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" The Gravel Pit "

Raw from JHawk's Beak (3/24/2003)
Posted by Jared "JHawk" Hawkins on Mar 24, 2003, 22:42
Raw from JHawk's Beak (3/24/2003)
by Jared "JHawk" Hawkins
Tolling the bell: A couple of unfortunate passings this week on both sides of the Pacific. On the Japanese front, it was Hiromichi Fuyuki, who I'm most familiar with as "Ricky Fuyuki". He passed away this past week from cancer at age 42. On this side of the Pacific, it was the passing of "Sailor" Art Thomas at 79, also of cancer. And yes, this is the same guy who was "Seaman" Art Thomas. It's always sad to lose anybody in the business, but at least they're no longer in pain. Please join me as we toll the bell for our fallen heroes.
E-Mail of the Week: Andrew was in attendance for last week's Raw, and he filed a brief report.
Hello. I've been reading your column for almost a year now and yesterday was thinking much along the same lines as you were a week or so ago in that why the hell should I spend 20-30 dollars to go see Raw when I could watch it at home, but all day I kept having this gnawing feeling that I should go. I ended up driving the 20 min. over to Savvis Center and purchasing what I was told was one of the last tickets. I couldn't believe it when I got inside and it was legit! It looked more crowded last night than it did at No Mercy back in 2001. I agree with you in that it was one of the best Raws in months and hands down the best live event I've been to. The crowd was great and I truly think the wrestler's were feeding off of the energy and trying that much harder to get over. A great experience I won't soon forget, and the Rock and Austin comedy bit after the cameras stopped had everyone leaving happy. Now if only they can keep this up!
That's the catch: "If only they can keep this up."
Forums Quote of the Week: "Don't waste your time on HHHate. Sometime he's ahead, sometimes he's injured for months at a time. The race is long, and in the end, he's too beat up to get to the finish line in one piece." -The Czech Republic in his parody of "Wear Sunscreen"
Cheap Plug of the Week: Vote for Stacy Keibler (and for your other favorite hot celebrity female) in the Miss Smartmarks III competition. Stacy for Miss Smartmarks! You know you want to vote for her!
Tonight: We'll be treated to a Rock concert (that'll knock down the wrestling quotient tonight), as well as see Triple H and Ric Flair against Booker T and Goldust (even though they're supposed to be split up). Well, I like Rocky but don't need him singing to be a selling point. As for the tag match, three years ago I would have killed to see it. But I have no faith in Hunter doing anything any better than last week, Flair (as big a fan of his as I am) is well past his prime, and with Goldust needing to sell his "affliction", it could come down to how much Booker T can carry the load. Well, it'll be a fun ride at any rate. At least for those of you reading this. If you're watching, however...
Segment 1
Lillian Garcia opens with the national anthem, which prompts a USA chant.
Live from the Arco Arena in Sacramento, California! Six days from WrestleMania! Your hosts are Good Ol' JR and The Pharaoh! Tag team action! A Rock concert!
But open with shattering glass, because here comes Cold Stones Steve Austin. There is a referee at the ring that looks completely lost though. Austin's got the stick. "What? There's a match?" Damn, here go the "what" chants. Last week, Austin was minding his own business when Rocky attacked. That's something you don't do. Sit-in time! He wants The Rock! Goddamn it! Hey, Vince, 1998 called, and it wants its fucking storyline back! Sadly, I'm glad to see Test (w/My Future Wife) come out for his match. He was sent out here by Bischoff, and all he wants is to wrestle...but instead, he gets a Stunner. Lance Storm sneaks into the ring for his match with Test, and he covers...but Austin keeps Charles Robinson out of the ring and counts it himself: 1, 2, bird, Stunner, here we fucking go. Bring out Easy E (w/police). Why not? The show's shot anyway. Bisch is the GM of the show, if you forgot. And Austin will never touch him again, because he's got a restraining order. Stop the time machine, I want go get the fuck off! Failure for Austin to leave the ring may lead to mandatory arrest. Can Vince Russo sue over this garbage? No? Interesting. Austin might actually leave peacefully. Staredown on the stage...don't you have to move for him to leave, Eric? Oh, wait. Logic. WWE. I forgot. He does leave quietly, and thank Eric, because tonight Rocky sings! Cut backstage to see Austin be escorted to the back. And there's the sound of an acoustic guitar. Uh oh. Rocky wants to be in pictures is standing there. A little "Jailhouse Rock" to send Austin on his way. But he wasn't actually arrested...
Well, it took one segment to piss all the momentum of last week's show away. Jim Cornette said the statute of limitations on rehashing an angle is seven years. Then there's WWE, which rehashes sit-ins and arrest angles nearly every week and wonders why it doesn't work anymore. Why is Austin under a restraining order for beating Bischoff in a sanctioned match? How do you build to WrestleMania without Austin in the building? If Austin returns, shouldn't he be in jail for WrestleMania? Does anybody who asked these questions during the booking meeting still have their job? Garbage. Absolute garbage. And admitting you dropped a match for that garbage? OK, so we didn't have to see Test wrestle, but that seems silly.
Segment 2
What the fuck do the Miller Lite catfight girls have to do with WrestleMania? I have porn availale on Cinemax, thanks.
Mixed Tag Team Match scheduled for one fall: Trish the Cheating Bitch and Mr. Extreme vs. Victoria (WWE Women's Champion) and Big Stevie Cool
Jeff Hardy saved Trish from a beatdown last week, then snuck a kiss in. If I did that in real life, I'd be the one with the restraining order. Richards and Hardy start. Forearms by Richards early. Hardy with a double-leg takedown and a double legdrop to the "lower abdomen". Richards regains control. Hardy reverses a corner whip and gets in a nice looking flip kick thing. Tag to Victoria, and no intergender tonight, so Trish is in. Chick Kick, cover, but no count as the referee bitches at Stevie...apparently for missing his cue, because nobody else was in the ring. Hardy and Richards fight, and Victoria gets a powerslam for 2. Victoria up top, but Trish with the Stratusphere. Headlock, and Richards is backdropped without ever touching either of them. Credit Stevie for the bump. Trish uses Richards as the springboard for the Stratusfaction, and that's the pin at 2:33. That's my favorite type of Jeff Hardy match. Short. *1/4 Jeff and Trish are going to kiss...but Jazz becomes my heroine by breaking it up. Victoria is out to join in, but Jazz is the last woman standing.
Further proof that WWE's creative staff has no clue. They had a great storyline between these women, and all of a sudden they stick Jeff Hardy in here for no apparent reason. Like we're supposed to believe somebody over the age of 18 finds Jeff Hardy attractive. Unless Jeff's joining Jazz at WrestleMania and finally making that heel turn, what's the point?
Segment 3
Bischoff is on his cell phone, and in comes Coach. Bisch doesn't want any interviews, but security wants to see Bischoff immediately.
South Park's Jimmy is looking at Torrie Wilson in Playboy, and in comes Booker T to see if he's ready. Somewhere in here Goldust says he's proud of Booker T for his shot at Triple H this Sunday. Goldust: "When 50,000 are out there chanting your name...don't hate the playa..." Booker: "Hate the Game."
Bisch and Coach find a security monitor, and Austin's standing in the south parking lot. Hey, he left the building! Which is exactly what the guard tells Bischoff. Bisch says he's going to make Austin's life a living hell...and he asks Coach to inform Austin of it. Coach is actually smart and doesn't want to go out there, but if he doesn't go, he's fired. Would anybody care either way?
Well, at least had Coach gotten fired, it would have been for insubordination and therefore legal grounds for a change. And at least it's been logical (thus far). Does this make me care? Let me think about it.
(You're just going to say no.)
Not necessarily. I'm mulling it over.
Eh...y--NO! Same shit, different week.
Segment 4
Steve Austin is outside!
One fall: Big Poppa Steroid Pump vs. ChrisTIAN
Ever notice that good movies never sponsor WWE programming? Just a thought. This loosely stems from their tag team match last week. Steiner immediately sends Christian out of the ring. Back in, Christian with a headlock, but a throw-off leads to a clothesline and a posing elbowdrop. Press slam. Kicks and chops and forearms. Bodyslam into the turnbuckle, but Christian counters another one into an inverted DDT for 2. Christian chokes Steiner to keep him down. Whip, reversal, Christian with a reverse neckbreaker for 2. Knee choke. Mock pose, and Steiner blocks a turnbuckle smash...and the crowd boos the comeback. Ouch. Belly-to-belly #1. Clothesline. Fireman's carry (or a powerslam if you're JR) for 2. Corner whip, Christian with a boot to the face, and a cover with the ropes for leverage for 2. Clothesline with the top rope. Up top...Steiner catches him...top-rope torture rack slam for the pin at 4:16. Wow, did that suck. DUD Even the crowd hated it. Steiner with the stick to do his catchphrase, and he almost doesn't get it out from breathing so heavily.
Coach is at Austin's truck, and he gives the message to Austin. And he hightails it before Austin leaves the truck.
Steiner is demoted (I guess) to nearly getting beat by Christian. A good thing, granted, because the crowd didn't completely turn on Christian before the match ended. The Scott Steiner experiment failed badly. By the way, why are two people that aren't on the WrestleMania card getting the airtime anyway? (Because half the people on the card aren't wrestling tonight?) Oh right.
Segment 5
WrestleMania Moment: Shawn Michaels pins Bret Hart without a crooked referee or a promoter yelling "Ring the fucking bell."
Someone Feed Terri is with Chief Morley (w/Lance Storm and tag team belts). The titles haven't been defended within 30 days, so the champions have been stripped of the belt. But new champions have been named: Lance Storm and Chief Morley. Hey, they've gotten the Triple H treatment! In come Rob............Van............Dam and Kane to ask for the shot since they got the win last week. Morley tries to back out, but RVD says he's got no ba[BEEP]. Morley: "No balls? [BEEP]" Gotta love that seven second delay, huh? Morley says the Dudleys are more worthy, so Kane asks for that top contenders match to happen tonight. Morley thinks it's a hell of an idea. Kane slaps Storm's neck, and he sells it (because he's selling the Stunner. Who does that anymore? Nice touch).
The Man WHOO! and Hungry Hungry Hippos are hitting the ring!
HHHater Clock: One segment, seven seconds.
Quite frankly, at this point I'm just hoping the tag team match doesn't end in a draw. But if it doesn't, then either we don't get the "blowoff" of the Dudleys-Morley feud or RVD doesn't make WrestleMania. There are no winners here. And the 30-day rule? What's that? You mean that thing that Triple H will violate if he doesn't defend the title tomorrow? Has he defended at a house show that I don't know about? And simply awarding the titles. Bah! Whatever happened to having a tournament for a vacant title?
Segment 6
Tonight, a top contenders tag team match! The Rock concert! Austin's outside waiting in his truck as it starts getting dark! But let's go to our real main event!
Tag Team Contest scheduled for one fall: Hungry Hungry Hippos ("World Heavyweight Champion" who says he isn't racist because he never dropped the 'n' bomb) and The Man WHOO! vs. Black Gold
I don't know whether to be happy that Flair's getting his own entrance or pissed that Hunter's that afraid to share the spotlight that he got his own entrance in a tag match. And guess which member of the team is more over? Flair's wearing red, so he's doing probably the job tonight. Black trunks though, so maybe not. What the hell is up with Booker's hair? He's got the Prince Iaukea nub thing happening. Goldust and Flair start, and the strut gets a pop! Lockup, Goldust pushes Flair into the corner, clean break. Right hands by Goldust. Corner whip, backdrop. Flair brings him to the heel corner, tag to Triple H, and Goldy cleans house and tags Booker. Hunter backs off. HUGE "Booker T" chant. Lockup, nothing. Side headlock by Hunter. Hunter sent off into a shoulderblock. High hiptoss by Booker. Still in the feeling out stage, but Hunter gets in the knee. Booker back with the leg lariat. Booker ducks the head and gets kicked in the face. Tag to Flair, who chops away. Booker with chops of his own. Flair falls face-first to a POP! No one ever did that like Flair! Tag to Hunter, who is met with a leg lariat. Lawler: "Not the nose! Anything but the nose!" Flair gets a cheap shot, and Hunter targets the knee. Exchange of punches in the ring. Hunter tosses Booker to the floor, and here comes Flair to work him over on the floor. Goldust around the side to make the save, and we must take a...
HHHater Clock: Two segments, 9:55 (and this break will not count on it, although it will count for the match). Kind of slow so far, but I'll contribute it to building the match for now.
Segment 7
We're back with Flair having Booker locked in the figure-four leglock. A two count. Booker goes for the reversal, and he gets it! Flair simply releases the hold. Flair grabs Booker by the hair nub...chop, but Booker chops back and tags Goldust! High backdrop! Butt bump to Hunter! But HHH with the high knee! Double whip, but Goldy with a double uppercut. Double clothesline. Goldust misses a high cross body to Hunter and falls hard to the floor. Hunter follows him and rams him shoulder first into the ring post. Back in, and Flair, who's been legal the entire time, is back in with Goldust. Hunter distracts Nick Patrick so that Flair can get the low blow in. Chokehold and the tag to HHH. Series of kicks in the corner. Distraction and a Flair chokehold. Goldust fights back but gets taken down with a neckbreaker for 2. Flair tagged in, and a kneedrop for 2. Chops in the corner. Goldust fighting back. Tag made, but Patrick was with HHH and won't allow it. Hunter makes the illegal switch, but no questioning from Patrick. I fucking hate that, I don't care if it's a planned spot. You allow a tag that didn't happen. How the hell is that a legal tag? Sorry, back to the match. Goldust rolls away from a clothesline and HOT TAG to Booker. Flying heel kick! Leg lariats for both opponents! Pounding away at Hunter now. Flair attacks the healthy leg from behind. Corner whip, reversal, and Hunter does the over-the-top-rope bump. Booker follows Hunter to the floor as Goldy works over Flair. Hunter is sent into the steps and busted open! Back in, and Booker with the flying forearm. Chops and punches. Flair for the save. Booker gets Flair with the scissor kick and covers, but Flair's not legal, so no count. The crowd boos because they know what's coming. Right hand by Hunter. Pedigree is countered with a double leg takedown, slingshot into the corner, scissor kick, cover for the win at approximately 16:00 (damn my double clicking of the stopwatch). ** Booker gets a clean pin over Hunter leading to Wres -- Oh fuck...
Tonight, contract signing footage for McMahon-Hogan. Fuck you!
HHHater Clock: Three segments, 19:22. Well, a fairly good (and really long) match, but not a good omen for those of us who actually care about Raw's end of the business. Before you say "But now people think Booker will beat Hunter Sunday", no, they don't. Why not? Because even casual fans have caught on that the guy who loses on the previous week's show loses at the PPV. And if they don't change that formula this time, they've officially killed their product.
Why the fuck would anybody want to see the McMahon-Hogan contract signing again? And yes, I know I'm saying "fuck" a lot tonight, but it's been that kind of night.
Segment 8
Flair tells Hunter is was a fluke and tries to pep him up by saying he can't beat HHH at WrestleMania. HHH: "Obviously, nobody told Booker T that." is that a shoot?
Here comes Y2J+3 for promo time. I love Jericho's promos, but just because you topped 15 minutes for one match tonight doesn't mean you have an excuse to still have more promos than matches on one show. Everybody's been talking about Jericho vs. Michaels for Sunday, but a lot has happened since the initial superkick in December. Jericho wants HBK face-to-face with no sneak attacks for a little chat. And here comes the Holy Bible Kid to the ring. Moderate "HBK" chant that doesn't really catch on, but he'll admire it anyway. Last week, they played a video about Shawn's WrestleMania legacy, and it reminded Jericho of how he wanted to be Shawn Michaels. And he tried. Moves, look, everything. Here's footage to prove it. Royal Rumble 91 on the left, Japan on the right. Then Saturday Night's Main Event on the left, Stampede on the right. And some more clips. Even promo shots. Same hair, same tights, same body...same desire and same heart. And they called him the next Shawn Michaels. But Jericho grew out of that and concentrated on becoming the first Chris Jericho. "Why? Because I'm better than you, Shawn." Jericho took the ball when Michaels put it down and became the man people paid to see. The crowd boos that, but it's true in my opinion. And he became the first (and longest reigning) Undisputed Champion. But with everybody he faced, he's never been more excited than he is about WrestleMania. He's never looked more forward to embarrassing somebody. When it's all done with, HBK will look Y2J in the eye and admit "that I am better than you. That my skills have surpassed yours. Do you understand?" Jericho with a slap. A good Christian would turn the other cheek...and Shawn's laughing. There's an eve harder slap for Jericho, and he smiles. There's the staredown.
HHHater Clock: Four segments, 19:52. But hey, he actually put Booker T over as a threat!
Overal, a great segment. If this match comes even close to delivering what it should in the ring, then this is the feud on the Raw side that makes this WrestleMania. Absolutely great build-up all the way around. The only problem is that I don't know if I see Jericho actually getting the chance to go over. But if Jericho gets a clean win, then look out.
Segment 9
Bisch is on the cell, and in comes The Rock. He's got a great idea. Everytime he has one, Bisch gets his ass kicked. Good enough for me. Why hasn't Austin left yet? Because he doesn't want to miss the concert. So put some speakers out there. Hell, let Morley do it. Just so Austin can hear every note. Do they really have speakers just lying around in case someone's in the parking lot?
WrestleMania is Sunday! Booker T vs. Triple H! The Undertaker and Nathan Jones vs. The Big Show and A-Train! Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels! Matt Hardy vs. Rey Misterio Jr.! Trish Stratus vs. Victoria vs. Jazz! Chris Benoit and Rhyno vs. Los Guerreros vs. Team Angle! Kurt Angle (with a pop) vs. Brock Lesnar! Mr. McMahon vs. Hulk Hogan! And The Rock vs. Steve Austin! And don't forget the World Tag Team Title match that will be determined NEXT!
Do I need to comment? "Let Austin hear everything as long as he doesn't enter the ring." Who cares? I love The Rock as a heel, but damn man. Whatever happened to wrestling? Even Wrestling Challenge squashes would be acceptable at this point! Just so it looks like a wrestling show! We've had THREE matches in a two hour show so far. This last one makes four matches!
Segment 10
The Miller Lite catfight girls argue over Stone Cold or The Rock. Which gives me a chance to remind you that they might have some wrestling on the show as well. For $39.95 or more, there'd better be some wrestling on the show!
Top contenders tag team match scheduled for one fall: Rob..............Van................Dam and Kane vs. The Reinstated Damn Dudley Boyz
This one was set up with the Dudleys "turn" last week. Four way brawl to start. Kane and Bubba are eventually legal. Bubba with a back suplex and a tag to D-Von. Flying clothesline. HIGH elbowdrop for 2. Hook the FAR leg, D-Von! Tag to RVD, slam by Kane, RVD off the top for 2. Series of punches as the crowd asks for tables. Nice rana by RVD. Spinning leg lariat. Bodyslam, rolling thunder, two count. RVD misses a monkey flip and gets taken down with a VICIOUS freaking neckbreaker! Bubba in with a series of elbowdrops for 2. Front facelock. Snap mare into a neck vice as the crowd chants "RVD". RVD elbows out of it but gets pulled down by the hair. But RVD gets the stepover heel kick. Tag on each end. Kane with a series of clotheslines and a backdrop. Powerslam for 2. Up top, but Kane misses the flying clothesline. Bubba knocks RVD off the apron. Double flapjack to Kane, but RVD got the blind tag. Bubba with a hiptoss into almost an inverted DDT. Corner whip, but RVD gets in the springboard side kick. Out comes Chief Morley to distract the referee. Lance Storm misses RVD with the heel kick and hits D-Von. Bubba's pissed and goes for Storm, and there's Kane with the Choke Slam to D-Von followed by RVD's Five Star for the win at 5:48. * There you go, RVD made the card.
Outside, they're setting up the speakers outside Austin's truck. And Austin goes to his cell phone. The concert's next, and then BONUS FOOTAGE!
Not much to be thankful for here other than RVD getting the spot at WrestleMania. A couple of nifty little moves here, but it seemed just kind of thrown together. If booked right the WrestleMania match could be pretty good. Let's go to the concert now, shall we?
Segment 11
It's time for the Rock concert! Only 10:56, this could go awhile. Rocky's in Sacramento, and the best part is he gets to leave in an hour. No better song to start the show than "Leaving Sacramento. Sacramento there I go. Sacramento, Sacramento, there I go. They've got some fat women and The Rock is gonna just say no." Line of the song: "I'll be sure to come back when the Lakers beat the Kings in May." Great line! Moving along. Rocky's got a special song for Austin. "You ain't nothing but a redneck, crying all the time." Um...rednecks consider being a redneck a compliment, so I'm not sure what that accomplishes. Rocky wants Austin on the Titantron. Now for some Willie Nelson. "Whip your ass again. The Rock can't wait to whip Austin's ass again." Like you did two years ago, right? ::rimshot:: This is getting old. One last song (thank God). Pay special attention, Austin. "And now...with Mania near...The Rock will face...the final curtain. Stone Cold...one on one...I'll win the match...of which I'm certain. I've lived a life that's full. I can get pie and get it all day. More than any of you. The Rock will get it The Rock's way." OK, I'm marking for it, but I like Sinatra anyway. Plus Rock actually said "I" in reference to himself. WAIT A SECOND! Here comes an ambulance for no apparent reason...and Austin's apparently following it into the building! There's the shattering glass, and Austin's truck is in the building...driven by The Hurricane. Rock: "Arrest his green ass! That's The Hamburglar!" And they arrest him. Now there's one more song. You lied to me! And Austin emerges from underneath a blanket in the bed of the truck. In he goes, and it's a brawl in the ring at Raw! Kicks and stomps in the corner, and because Rock's got the headset mic on, you can hear the screams. Rocky runs, Austin's got the Willie Nelson guitar...and we all know what's happening here. Well, maybe not. He drops it, Rocky approaches the ring...and Austin stomps on the guitar! Vandalizing private property! NOW you can arrest him!
Up next, bonus coverage. Mr. McAsshole is here and will join us!
Funny? Yes. Good enough to make me care about this match at WrestleMania? Not so much.I don't see what this segment accomplished except for popping the live crowd, but what it didn't do was add any last second buyrates to WrestleMania. What, is the intrigue whether or not Rocky gets his another guitar? Please!
Well, our little trip in the Wayback Machine will now leave 1998 (and not a moment too soon) and head to this past Thursday, which felt eerily like 1987. Isn't that right, Mr. Peabody?
Special Bonus Segment
CSI will be on at 11:30 Eastern, and Vince McMahon is in the ring. He's proud of what he accomplished last Thursday night, so here's the footage from the contract signing. Nothing new here, so the short version: Vince busted Hogan open with a chair and forced Hogan to sign the contract with his blood. Interestingly enough, Hogan got up after the cameras stopped rolling and signed in pen anyway. Because blood's not legal ink, apparently. Back live, Vince says he's proud to have created Hulkamania and he'll be proud to destroy it.
Up next, more bonus footage!
::shakes head:: I understand that this is to allow those who missed SmackDown because of the UPN affiliates that showed war coverage to get the general idea of what happened, but for those of us who saw it (and those who only tuned in to watch CSI), this is coming off as a waste of time.
Special Bonus Segment 2
My Olympic Hero wanted an apology from King Brock I on Smackdown for attacking My Olympic Hero's Brother. Short version: Angle injured Brock's previously injured ribs, making the score Kurt Angle 1, Brock Lesnar 2,030,405,506. Give or take a dozen.
Nothing to add.
Special Bonus Segment 3
Sunday is WrestleMania. Thanks to TNN for granting us this extra time tonight to bore you all.
Remember when Vince McMahon tried to jumpstart the XFL and said "Where's my football?" Well, where's my wrestling? FOUR matches tonight. Only four. And it's not as though this show was just two hours and some change like normal. This was two and a half hours for four matches! And because it's California, Heat probably had three (at most) really short matches, so the live crowd got screwed hard! In fairness, they still got about 28 minutes of in-ring time out of it, but you add three segments to the show for the sole purpose of showing us rehashed footage? I'm assuming it's for those people who got preempted on Thursday, but I didn't care then about the contract signing, so why would I care now?
HHHater Clock: Four segments, 19:52. And it actually built to WrestleMania without asking Booker to be Hunter's bitch. Good all around.
WrestleMania is Sunday, but outside of Jericho-Michaels, I can't say this show is helping me look forward to any of Raw's stuff. One decent match? Rocky singing? Austin violating a restraining order for the 1000th time in his career? Not a good night. At all. So much for building off of the momentum of last week's show.
Dr. Tom's got Raw next week, but I'll check in sometime before the April 3 SmackDown!
Send me your feedback here
