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UWC TV taping on-site report (11/11/2003)
Posted by Jared "JHawk" Hawkins on Nov 14, 2003, 21:21
UWC TV Taping On-Site Report (11/11/2003)
by Jared "JHawk" Hawkins
As I explained in my SmackDown recap exclusively at www.thesmartmarks.com yesterday, this was done back on Wednesday, and while I was in the process of editing this and posting it, the power completely went out and stayed out until about 5am. With work and SmackDown on Thursday, I simply couldn't put this up any sooner. My apologies, and hopefully that doesn't make this suck anymore than usual.
Over the last six weeks, the Shamrock Nite Club in Barberton has raised the roof to allow for the high flyers to do their thing (and thank God for that), and the lighting has gotten better. You can actually see the ring without being right next to it now. Plus, this time out they drew their biggest crowd at the Shamrock since the weekly tapings began in July. But what kind of show does this all lead to?
As always, this entire recap is a giant spoiler, so read at your own risk.
Ring announcer Paul "Kovedogg" Kover isn't here this week because his girlfriend was in a car accident, so he is replaced by assistant president Eugene Kim.
Dark Match: Kid Lightning vs. Eddie Insane
Decent enough opener. Insane wins it with a cradle shoulderbreaker at 3:35, but both guys looked pretty decent despite a couple of slow spots.
Dark Match: Hurricane (Peterson?) vs. Vincent (Roy?)
I couldn't understand the last names due to the sound being suspect. This wound up being a pretty solid match despite the crowd not really getting into it worth anythng. Hurricane was quite adept at taunting the crowd while still keeping the flow of the match going. Vincent wins it with a DDT counter at 5:36.
It's TV time.
Handicap Match: Otis Mann/Cousin Cooter vs. "The Russian Butcher" Sirob Draga (w/Jamie Starr)
Of course, Cooter gave Draga a run for his money at Extreme Halloween before finally being beaten with the Siberian Express. Some really good stuff in this one, including one sweet looking spot where Mann does a matrix to avoid a clothesline, but Draga comes back with a sunset flip that brings Mann down face first to the mat. Draga hits a DDT to Cooter and a Siberian Express to Mann, then pins both at 3:07. Pretty good given the time constraints.
Dirty Sanchez vs. Unknown (w/Sex Symbol Keith Young/Selena)
Dirty Sanchez is billed from "San Jose, Alaska" and comes off as the white version of Konnan. He cuts a promo before the match in some weird form of Spanglish where he basically guarantees a win because...um...his opponent has a dumb name or something, I think. Unknown comes in through the crowd and attacks from behind, then basically dominates most of the match before getting the win with a dropkick at 4:09.
Postmatch, Eddie Insane comes in to complain that it took five people to beat him at Extreme Halloween and challenges the Inner Circle to a match at the next big show. Unknown accepts.
It's time for A Tastin' of the Mason with your host Dan Mason. Mason is leading the UWC Presidential Election by a landslide, but since he used last week's show to campaign, FCC regulations dictate that he give equal time to his opponents. Bo Smirnow refuses to take it, so it's time for Eugene Kim to get his time. Eugene manages to offend the 13% of fans who actually voted for him as they use some Veteran's Day references that might confuse people watching the show five days after Veteran's Day. Mason offers a hug and tapes a campaign sign to Eugene's back.
"Happy" Mike Smiley/(???) vs. Team Fuck (w/Giovanna)
Smiley got a pop, and I couldn't hear the name of his partner over it. Quite scary, actually. Before the bell rings, Smiley shows Kim the campaign sign Mason stuck on his back, which leads to a quick promo by Kim. Make it stop. Kano has a large number of fans at ringside, but it's Super Sydal pinning Smiley's partner with a jumping DDT at 3:15.
Number One Contenders Frantic Four Way Match: "The CHamp" John Potok vs. "Timebomb" Fred Potok vs. "Your Rolemodel" Ric Lieb vs. Phattie Dattie (TV champion)
Heavyweight Champion Justin Dreams is on commentary. Backstage, Lieb and "The Champ" made one alliance and Timebomb and Phattie made another alliance, but President Bo Smirnow said that one fall will win it, so alliances need not apply. Early on, Timebomb and Phattie are both legal and tease locking up, but tag the other two in. Lieb and The Champ tease the same spot, but Lieb connects with a low blow, and it's on. Some solid storytelling throughout, complete with tension between friends when falls are broken. Champ puts Phattie through a table as Lieb hits Timebomb with his trademark platters. A series of false finishes later, and Phattie rolls Lieb up as Timebomb rolls the Champ up...and each man gains a pin at 10:07. It's a double pin, and Dreams complains that he won't defend against two men.
After we're off the air, Bo Smirnow announces Phattie Dattie vs. Timebomb for the number one contenders spot for next week.
Post taping Dark Match: Vinn Wilder/Rip Cripple/Atlantis vs. Bret Myers/Virus/The Purple Hooter
Basically your typical six man tag, as following the hot tag, everybody comes in to go through their trademark spots. Myers pins Atlantis with his handspring somersault senton at 6:42. Better than that summary would make it seem. Postmatch, a couple of fans toss the Hooter some bottles of Purple Juice, and he does his best Steve Austin impression to a pop.
Overall, things really clicked this week. Even the squashes were entertaining, the booking is much better than it had been the last couple of times I was there, and the crowd was pretty into it once the cameras were rolling. If they can keep rolling with this momentum, they could be turning a corner.
Don't forget to send me the feedback.
