower. Lawler busts into the locker room and finds her BUCK NEKKID, but lathered up in the right spots as she demands the camera�s to be turned off. As the cameraman is leaving, he catches a glimpse of BRUCE in the shower! All in all, it was a pretty funny segment although I can�t see where they�re going with it.
We then to go Father James Mitchell standing at the top of the ramp to introduce the newest member of the Disciples of the New Church....Belladonna. I�ve never seen this chick in my life. She rubs herself and then turns around to show us her ass....then I rub myself. Um....nevermind.
The fans chant �Evil� as he RE-introduces MALICE to TNA. I guess that deal with WWE didn�t go so well.
Malice vs. Kaos:
Match Background: Malice (WCW�s The Wall) was one of TNA�s top Heavyweight stars in the first few weeks of the promotion. He battled Ken Shamrock twice for the NWA World title, impressing a lot of people before supposedly signing a development deal with WWE a few weeks back. Kaos was part of a jobber tag team in WCW called High Voltage. This is his first match in TNA.
The Match: Malice charges into the ring and goes right after Kaos. His 6�9 ass makes the husky Kaos look small. He throws him to the outside and throws a chair into his face. Kaos gets a few right hands (which Belladonna sells at ringside) before Malice nails him with a clothesline and a backbreaker. He gets an overhead belly to belly and a big boot before hitting a chokeslam that would make Akira Taue jealous. Instead of going for the pin there, he takes his knee pad off, climbs to the top rope and hits a knee drop to the chest for the win.
My Opinion: DUD. Two squashes in a row? Regardless, it�s nice to see Malice back in TNA....it definitely spruces it up.
Jorge Estrada vs. Brian Lawler:
Match Background: This match was supposed to be an intergender tag match with Estrada & Priscilla vs. Lawler and April, but for some reason, it was changed.
The Match: Brian Lawler finally has new music that doesn�t scream TOO COOL. He takes the in house mic and confronts April about why the fans are chanting things at him. He asks about the tape and she swears that nothing is on it. Hell, I wouldn�t mind watching it again. He forgives her and goes into the ring to do battle, like a MAN. Tenay: �When it comes to April, I think I smell a rat�. April gives Lawler two kisses on the cheek before Estrada tries a double noggin knocker but gets gouged in the eyes. He tosses Estrada to the outside but gets tripped up. He heads to the top and hits a legdrop on a STANDING Lawler! LONG Irish whip sequence leads to a dropkick. ALL THAT for a sloppy dropkick!? Lawler misses a crossbody for an Estrada two count. They botch a series of roll throughs, but Lawler is able to hold onto Estrada�s jump suit for a neckbreaker. Lawler grabs April�s purse and goes to nail Estrada with it but he nails Lawler and puts it around his neck. He then legdrops him after coming off the 2nd rope as Lawler still has it around his neck. In a VERY bad spot, Lawler just stands there as Estrada comes flying at him.....but then realized that he was supposedly tripped by April. He grabs April by the hair as Lawler just tries to get his breath back. After what seems like forever, Priscilla goes after April on the outside so her man could take care of business. Unfortunately, her man is an idiot as he�s watching her and gets a low blow by Lawler who then rolls him up for the pin. Lawler pulls Priscilla off and takes April to the back.
My Opinion: If there was a line between DUD and �*, I�d probably give it an eighth....but since I can�t, I�ll go with DUD. The match was kinda sloppy, didn�t have much to it and it didn�t make either man look good at all.
Backstage, Goldylocks is in the back with Jeff Jarrett. JJ informs us that �Pac is out with an injury AGAIN this week, so he has a bye. He�ll be facing BG James next week in the finals of the tourney.
Jimmy Yang vs. Red
Match Background: Jimmy Yang is back from Japan and has apparently dropped his Flying Elvis gimmick, making Estrada the SOLE SURVIVOR of the three man group! Red is coming off of his amazing (no pun intended) match with AJ Styles from Week 18. These two men faced in each other in Week 8 in a 6 man tag, The SAT�s vs. The Flying Elvises with the Elvises getting the win. The winner of this match will get an X title match next week.
The Match: Yang doesn�t look the same as before as his hair is grown, has allowed his facial hair to grow and is back in his Jung Dragons outfit. As Red comes to the ring, Tenay and West put over his match with Styles and rightfully so. They work the mat for a few seconds before Yang gets the advantage. They go to a Greco-Roman knuckle lock which Red is able to turn into a sloppy �rana. It was only sloppy because he lost his footing. Red comes back with a Rey Misterio, Jr-like twirling �rana which totally pops the crowd! He goes for a baseball slide but is caught by Yang so he head scissors him into the announce table and Yang lands HARD. Back in the ring now, Red gets dropkicked to the outside and Yang SOARS through the air with a gorgeous Asai Moonsault! Back in the ring again, Yang flips off of Red�s chest and hits a shoulder block. He whips Red off the ropes who comes back with a head scissor and arm submission hold in MID AIR (6 Second Magic for you No Mercy fans). A �rana by Red is blocked into an STF in a beautiful transition! Red gets to the ropes for the break though. Red is thrown to the corner and Yang follows that up with a spinning wheel kick, going over the top rope ala Savio Vega. This only gets a two count as well. Red is able to get a roll up for two before he gets turned INSIDE OUT by a spinning wheel kick for two. Yang takes the advantage on the outside as the fans chant �Lets go Red...lets go�. The pace of the match has REALLY slowed down as Yang stays on offense. He gets a hanging head scissors over the ropes on Red! Springboard crossbody is countered by a dropkick to the midsection! They brawl in the ring as Red is able to come back with two roundhouse kicks. He hits the bicycle kick in the corner and then SPIKES Yang in the head with a Tornado DDT for a near fall! Red tries to come off the top but can�t get his footing....so Yang covers well by crotching him. He heads to the top and goes for a superplex but Red counters with a SUPER CODE RED~! for TWO!! That was AWESOME. He comes off the top with a crossbody attempt but lands on Yang�s KNEE. Yang heads to the top and misses Yang Time! This allows Red to come off the top with the InfraRed on a standing Yang for the win!
My Opinion: **. Upon a second viewing, I had to give it only two stars as I was just bored for the most part when Yang was on offense. Decent match though....and Red gets another shot next week.
In the back, Goldy is interviewing BG who was supposed to scout JJ/�Pac. As he cuts his interview, JJ comes along, wishes him good luck and offers a handshake. BG: �Do I look stupid to you?�. JJ convinces BG that he�s being sincere....and BG shakes his hand like an idiot. Of course, JJ takes the chance for a cheap shot and JJ has to be restrained by security.
The SAT vs. The Rainbow Express:
Match Background: This is the Rainbow Express� (Bruce and Lenny Lane) first match in TNA as a team since Week 3. The SAT have never met them in the ring. The winner of this match will face the winner of the next tag match later on tonight next week to determine who gets the tag title shot.
The Match: Their outfits SCREAM homosexual....the Express, I mean. Bruce is now wearing a halter top that reads �princess� on it to wrestle. Joel starts the match off with Lenny as he hops over Joel who�s lying on the mat in the most feminine manner possible. Joel trips up Lenny like this for a laugh. Tenay: �That was pathetic�. As Lenny goes up to Bruce, he�s dropkicked from behind by Jose Maximo, knocking Bruce down to the floor. Lenny Irish whips him to the ropes, but Jose ducks a clothesline and dives onto Bruce on the outside! Meanwhile, Lenny gets the full nelson front face slam on Joel before diving to the outside as well, tripping over the top rope. The double team Joel in the ring and then bump butts before Lenny hits a VERY fragile splash. In a moment that I simply can�t stop laughing over, Bruce starts humping Lenny to the ref�s count. It was just SO over the top, I couldn�t help but laugh. Jose takes Lenny to the outside and then the SAT hit a top rope moonsault/legdrop combo on Bruce! Lenny comes back in and dumps Jose on the top rope, sending him to the outside. Lenny with a bitch slap to Joel sitting on the top rope....and then he hits a VERY sloppy rana off the top. Lenny could have hurt himself on that one. Bruce comes back in and goes all INTENSE~! on us with a flurry of punches and a suplex into the corner! Joel comes back taking out Lenny and hitting a missile dropkick to Bruce! Joel makes the hot tag to Jose who�s a HOUSE...EN...FUEGO~! He puts Bruce in the Tree of Woe and then drop toe holds Lenny into his crotch! They fall in a 69 position....and Jose stomps Bruce�s head into Lenny�s crotch repeatedly in a spot that makes me feel weirder than watching Queer As Folk. The crowd really pops to the pseudo mouth to scrotum action as Bruce gets irish whipped....but falls to the outside as Lenny holds onto the top rope! Lenny goes to the top, but gets caught. SPANISH FLY~!! for the win! They haven�t synchronized that move ever since Joel gained a spare tire around his waist though.
My Opinion: 1/2* The match actually gave me some laughs and I�m happy that the right team went over.
In the back, Goldylocks is with Bullet Bob Armstrong. They talk about Don Harris being fired last week, but he was only fired as ref and head of security....as Bob Armstrong thinks he�s a hell of a wrestler. He should NEVER get the book in TNA....EVER!
The Hot Shots vs. The Harris Brothers:
Match Background: This is the Harris Bros. first match as a team in TNA. The Hot Shots have never met them in the ring. The winner of this match will face the SAT�s next week to determine the number one contender for the Tag titles.
The Match: No! They�ve changed the Hot Shots� music! Why take away the one cool thing the Hot Shots had going for them! The Harris� are very easy to differentiate as Don is a little thicker, had a thicker goatee and is wearing a shirt. The Harris� attack the Shots from at the bell as Tenay and West have problems with their head sets. The Hot Shots actually blow a double armdrag! I don�t think I�ve ever seen that before! Don makes sure to get some cheap shots in as Ron uses the POWER OF PURE SUCKTITUDE~! to over power Stevens. West completely forgets about Don Harris� matches with Malice weeks ago as he claims that he�s never wrestled in TNA. I�m surprised....the guy was so hyped for them. O�Reilly gets abused by the Harris� before making the tag to Chase Stevens who becomes a ....you guessed it....HOUSE....EN....FUEGO~! They hit a double dropkick on Ron and Don. Stevens is tossed to the outside and the Harris� go for the H bomb (double sidewalk slam) on O�Reilly but he�s able to roll through and hit a double clothesline. He�s soon tossed to the outside and Stevens eats the H bomb for the Harris win. DAMN, that had some impact. After the match, the Harris� beat the hell out of them some more.
My Opinion: �* Well, at least it was short. All of the credit goes to the Hot Shots and the H bomb, a move I�ve always liked for some reason. Let�s see if the SAT�s can get a good match out of them next week.
BG James comes STORMING to the ring, upset that he was fooled and insulting his OWN intelligence! Now that was funny. �Fool me once, shame on me.....fool me say...500 times, well I guess I�m just a friggin� idiot!�. He cuts an INTENSE~! promo calling out JJ, calling him a low down piece of shit! He calls him out...and JJ appears. He has the night off and so does BG, so he�ll have to wait til next week. BG then says that its official.....Jarrett�s a pussy! He calls his father a pussy....he says he�s always been a pussy and his MOMMA was one too! JJ can�t take it anymore and rushes the ring. They start brawling and Bob Armstrong sends a ref down....the finals is NOW!
Jeff Jarrett vs. BG James:
Match Background: For the past few weeks, they have been on opposing sides of tag team matches. These two go way back, however, on a national level since 1995. When Jeff Jarrett was Double J in the WWF, he was seconded by BG James, then known as the Roadie. They had a falling out when it was revealed that he was actually the voice behind JJ�s single �With My Baby Tonight� and he became known as the �Real Double J� in a gimmick that went NO WHERE. They feuded when he was a member of DX and have had a rivalry ever since.
The Match: They immediately take it to the outside and start brawling in the crowd. JJ nails him with a chair when BG joins him in the sea of fans. Well, more like a lake. They nail each other with a trashcan and then both men actually start brawling in the upper deck of the Fairgrounds! Jarrett is just unleashing hard shots with those trash cans. I�ll give BG credit, he was a great Hardcore champ and garbage wrestling is one of his strong suits. They brawl up the stairs as every fan in the building gets a chance to be on camera. JJ knocks him off the stairs...and BG lands through a table near the security post! JJ heads to the back where the ref starts the SLOWEST COUNT EVER! It took at LEAST 10-15 seconds for the ref to get from 7 to 8! BG takes a chair and brings it into the ring. BG hits the Shake Rattle and Roll punches but his back is too hurt from the table! He goes for the Humphandle Slam but JJ rolls through and hits The Stroke onto the chair for the win! Jeff Jarrett gets a NWA Title shot finally!
My Opinion: * Pretty decent brawl although the slow count by the ref really exposed the fact that BG couldn�t make it to the ring on time. BG�s strength is in garbage brawling and actually sold the back in the ring. I�m looking forward to JJ/Truth.
Americas Most Wanted vs. The Disciples of the New Church w/Father James Mitchell and Belladonna:
Match Background: The Disciples of the New Church, Slash and Brian Lee, attacked Americas Most Wanted after their tag title defense in Week 18. This lead to a title match last week where the Disciples were disqualified. The rematch...is tonight.
The Match: It�s pretty funny watching the dancers try to move to the Disciples music. As Borash announces AMW, the camera cuts to Brian Lee as he PELVIC THRUSTS into the camera. Sorry...it�s nowhere near as funny as when The Truth does it. AMW come from the crowd and jump the Disciples from behind! Damn, Belladonna has an awesome ass. Storm and Harris clear the ring and then Harris hits a pescado on Lee. Storm and Slash brawl on the outside before Slash takes a breather. Harris nails Slash in the head with a chair, opening him up at the top of the ramp! Belladonna does sell AMW�s offense well with her facial expressions. Brian Lee then opens Storm up at ringside! In the ring, Harris hits the Catatonic on Lee! He goes for it on Slash but it was reversed into a DDT!!!! Storm is really bleeding! Harris is bleeding now after a shot with the tag titles! Slash hits an airplane spin drop for two. �Evil� chant by the crowd now! Harris comes back with a spear out of the corner and hits the hot tag to the HOUSE EN FUEGO that is James Storm! 8 Second Ride by Storm gets a two count! Mitchell distracts the ref as Belladonna grabs one of the tag titles and stands on the apron! She should ALWAYS be on the apron. Storm gets a superkick on Lee but Slash comes back with a missile dropkick to the face! The cover is broken up by Harris! Storm gets a Tornado reverse DDT but FJM distracts the ref again! Belladonna gets back on the apron and hands Slash a tag belt which he uses to knock Storm down with! Storm kicks out!! Storm and Slash fight for a go behind but Storm is able to break free and goes for a crossbody, nailing the ref accidentally! FJM hands Lee a spike on the outside. Veg-O-Matic by Storm and Harris (which Tenay says they call SOMETHING but West was talking...sorry) but the ref is down! Lee nails Harris with the spike....he goes after Storm but he blocks it! Belladonna gets on his back but he �s able to throw her off. Lee nails him with the spike and Slash covers for ONE.....TWO....THREE! The Disciples are the new tag champs! Belladonna starts rubbing her breasts with Slash�s blood....and I dont know WHY that just did something for me. I�m a sick, sick man.
My Opinion: ** If AMW�s reign had to end, this was a GREAT way to do it. Awesome brawl and the ref bump was done excellently. Belladonna is an added treat.
Video package shows highlights of Lynn/Styles and the 5-man Table Elimination match from last week setting up tonight�s man.
Kid Kash vs. AJ Styles w/ Mortimer Plumtree vs. Jerry Lynn for the X Division Title:
Match Background: Man....I�ve covered the AJ/Lynn feud for three months already....if you don�t know it all yet, read Week 19 to get the scoop on all of them. Kash probably wrestled Lynn in ECW....but damn if I remember.
The Match: Double dropkick by Lynn and Kash send AJ to the outside so they can concentrate on each other. They exchange pinfall attempts and hit a quick series of moves before they make sure AJ stays on the outside. Once again they exchange a quick series of moves before Kash and Lynn hit the Indy Applause Stance. All of a sudden, AJ springboard ��s of the ring to clothesline both men! As Lynn and AJ battle on the outside, Kash tries to moonsault onto them but Lynn pulls him off the apron. Lynn signals for the Cradle Piledriver but Plumtree distracts the official, allowing AJ to low blow Lynn. Lynn recovers and goes for a roll up on the ropes but Kash sunset flips Lynn from the apron in and Lynn holds onto AJ, lifting him over his head! AJ lands on his feet though and nails Kash in the face with a kick for a pin attempt. Kash comes off the top with a rana on Styles for two. AJ comes back and goes for his Quebrada/Reverse DDT combo on Lynn but he rolls through and hits a Stunner!! That�s broken up by Kash, protecting the Stunner as a legit finish in TNA. Kash gets a gorgeous moonsault on Lynn but AJ breaks that pinfall up. AJ hits his suplex into neckbreaker combo for two on Lynn. AJ makes Kash PAY with an enzigiuri. Yes, that was a bad pun.....SO WHAT! Kash takes over on both men as the match slows down for a hot second. West makes another error as he states that should Kash win, he�d be the 4th different X Division champion, naming Low-Ki as the other. Did you forget about Syxx-Pac who had it just three weeks ago? We�d all like to, but its in the record books. With Lynn in the corner, AJ tries to moonsault off his chest but actually blows the spot and lands hard on his chest. I�ve never seen Styles mess up. The fans let him have it too. Kash DDT�s him but Lynn gets a tornado DDT on Kash. In a bad spot, Lynn falls over the top rope to the outside with Plumtree holding the rope, but it didn�t seem like the rope was lowered much. Kash clotheslines AJ and hits a crossbody to the outside onto Lynn. SHOOTING STYLES PRESS~!! onto both men!!! West makes a joke...and starts laughing openly on air. When he enjoys the product, it really adds to their credibility. AJ and Kash start FIGHTING and AJ is INTENSE~! but gets cut off by a Lynn Lariat. Kash and Lynn end up clotheslining each other and all three men are down. All men back up now, Lynn gets a TKO on AJ but Kash breaks up that cover. Kash with the BANK ROLL~!! on Lynn but AJ breaks it up! AJ goes for the Styles Clash on Kash but he blocks it! He goes for a roll up....but AJ blocks THAT and hits the Kryptonite Krunch out of it! That gets a two count only!!!! AJ goes for the Styles Clash but Lynn clotheslines him down. Plumtree on the apron now....but Kash is whipped into him and Plumtree falls down. In a great visual, AJ is tossed over the top onto Plumtree and they just disappear from our view! As Kash turns around he walks into a Lynn Cradle Piledriver for the win!
My Opinion: ***. The match could have been better as most of the three way dances that TNA has had have really raised the standard. Its matches like that that I miss Low-Ki a lot, who worked well with both Styles and Lynn. The finish was the right one though with Kash getting pinned by Lynn....which was the original match up.
After the match, Jeremy Borash gets to make a few comments at the announce booth about the X Division. Bob Armstrong brings the line up for next week as Don West gets all hyped up for NO REASON. The only match on the card we didn�t know about ahead of time is AJ Styles vs. Jorge Estrada vs. The Crimson Dragon. Hmm.....who�s that?
Before we go off the air....Jarrett cuts a promo at the top of the ramp about how much the NWA title means to him and how it WILL be his next week.
Overall: What the hell happened to the Mr. Wrestling III angle? Other than that, everything was decent tonight with nothing offensive. Everyone seemed to work hard and I�m hyped for next weeks matches. All I want to know is this.....where the hell is Mike Sanders already!
See you Sunday for Survivor Series,
The Dames, Damian Gonzalez
If you have any questions, comments, hate mail, fan mail, job offers, etc....send them all to [email protected]
