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The Royal Treatment: Smackdown (11.18.04)
Posted by Peter Kostka on Nov 19, 2004, 22:44

Previously recorded in Dayton, Ohio

- John Cena�s music hits to start the show (so have they completely ditched the usual opening now?), and he heads to the ring. He cuts a promo on Carlito, which is probably one of the weakest he�s ever done. When your best line is calling Carlito the �Pillsbury Froboy�, there�s a problem. He sold that he had the same focus and intensity that he had at the PPV, though.

- Al Snow has the Not Ready for Velocity Players backstage, and is ready to announce the elimination. Before he does, he again asks Chris if he wants to quit because of his injury. Chris refuses, but it doesn�t matter since he�s cut anyway. Chris says his goodbyes and leads the rest of them to the ring for their competition.

- This week�s TE competition: a little game of �Capture the Flag.� There is a flag attached to one corner of the ring, and the contestants have 30 seconds to run from the opposite corner to get it. Of course, there�s a catch: guarding that corner are perennial Velocity mid-carders the Basham Brothers. Al reads an unnecessarily long list of rules (no groin shots, no foreign objects, etc.) to drag things out. We begin and, to really show how good these kids are, the Bashams school every one of them except Dan Puder, who almost makes the corner but time expires. The crowd, who has pretty much turned on the rest of the guys by now, roars for Puder.

Thoughts: At least it was a physical competition this week. However, this may have given more credibility to the BASHAMS than anyone else involved. I�m really not sure how embarrassing these guys in the ring each week is supposed to make the fans think �hey, I think I�d like to see that guy in the WWE.� If this was worked (hey, it�s Vince we�re talking about here), it was obviously to push Puder into the spotlight a bit, making him the Carmella of Tough Enough, but without the nice rack. If not, then Puder has the edge anyway, since the rest of them have nothing that intrigues me in the slightest.

- Rey Mysterio walks into the locker room and finds RVD stretching with Diva loser Michelle, who is apparently RVD�s new stretch coach, and Rey joins in. They talk about their match with the tag champs tonight while doing so.

Also tonight: JBL gives a victory speech.

Carlito/Cena History: Carlito debuts on October 7th in Boston and challenges Cena for the US title.

- Carito and Jesus meet with The General Playah, and Carlito complains about his injury to Long (which is kayfabed up by saying that Cena caused it at the PPV, but Cena never touched him by my recollection), and tries to get the match postponed for a few weeks, but Long will have none of that. Either CCC defends tonight, or he�s the ex-champ. Carlito takes a bite of apple, but Long tells him not to even think about it.

- Paul Heyman straps in Heidenreich and gives him a pep talk, telling him that his match with Undertaker on Sunday was a moral victory. Heidenreich is now Taker�s personal demon, and has got into his head. Paul tries to focus him for his match tonight, but Heidenreich just wants to get it over with.

- Clips of the Armageddon press conference, which seems like a waste of money if they�re going to do it for every PPV now.

Heidenreich (w/Paul Heyman) vs. Charlie Haas (w/Miss Jackie)

This was set up by Heidenreich destroying an injured Haas a few weeks ago. Heidenreich carefully and neatly folds up his strait jacket while Cole and Tazz try to put over how he cherishes it (like Linus with his security blanket). Hass sees the opening and jumps on him, slugging away in the corner, but Heidenreich boots him down and hits his shoulderbreaker, but then he has a nervous breakdown. He slides out of the ring screaming �I didn�t fail!� and heads into the crowd, lying on the floor in the fetal position and getting counted out.

Rating: DUD

Thoughts: O����k. What in the everloving HELL was that about? I�m really not sure how I�m supposed to react to seeing that. I GUESS a big, psychotic, menacing poet gimmick would get over with SOME people, but I ain�t one of them.

RVD and Rey Mysterio vs. Rene Dupree and Kenzo Suzuki (w/Hiroko) (non-title tag match)

RVD and Kenzo trade armbars and kicks to start, with RVD getting the advantage and tagging Rey. They do their double legdrop spot (which gives Kenzo a bloody nose) which gets 2. Rey springboards over Kenzo, but hurts his knee in the process. Kenzo charges into a 619 setup from Rey, but Rene trips him up on the attempt and dances, so RVD jumps him and slingshots him into the post while Rey dropkicks Kenzo, and we take a break.

Rene and Kenzo are working over Rey as we come back, but Rey makes the comeback and hits a top rope hurricanrana on Rene for 2. Kenzo stops Rey with a boot and Rene hits a flapjack before tagging Kenzo in, who slaps on a chinlock. Cole brings up Kenzo�s rugby past in Japan, and Tazz seems astonished that Japan even has a rugby team. Rey tries to rally, but ends up double teamed again and choked by Kenzo. He gets an armbar, but Rey kicks himself free and drives him down with a bulldog before tagging RVD. He goes to town on Kenzo, knocking Rene off the apron and then hitting a flying kick for good measure. Kenzo tries a backdrop, but RVD counters with a sunset flip (aided by a Rey dropkick) and drops Rey on top of Kenzo before hitting the Rolling Thunder for 2. Dupree comes back in and nails Rey before whipping RVD into the corner. He goes to whip Kenzo, but that just lets RVD put him into position for Rey, who hits the 619 as RVD gets rid of Rene, and goes up with the Five-Star for the pin.

Rating: 4/10

Thoughts: Hot finishing sequence saves a pretty bland tag match. Definitely smart of them to put Rey and RVD on the road to the titles, since they are getting very over as a team. I sense a match at Armageddon.

- Carlito/Cena History: Carlito wins the US title in the Boston main event.

- Video shows that the WWE is heading back to the Middle East to spend the holidays with the troops.

- Speaking of American heroes, Kurt Angle heads out, and says that he�s in a giving mood. He�s the best wrestler in the world, and to prove it, he reveals the Kurt Angle Invitational, where each week he will face someone from the town that SD is in. If Angle loses, the man that beats him will get his Olympic gold medal. We are introduced to Angle�s first opponent, Dean Fisk (or is it Visk?), who in actuality is indy worker Dean �the Dream� Jablonski wrestling under his real name (here�s his site. Thanks to Slickster on the forums for pointing this out).

Kurt Angle vs. Dean Fisk (or Visk)

Angle dominates to start with some matwork and a hammerlock, but Dean gets a clean break. Dean gets a takedown, which Kurt applauds and offers his hand. Of course, it�s a ruse, and Angle destroys him, locking in the Anglelock for the tapout.

Rating: None

Thoughts: Well�..this is different. I don�t really know where they are going with this, to tell you the truth. I guess they�re trying to get Angle over as a badass mat wrestler, but haven�t they accomplished that already?

- Orlando Jordan goes to fetch the champ for his victory speech and finds him with his new �image consultant�, Diva loser Amy Weber. Great that they fired Gail Kim and Nidia so these girls can waste space, huh?

Carlito/Cena History: Long announces Cena�s stabbing to the SD roster, which is followed by the suspicion of Carlito, and the introduction of Jesus.

- JBL heads out for his victory speech. Yes, it�s morning in America again! There comes a time every generation or two where someone comes along that is just better than everyone else, like Michael Jordan in the NBA. Eddie Guerrero, Booker T and Undertaker were great champions, like Bird, Magic, and Isiah, but they are all just a step below JBL. Since he�s been champ, the economy has been better, and there have been no terror attacks. He is proud to be a champion and a symbol of America. If JBL could actually bring the goods in the ring, he�d be super over right now, since he is so great at these self-adulating promos. Booker comes out to shut him up and points out that Jordan never needed his houseboy (i.e. Orlando) to help him win. He wants a rematch tonight. Eddie comes out, dressed to kill but looking as tall as Rey beside JBL and Booker. Eddie�s just plain sick of JBL, and hasn�t forgotten what he�s done to Eddie�s family. He thinks it�s time to get his title back. Booker takes exception and argues with Eddie, and JBL tells them that they can fight it out and starts to leave, but the lights go out, and Undertaker comes down. He doesn�t say anything; he just makes a motion to tell JBL that he also wants the title. JBL and Orlando hightail it up the ramp and tells the three that not one of them will ever get another title shot. Long interrupts, and he agrees with JBL; each man�s title shot request is denied. Instead, JBL�s next title defense will be against Eddie, Booker, AND Undertaker in a fatal four-way match. JBL looks in shock at his next opponents as Long heads back.

- The TE guys come out one last time, and Al gives each of them 30 seconds to plead their case. They all cut pretty weak promos, with Puder being especially bad, just rambling and tripping over his words.

- Yet ANOTHER Diva loser appears, as Joy massages Carlito�s injured shoulder. She hurts him however, and gets kicked out.

Carito/Cena History: Cena returns at Survivor Series and Carlito runs away from him. Later that night, Long gives Cena a title shot for tonight.

Carlito Caribbean Cool � (w/Jesus) vs. John Cena (US title match)

Cena charges to the ring and pounds on Jesus to start, sending him out and going after Carlito, sending him into the barricade and the post. Jesus charges with a chair, but Cena tackles him down and uses the chair to nail Carlito in the shoulder as he screams in pain (and officially puts him on the shelf storyline wise). Cena rolls Carlito in, officially starting the match and spits apple into his face before hitting the FU for the pin and the title. Cena goes to retrieve his chain, but Jesus shoulders him in the injured kidney from behind. Jesus grabs the chain and nails Cena in the kidney with it before helping Carlito to the back. Cena gets carted out to end the show.

Rating: DUD

Thoughts: It really is too bad that Carlito got injured, as this feud could have probably stayed pretty hot and could have led to a Wrestlemania match where Cena gets his revenge. They did what they had to do under the circumstances here. Looks like a Cena/Jesus feud will have to suffice in the meantime. I�ve never seen Jesus wrestle, so I don�t want to pass judgement yet.

Final Thoughts: With the fatal four-way WWE title match and a probable tag title match on the docket, the buildup to Armageddon�s off to a good start considering the lack of real good talent on Smackdown right now. However, RAW is far and away the more intriguing show to watch now that the faces have control. Smackdown definitely has improved from where they were a few months ago, but they still have a ways to go. Having only one match of any significance is just inexcusable.

See you next week. Any feedback you have can be sent to [email protected].


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