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Raw from JHawk's Beak (5/31/2004)
Posted by Jared "JHawk" Hawkins on May 31, 2004, 22:17

Raw from JHawk's Beak (5/31/2004)
by Jared "JHawk" Hawkins

I'd better enjoy this show while I can since I'm on SmackDown duty for the month of June.

E-Mail of the Week: Robert Schuschu has his ideas on the Bad Blood card.

Hawk, I agree with you're report wholeheartedly but let's remember a couple of things, First off the whole thing with Trish and jericho still going on, They are rehashing the whole Stephanie vs. jericho shtick from a couple years ago whereas I think Trish will keep sending mercenaries after Jericho in an attempt to eliminate him. You know what was really the point of Benoit coming out and being Eugene's partner? I could see if Tajiri or The Rock would have shown up as his tag partner considering the history they have together with Coach and Cade, or even if they were going to have Kane do a run in and try to take out Benoit but nothing. Hell in a cell should be a good one but I would put money on Kane walking out of Bad Blood as the Champion. I also wouldn't be surprised to see Eugene wrestle a match with the stipulation being that if Eugene wins Regal is reinstated as an active wrestler on Raw. So as I see it here is the card I think will happen at Bad Blood. HHH vs HBK already announced, Benoit vs Kane world title already announced. Orton vs. Benjamin IC title, Edge vs. Batista, ( they gotta give Batista a PPV match) Victoria vs. Gail Kim, Eugene vs I would guess Johhny Nitro or Garrison Cade with the stip that I mentioned earlier. Jericho vs. Tomko, plus a Lita heel turn and joining Kane. Plus a few filler matches and segments involving Bischoff and I would imagine about that time the announcement of the WWE Diva search winner. Sounds like a good card let me know what you think.

Outside of the Divas search winner being announced (and only that because they said it would be nine weeks once it started), that's probably the card you'll see. As long as it isn't Eugene vs. Coach, that might be a tolerable card.

Forums Quote of the Week: You guys need help. -Flyboy, interrupting a conversation about KITT vs. KARR on Knight Rider

Tonight: We'll build toward Hell in a Cell. We may or may not find out what Kane asked Lita a few weeks ago (which has NOTHING to do with his title shot at Bad Blood, so it's kinda pointless). Matches? What matches? WE DON'T NEED NO STINKIN' MATCHES! Sorry, old movie moment.

Segment 1

Since it's Memorial Day, tonight's show is dedicated to those soldiers who died in duty.

Last week, the entire show was dedicated to signing Bad Blood's Hell in a Cell match.

LIVE from le Centre Bell in Montreal, Quebec, Canada! Good Ol' JR and The King call the action! Tonight, Randy Orton meets Shelton Benjamin! But first...

For the World Tag Team Championship: World Heavyweight Champion Chris Benoit and Edge (champions) vs. La Resistance

Damn Canadians! They're actually cheering La Resistance since Sylvain Grenier is from Montreal. Edge and Rob Conway start. Conway into a top wristlock, and Edge with a back heel trip to take him down. Benoit tags in and gets booed for kicking Conway. Snap suplex for 2. Edge tags in. Corner whip, and Edge runs into a boot. Tag to Grenier (to a nice pop), and he kicks away at Edge's arm. Grenier slams Edge's arm to the mat as a "Let's go Sylvain" chant starts. Armbar. Edge with forearms, but Grenier takes him down. Tag to Conway, who punches Edge. Armbar. Edge with a few forearms and the Edgeomatic, and the tag to Benoit. Clothesline. Elbow to Grenier on the apron, then going for the sharpshooter to Conway. He has it, but not completely. Benoit then turns Grenier over, but Conway's legal. Rolling Germans to Conway. The Swan Dive Headbutt misses. Grenier knocks Edge off the apron, and La Resistance goes for the Whiplash, but Edge trips Grenier and pulls him out of the ring, allowing Benoit to lock in the Crippler Crossface. Grenier makes the save...


This is just surreal, as Grenier being the hometown boy here has the crowd wildly cheering the challengers even though one of them is actually from Kentucky...and both champions are from Canada. Although Edge is from Toronto, so screw him. Or something. It's that Canadian pride, eh? Anyway, I liked the arm work early (and Edge was doing a good job selling it for a change), but if Benoit's the face-in-peril the rest of the way, I'd like to see the focus be on the neck. It's not only Benoit's weak spot, but it's also where the finisher is most effective.

Segment 2

Grenier has a chinlock on Benoit. Benoit kicks him off, but Grenier maintains the advantage. Hard corner whip. A series of forearms. Corner whip, but Grenier runs into a boot. Enzuigiri by Benoit, and both men are down. Hot tag to Edge, and he clotheslines Grenier down to the mat. Flying forearm. Faceplant. Conway comes in and gets sent to the floor, and Edge hits Grenier for a missile dropkick for a very near fall. Benoit in to suplex Conway, and Edge tries to spear Grenier, but misses and takes Edge down. The Whiplash to Edge, and the crowd counts along with the title changing three count in 11:54. Hard to rate it since we had the commercial break, but I cannot believe the crowd's popping like this. **1/4


Well, the titles needed to be taken off of Edge and Benoit in order for Benoit to focus on his World Title defenses, so no harm there. And Edge taking the pin helps keep Benoit strong, which is a must since he's the champion. The botched spear gives them a way to do Edge vs. Benoit if they choose to go that route, and the tag team titles are on a regular tag team, so unless you're of the opinion that La Resistance is too far below Edge and Benoit to realistically beat them, it's hard to argue with these two segments. But what's more amazing? Conway being cheered in Canada, or Edge being booed like hell in Canda?

Segment 3

Moments ago, we saw a huge upset.

The new champions are celebrating in the crowd. Might as well play off the reaction.

Todd Grisham is in the interview area, and he's standing with Intercontinental Champion Randy Orton. Tonight's match is non-title, but should Benjamin win, he's guaranteed a title shot. Orton's not happy because Benjamin doesn't deserve to be in the same ring with him. Grisham reminds him that Benjamin got the pin in the tag team match last week and backs it up with the footage. Orton calls that...and Benjamin "accident".

William Regal congratulates Eric Bischoff on making that match, and Bischoff made it to take back control of his show. Speaking of control, where is Eugene? There he is. Bischoff thanks Regal for making him so popular so fast, and Bischoff has another match for him. A match with a friend. Not with Coach, who has just entered the office to be forced to apologize to Eugene. Coach apologizes, but Bischoff wants it to be sincere -- and in the ring -- right now.


OK, so what's the catch? I can't see any way possible that Eric Bischoff is actually making a full-fledged face turn tonight. Bischoff said the match is with a friend, and only one name is realistically coming to mind: William Regal.

Segment 4

Coach is in the ring for his sincere public apology. Coach wants Eugene to come to the ring so he can say what he has to say face-to-face. And out he comes to a good pop. Coach doesn't want to pretend to like Eugene, and two weeks ago he thought Eugene was a joke, but he's proven he's the real deal. The joke was on Coach. He apologizes and offers a handshake, but the crowd's not convinced. Obviously Coach was wrong about Eugene having no friends. He has The Rock, Chris Benoit, and the fans. And Coach ran into another friend -- and a fan--of his today. Kane. I knew something was up. Eugene's scared to death as Kane stares him down...and offers a hug? And Eugene reluctantly takes it. Uh oh... Coach says he's not Eugene's friend and attacks from behind, and Kane charges Coach...before turning around and clotheslining Eugene. Like you didn't see that coming. Coach laughs at Eugene.


And that opens the door for Bischoff to claim that since Kane is Eugene's friend now, Kane is Eugene's opponent. It's still possible for Eugene's undefeated streak to continue if that's the case though, as either Benoit or Matt Hardy could interfere and give Eugene an advantage. Of course, I'm hoping my initial thought of Eugene vs. Regal is true.

Segment 5

Moments ago, Eugene got swerved!

And Bischoff laughs along with Coach, proving that not all is kosher, and Regal comes in angry until Bischoff threatens to fire him. Bischoff tried to be nice about it, but he's putting and end to it when he puts Eugene in the ring with Kane...and anybody who interferes is fired on the spot. Why not piss the entire crowd off?

Non-Title Match scheduled for one fall: WWE Women's Champion Victoria (w/awful dance music) vs. Jazz

They've made Victoria vs. Gail Kim official for Bad Blood. Jazz with a waistlock takedown, then a crossface blow to the face. A nice counter by Victoria into an arm wringer, but Jazz reverses it and takes Victoria down. Victoria does a split thinking Jazz is going to jump over her, but she stops short and takes an elbowdrop, then a legdrop. That makes the focus the head and neck. Victoria comes back with a springboard bodyblock for a count of 2. Jazz back in control though, then into the double chickenwing. Half Boston crab into a modified STF. Victoria makes her way to the ropes. A series of stomps. Victoria with...a legtrip of sorts...into the bottom rope, but she gets sent to the outside. Victoria back in with a sunset flip for 2, then a huge powerslam. Jazz with a rollup (and a handful of tights) for 2. Victoria counters a suplex into a roll up for the pin at 4:13. 3/4*

Eugene vs. Kane is later tonight, but it's Orton vs. Benjamin next.


They got my hopes up just a bit with the chain wrestling in the early going, but this match quickly went downhill. As hot as this crowd has been all night to this point, you could have heard a pin drop for most of that match, and that was just boring.

Segment 6

Non-Title Match scheduled for one fall: WWE Intercontinental Champion Randy Orton vs. All About Shelton Benjamin

After a slight delay, Batista decide to accompany Orton to ringside. Benjamin with a waistlock takedown into a cradle for a quick near fall. Orton with forearms to the back to knock Benjamin down. Corner whip, but Benjamin lifts the boot and returns the forearms. Kick by Orton into a side headlock. Shoulderblock. Leapfrog, duck-down, leapfrog...and Orton avoids the dropkick. Standing dropkick by Orton. Orton already loosening the top turnbuckle pad as Batista distracts Chad Patton. Finally Orton is back to work on Benjamin with knees and dumping him to the outside. Orton brings him back in. Orton tries to send Benjamin into the exposed corner, but Benjamin stops and turns back...and Orton and Benjamin crack heads, which busts Orton wide open. Batista rams Benjamin's head into the exposed turnbuckle, and he appears to be out cold, but Orton's cover only gets 2.


I was looking forward to this when I heard about it, but I'm not impressed so far. Hopefully things pick up a bit after the break.

Segment 7

Orton has an armbar with a chinlock as we see that Batista did more damage to Benjamin during the break. Benjamin breaks with a jawbreaker. Benjamin with a shot for Batista, so Batista pulls the top rope down when Benjamin hits it. Patton apparently saw it and sends Batista to the locker room, and the crowd sings "Na Na Hey Hey Goodbye". Orton rolls Benjamin back into the ring and covers for 2. European uppercut, then a series of forearms to the back. Hard whip into the exposed turnbuckle, and a cover for 2. Snap mare, then back into the chinlock, and I thought I heard the crowd groan when he locked it in. Benjamin fights back out of it, and he takes Orton down with an elbow. Backdrop. Orton with a knee to the midsection. Monkey flip, but Benjamin lands on his feet and powerslams Orton for 2. Corner whip, but Benjamin runs into Orton's boots. Orton climbing up top, and he hits a flying bodypress, but Benjamin rolls through and gets 2. Orton with a nice counter into that side backbreaker, and a cover for 2. Orto sets Benjamin up for the RKO, but Benjamin counters with a backslide for 2. Thumb to the eye by Orton, and Orton tries to run for the back, but Benjamin follows...and eats a hard right hand. Orton rolls Benjamin into the ring and slowmy comes back in himself...and walks into a powerslam that gives Benjamin the win and a guaranteed title shot at 13:32. Some nice stuff near the end, but it literally took ten minutes to get it going. *3/4


Just too slow-paced to be anything special (or to make me want to see the pay-per-view match) for the most part, but some pretty good counters and reversals in the final few minutes. Also, I liked Orton trying to head back to the locker room, as it makes people think that Orton might not think he can beat Benjamin at this point. Still, I'm hoping for something better out of these two at Bad Blood, because if that's the best they're capable of, we could be in for a long night.

Segment 8

Should we really hype the "special Memorial Day edition" when we're emanating from Canada? Anyway, oonly eight days remain to enter the Raw Divas search, and Todd Grisham asks My Future Wife about the divas search. Apparently her sister is even entering the contest. What does a diva do? They travel, do photo shoots...and she has work to do. Show me that ass, baby!

And it's time to play the game, as Hungry Hungry Hippos makes his way to the ring. Triple H tells us to stop looking for the sneak attack, because Shawn Michaels has been banned from the arena. The crowd boos because they lost their chance to chant "You screwed Bret". Hunter promises the war will finally be over after Bad Blood...really, we mean it this time...after they face each other in Hell in a Cell: the match designed to be "the end". Cue the video of Triple H's previous Hell in a Cell matches, as he's 3-0 in them. And the crowd cheers the video as Hunter says "Shawn Michaels, see you in Hell."

Your hosts go over the updated Bad Blood lineup:

Chris Benoit vs. Kane for the World Heavyweight Championship.
Shelton Benjamin vs. Randy Orton for the Intercontinental Championship.
Victoria vs. Gail Kim for the Women's Championship.
Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H in Hell in a Cell.


Well, we're not trying very hard to build to the PPV this week, are we? Hey, it's simple buildup, and the video certainly shows how brutal the match can be (well, Nash-HHH was brutal in other ways), but where's the sense of why these two guys hate each other? It wasn't there. Triple H saying "We hate each other" was supposed to be enough. I'm not saying rehash the last seven years in two minutes or something, but do something besides a Triple H promo where he doesn't even sound that upset.

Segment 9

Johnny Monday Nitro is sent to get Eugene for Eric Bischoff.

Matt Hardy v.1.0 (w/Lita) vs. Garrison Cade

Matt Facts: "Matt and Lita hate sparkling water", and "Matt's life is better with Lita in it". How sweet. Hardy into a hammerlock, and Cade reaches the ropes. Elbow by Cade on the break, and into some forearm smashes. Hardy with a hard right hand. Cade reverses a whip and takes Hardy down with a Hotshot. Cover for 2. Chokehold. Turnbuckle smash. A series of jabs, and a hard right hand floors Hardy. Cover for 2. Reverse chinlock. Hardy out of it with elbows and right hands, and they exchange blows. Hardy throws Cade over the top rope, and out he goes with the pescadoe. Back in they go. Side Effect for 2. Cade with a short clothesline. Cade goes for a piledriver, but Hardy backdrops him. Flying legdrop. Vicious looking Twist of Fate for the pin at 3:43. Never really got going, which seems to be the theme for the evening. *

Let's relive Thursday night with the SmackDown Rebound.

Nitro has brought Eugene in, and Bischoff wants to talk to him alone. Eugene says he's OK, and Bischoff admits he knew what was going to happen. Bischoff claims it's simply "tough love" because he doesn't feel Eugene's cut out for it. But if he doesn't believe it, he has a chance to prove him wrong. Bischoff asks for a hug and gets it...and even Bischoff seems guilty about things.


Not really bad, per se, as there was no real formula to it. I hit some stuff, you hit some stuff, then I'll pin you with my finisher. The problem was this match had no real flow to it at all. You've got two guys that are being hyped as being on a hot streak, and they simply didn't wrestle like it mattered.

And is Bischoff feeling guilty about how he's treated Eugene the last few weeks? It certainly seems that way, as he's never felt the need to tell Eugene about what he'd been up to previously. And he conveys it with a simple facial expression.

Segment 10

The Highlight Reel set is set up, but first let's get footage from the recent U.K. tour.

Trish Stratus and Tyson Tomko make their way to the ring, as Jericho's not even in the building after the power bomb through the table last week. The crowd chants "slut", but she thinks it's French. And she insults the entire crowd by calling them "frogs". Trish sends kisses for Christian just to make me throw up my dinner. So why is she lowering herself to hosting the Hightlight Reel? She has a highlight that must be shown, and it's the previously mentioned power bomb. Fans begin throwing stuff in the ring, and Trish does a somewhat funny JR impression. She wants one more look at the footage, but instead Y2J+4 heads for the ring and goes after Tomko. Running enzuigiri, and Jericho grabs Trish for the Walls of Jericho, but there's the Kick That Brings A Cool Breeze by Tomko to stop the momentum. Tomko press slams Jericho's "injured ribs" onto one of the chairs of the set. Then they choke Jericho with the chair.

Kane or something.


Thank God for Jericho's appearance, as Trish sucks on the mic as a heel. Want a cure for insomnia? Watch one of Trish's heel promos. A nice way of establishing Jericho as the underdog in the match with Tomko, but with one glaring problem. We still haven't seemn Tomko actually have an official match.

Segment 11

One fall: Eugene vs. Kane

Kane wants another hug, but Eugene isn't biting. Eugene avoids a charge. Eugene with a waistlock, and a nice takedown, then he shoots the half and gets a near fall. A duck under into a roll up for 2, but Kane with the clothesline. Eugene tries a sunset flip, but Kane with a chokehold and a throw to the corner. Eugene with a drop toehold into the corner, and up to the top rope, but Kane clotheslines him and covers for 2. Another cover for 2. And another, and Kane can't believe it. Kane throws Eugene over the top rope as the crowd tries to get behind Eugene. Lawler: "And they're even chanting in English. That's amazing, isn't it, JR?" Kane suplexes Eugene back into the ring and chokes Eugene. Boot choke. Corner whip. Uppercut. Choke against the ropes. Right hand. Eugene gets an arm wringer into a side headlock. Kane quickly comes back with a right hand. Kane with a snap mare into a reverse chinlock. Eugene counters with an arm wringer, but Kane with some forearms to the back...and Eugene's hulking up! That's damn near a Chief Jay Strongbow war dance there! And Eugene begins punching back, and he has Kane covering up! Dropkick to the outside! Kane tosses a chair into the ring. And another. Mike Chioda tries to get the chair away from Kane but gets thrown down to the mat. Eugene avoids a chair shot with a kick, then DDTs Kane onto the chair...and the bell rings at 6:49, as Kane has been disqualified for tossing Chioda aside. *1/2 Eugene celebrates, but Kane sits up and attacks, taking Eugene down with the Choke Slam. He goes for a Tombstone, but here comes Chris Benoit, since he's technically not interfering because the match is over. He goes for the Crippler Crossface, but Kane tries to block it...and does. And Kane quickly leaves the ring as Benoit takes a swipe at him with the chair. Benoit checks on Eugene and raises his hand in victory. And they hug.


I'm pleasantly surprised that Eugene got to get some offense in...and also got to hulk up a la Chief Jay Strongbow with that mini war dance. And it ended pretty much the only way it could. It's too soon to job Eugene off, especially as over as he's gotten so far, but Kane can't be jobbed out this close to a World Title shot. And they even built a bit toward Kane vs. Benoit, albeit not very well or for very long.

Overall, that was one "special edition" of Raw that wasn't very special. The wrestling was not very good, and outside of the Eugene storyline, the storyline development was quite lacking. About the only thing "special" about this show was the reaction to La Resistance, which certainly won't happen next week in Albany.

But that's for Peter to worry about, as I have SmackDown for the entire month of June. Join me for that, and drop some feedback in the meantime.


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