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WWE Confidential: June 15, 2002
Posted by Retro Rob on Jun 16, 2002, 12:41
WWE Confidential: June 15, 2002
Highest Rating: 1.5 (May 25, 2002)
Lowest Rating : 0.8 (June 7, 2002)
Last Week's Rating: 0.8
Tonight on the Confidential we will hear more about the Steve Austin situation from Jim Ross and Vince McMahon.
We start the show with the Bobby Heenan interview they plugged last week.
WWF Primetime 7/10/89: Bobby Heenan walks off Primetime and plugs his variety show.
Bobby has throat cancer. The doctors told him that he has an 80% chance of survival. He followed all of the doctor�s orders because he still has so much to do in his life. He talks about the book that he wrote, which will be released in September. He would take a lot of bumps to make the fans happy. Pat Patterson says that Bobby is one of his best friends. Arn Anderson thinks that Bobby had the utmost respect for Gorilla. Bobby had the most fun doing Primetime with Gorilla. Some clips are shown. Bobby and Gorilla always improvised. He first met Vince McMahon at Madison Square Garden. After WrestleMania, Bobby knew that the WWF was the greatest wresting federation ever. Bobby was having beer with Vince and said, "Cheers to WrestleMania 2." Vince, "What do you mean WrestleMania 2? WrestleMania 102!" Arn says that Bobby's heat overshadowed the wrestlers. In 1988, Bobby, who never had anything to do with football, was drafted as the manager for the All-Madden Team. Next up, Bobby talks about "The Bobby Heenan Show." They would have a lot of weird guests come on. He had a lot of fun and would do it now if someone made the offer. When WCW offered Heenan a job, he took it because it would be a piece of cake. He talks about how WCW didn't even know he was a manager. Bobby said that WCW drained the creative juices out of him. After he left, he called the WWF. That is when he was asked to do the Gimmick Battle Royal with Gene. He describes his return, "It was like I was making porno films and now I'm in MGM." He adds that it was really fun to work alongside professional people who cared on that night.
Segment 1: 1/1
Before They Were SuperStars: Kurt Angle
While he was growing up in Pittsburgh, a lot of people were being laid off, so a lot of emphasis was put on sports. When Kurt won the Olympics, his first thought was of relief. Kurt's brother David tells us how emotional it was in the crowd because there were 300 people form Pittsburgh there. Growing up, Kurt was a happy, well-behaved kid. He would have boxing matches with his brother, Eric, on Firday nights. Kurt's father also toughened him up. At age 7, Kurt lost his first ever wrestling match. From there on he knew that it would take a lot of training to succeed in wrestling. He never enjoyed the 3 1/2 hours of practice, yet he looked forward to it. Kurt was Pittsburgh's last State Champion and Reigional Champion from his high school. Kurt's father built skyscrapers in Pittsburgh. He died on the job. When his father died, Kurt decided that he wanted to be the very best wrestler in the world. Kurt won two NCAA Championships. He had to beat Sylvester Terkey in the finals. Terkey was 6'7'', 250 lbs. That match set the tone for the rest of his career. Kurt averaged eight hours of training a day. He worked 253 hours a month for eight years. He has had the time of his life in the WWF.
Segment 2: 2/2
Cover Story: Steve Austin
Some footage of Steve on Byte This are shown. Vince's response to Austin one week later on Byte This is also shown. JR called Vince at 10:30 Sunday night to tell him that Steve Austin was unhappy with the storyline he was in on Raw. JR told Steve to talk to Vince, but Steve didn't want to. Vince called Austin on his cell. Austin finally returned his call at 2:00 Monday morning. Vince went over the storyline and Austin agreed to it. When JR arrived in Atlanta for Raw, he found out that Austin used their travel service to get plane tickets to go home. JR called him as he was boarding the plane. Vince talks about how Steve walked off the job once before, the day after WrestleMania. Steve wasn't punished for walking out the first time because he was supposedly burnt-out. JR told Steve to get off his ass and comeback to work, or to go home and stay home.
Segment 3: 3/3
Cover Story: Steve Austin
Vince doesn't know what he did wrong, but he still blames himself. Vince thinks that he was screwed by Steve Austin. JR also blames himself because he is the Head of Talent Relations. Usually JR would eliminate a problem, but Steve Austin eliminated himself. JR thinks that Steve might be experiencing some personal problems. Vince made a tremendous investment in Steve Austin and now it has been flushed down the toilet. JR thinks that sometimes what happens behind the scenes is more interesting than their broadcast. JR talks about how he and Vince have helped Steve through so many personal problems, but now they aren't trustworthy enough for him. Jim talks about his friendship with Steve. In the same situation JR wouldn't have turned his back on the company. He talks about taking many hits for the team like when he had pig shit poured on him, when he kissed Mr. McMahon's ass, and when he got beat up by a woman. Vince is personally hurt by this because he considered Steve a friend. Vince adds that this is not a publicity stunt.
Segment 4: 4/4
Cover Story: Steve Austin
Vince says that the WWE has always tried to turn bad situations into good situations. The good in this situation is that there will be new main-event level stars in the WWE. JR adds that some of their established stars have to get back on top of out game. JR thinks that the fans are lucky because there will be new feuds and storylines. The WWE is going to be just fine. Vince never says never, but the door isn't open for a Steve Austin return. Why build up Steve again? So he could walk out for a third time? JR adds that that goes for ANYBODY on the roster. If you don't want to be a part of the team, take your ass and go home, but do it more professionally than Steve Austin did. JR will be back on TV Monday night kicking ass, Stone Cold will never be on Raw again.
Segment 5: 5/5
WWE Rewind >>
January 23, 1993: Bobby Heenan and Gene are stranded somewhere. Gene hitches a ride and leaves Heenan alone.
March 24, 1993: Gene takes Bobby to the door where the exectutive meeting is being held. Gene sends Bobby in and stays as his lookout. As soon as he walks in, Gene pulls off the "Executive Board" sign revealing the "Women's Locker Room" sign.
Some more classic Heenan clips. Too much stuff to really write down. Bobby really was the best. Lawler only wishes he could be that funny.
Segment 6: 6/6
A PERFECT SHOW! You can't say that very often when you talk about the WWE. Well, at least they can do one show right. More importantly, it looks like the whole Steve Austin situation is a 100% shoot. It is weird that this parallels Bret Hart being kicked out of the WWF in so many ways. Bret�s departure is what led to the WWF�s Golden Age, so maybe Steve Austin�s departure will also bring the WWF back to the level they were at several years ago. Only time will tell.
Next Up: On Friday I'll have a review of the ECWA September 23, 2000 show. BTW, if any of you know a lot about ECWA storylines from mid-2000, drop me a line because I have a few questions about the show. Thanks, Retro Rob
