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" The Gravel Pit "

WWE Confidential April 12, 2003
Posted by Retro Rob on Apr 15, 2003, 20:46
WWE Confidential April 12, 2003
I know. I know. This is the second week in a row that the review wasn't posted until after Monday. I actually had the intentions of doing this last night, but I passed out on my bed and woke up just as Raw started. Speaking of which, I could go for an extended period of sleep tonight, but I know how many of YOU would loss sleep if I went another day without posting this. Also, since Spoon posted Velocity, I sorta felt obligated to cap this off. Thanks a lot buddy...
Quick question for those in the know. I bought Total Recall Limited Edition on DVD for my friend. He has it already, so is Total Recall good enough for ME to keep? I never saw the movie. I only bought it for him because he is a big Arnold fan. Originally, I was just going to give him the receipt and have him return it for cash. But if the movie is THAT good, I will just keep the DVD and give him the $15 that it cost me. So any help would be appreciated.
This week on Confidential: Sable's back and Trish is in a commercial.
Gene reminds us of Sable's (dropped) $100 million lawsuit.
Cover Story
I can understand bringing back Roddy Piper and Bill Goldberg because they have name value. Sable on the other hand only had her looks going for her. Now she has nothing. She rambles on and on about not burning her bridges, just breaking them a little. I would hope that the WWE cameras don't zoom in on her face any more. Seriously, we don't need to see botched plastic surgeries during a wrestling program. She plans on winning back the respect of her co-workers. You know the ones she accused of shitting on her bags.
She goes on to say that it is great there is an actual women's DIVISION in the WWE now. She likes to think that she helped pave the way for that.
We get another Monoiales from Les Nouvelles. I'm not exactly sure if that is the proper way to phrase that sentence. I guess I have an excuse, seeing how I speak only one language.
Segment 1: 0/1
Chris Jericho and Triple H offer their prayers, thoughts, and wishes to the US troops in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Hopefully Chris Nowinski doesn't catch wind of his fellow heels supporting the war... While we are on that topic, what Scott Steiner said on Raw last night made my day. It was so fucking funny. For once I will have to applaud Raw's creative team for thoroughly entertaining me.
Confidential comes through this week baby~! We get a segment devoted to Arn Anderson's career. They've only been promising us this for the last five months, although I'll go on the record by stating my personal motto "Better late than never".
Arn Anderson first met Ric Flair in Georgia. Arn was wrestling a match and the top ring rope fell off. One thing led to another and Anderson got knocked out due to a bad bump on the concrete. He needed to go to a hospital, where the Champion of the World (Flair) stayed with him all night. Arn thought that was a classy thing to do and the two quickly became friends.
Ric convinced Arn to leave Georgia and compete for Crockett in Charlotte. Shortly thereafter the Four Horsemen came about. Arn tells us the story, which we already heard on Confidential a couple of months ago. Long story short, they were short on TV time, so Flair's interview was combined with that of Blanchard and the Andersons. For whatever reason Arn dubbed the group "The Four Horsemen of Wrestling". He never knew that the idea would take off like it did.
Arn remembers when he was a kid that went to the matches in Georgia, after the shows he would assault Ole and Gene Anderson's cars with rocks. He didn't tell Ole about that until YEARS later. That is understandable considering Ole's reputation.
Arn didn't have the flash, the speed or even the look, but he was the one guy in the Horsemen who would just go out and knock heads. His job was simply to kick ass.
Flair and Tully Blanchard praise Arn's mic skills. Flair admits to borrowing some of Arn's material. Arn himself mentions how he would always try to make an analogy to everyday life that all the fans could relate too. That was his way of hooking them in.
The one promo that he will never forget was his retirement speech on Nitro because that was all from the heart. He retired due to breaking his neck in three different places. He first broke it way back when he and Tully were in the WWF. He was in the ring with Marty Jannetty. Marty was going for a victory roll; Arn didn't tuck his head and landed square on his neck. Flair closes the segment by saying that he hopes Arn is always held in the highest respect because he earned it. Fantastic segment.
Segment 2: 1/2
Linda McMahon was professor for a day at Nassau Community College on March 3rd. She also brought Maven, the Dudley Boyz and Trish Stratus with her. As a bit of a side note, NCC is where I'll be spending two years of my life. Hey, it's a good transfer school... Anyway, Linda explained the history of the WWE and what Vince McMahon did in order to succeed. D-Von spoke about living in the projects and Trish mentioned how she was going to be a doctor, but decided to work for the WWE instead. Her reason was, as a doctor you touch a handful of lives each day, but as a wrestler you touch millions. This was a nice, feel-good, motivating segment.
Segment 3: 1.5/3
Sable recaps her first run in the WWF including her debut at WrestleMania XII, her big match at WrestleMania XIV, her feud with Marc Mero, her various outfits and her WWF Women's Title reign. I'm sucker for any footage that's from pre-2000.
Segment 4: 2.5/4
Jerry Lawler was a Playboy.com celebrity photographer. We already saw this segment a few weeks ago on Raw, so I'm just going to gloss right over this. I'm sure you can all imagine was the King has to say anyhow.
Segment 5: 2.5/5
Lastly, Trish Stratus was involved in the Backlash commercial. Essentially it is a spoof of Joe Millionaire, in which "Joe" does not choose Trish, so Trish kicks his ass and puts him through a table. Eh.
Next Week: NOTHING! I would imagine the show is a rerun since many people will be celebrating Easter the next day.
Segment 6: 2.5/6
Sorry about the rushed ending, but I really wanted to get this up tonight. The show didn't score very highly, BUT the Anderson segment was pretty long and really good, so the show wasn't terrible.
For those of you celebrating Passover or Easter, have a good one. I on the other hand will be working on a review of RF Video's NWA Worldwide: The Crockett Years 1985-1987. Keep an eye out for that one. It will be up sometime before Backlash.
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