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" The Gravel Pit "

Brain Droppings: HLA Edition (That's Hot Lingering Anger)
Posted by Josh Lowmon on Sep 18, 2002, 00:49
Brain Droppings: HLA Edition
Anybody else think that since the lights were dimmed around Bischoff that the lights were going to come up that he was going to say �Welcome to Monday Night Nitro?� I was so hoping for that but I think that will come around that 500th RAW or so.
The I.O.W protest was pretty stupid and I generally like anything that makes fun of or pisses radical feminists off so that is saying a lot. The only good of it is that there could be a chance of Stephanie McMahon doing some lesbian action but it won�t be quite as hot unless she goes back to her street-whore clothes that I enjoyed so much. But with my luck Rosie and Jamal win and then Bischoff is going to make her do some HLA with like Moolah (I�m sure a chill went down your spine after reading that line didn�t it?). Either that or yet another person gets to kiss Rikishi�s ass.
Confidential was pretty sweet with the lineage of the WCW World Heavyweight Championship (I refuse to call it anything other than the WCW one.) and all the former holders (yes I know the lineage was �modified�) but it was still nice to see and made me want WCW back even more.
By that way� has anyone noticed how much WCW stuff they do on that show? It feels like its coming back.
I am really impressed by the �commitment ceremony� and how that went because the swerve was great and executed to perfection. From that one angle I can tell what is wrong with the WWE. They were probably planning that angle for more then just a week. They need to sit down and take a week (without a day off because they only seem to work two goddamn days a week, well three is you count a PPV week) and fucking plan out an outline for the next 3 months. Then the following week after RAW/Smackdown come up with the angles for those 3 months. THEN and only then can you perhaps write RAW and Smackdown week to week because you would at least have an idea of where you are going with something and gives you the chance to plant a few seeds towards the next feud.
Good stuff with the HHH vs. RVD feud and I think RVD will get the gold. However, I wish they would put in the same effort for everything else. I really don�t want to see Bubba Dudley vs. HHH. Bubba is NOT in his league if I may quote the Game. Bubba is a tag team wrestler period and is not entertaining at all as a singles wrestler especially because that horrible nut-grab elbow to the head of doom just really pisses me the fuck off.
If they do go Bubba vs. Hunter than I want Booker T (5 time� 5 time� 5 time WCW champion) vs. RVD. I think you could get a good athletic based contest between the two of them much like the Booker T vs. Benoit series so many moons ago. Now can you dig that SUCKA?
I happened to order the WWF � Classic 5 of 1998 Box Set last night and plan on doing a review of the tapes when they get here. The tapes include SummerSlam 1998, King Of The Ring 1998, Royal Rumble 1998, Survivor Series 1998 and of course Wrestlemania 14. It should end up being an interesting trip through 1998 and I will try to do them in order so we can see the progression of the WWF throughout 1998.
I wonder what I have to do to get some free tapes (Puro, classics, WWE, WCW, whatever) or something for plugs on both this site and SmarkTalk.com. If anyone that runs a tape site reads me and is willing to send me free tapes for review and maybe like a banner ad on SmarkTalk.com for your site and plugs on both sites get a hold of me here and we can work something out. Its free publicity!
That is about it for me on this rant until Smackdown because the guys who do the Cross Face continue to forget I live on the west coast and don�t reschedule the Cross Face so I can take part because they are scared. Scared that I will demolish all of their arguments and make the Cross Face interesting. But I have you my readers that understand my greatness. Personally I think its all Dr. Tom. We both know he isn�t in my league. Well he is in my fantasy football league and he�s 0-2� 0-2 TOM!!! I�m sure this will end up in the news update thing that he does so I got 2 words for him: Bring it.
I want to share with you a piece of news that just made my day. Stolen with pride from 411wrestling and who every they stole it from:
WWE sent out the following press release earlier today, hyping a "big announcement" they will make in Seattle on September 24th. This announcement is expected to be that the next WrestleMania will be in Seattle at Safeco Field.
ADVISORY/World Wrestling Entertainment to Make Major Announcement Tuesday, September 24 in Seattle
WWE Superstars Descend On Seattle for Blockbuster Announcement
SEATTLE--World Wrestling Entertainment
WHO: World Wrestling Entertainment(TM)Superstars: Triple H(TM),
Kane(TM), Eric Bischoff(TM), Rob Van Dam(TM),
Booker T(TM), Chris Jericho(TM), Big Show(TM), Trish
Stratus(TM), Stephanie McMahon(TM), Brock Lesnar(TM), Paul
Heyman(TM), Undertaker(TM), Edge(TM), Kurt Angle(TM),
Torrie Wilson(TM)
Vince McMahon, Chairman, WWE
Jim Ross, Senior Vice President of Talent Relations, WWE
WHAT: World Wrestling Entertainment(TM) will make a announcement
of worldwide interest to fans and business associates, and
of particular interest to those living and working in the
Pacific Northwest.
WHERE: Experience Music Project (EMP) at Seattle Center
2901 Third Avenue
Seattle, Washington
WHEN: Tuesday, September 24, 2002
10:00am Pacific Daylight Time
Interview opportunities to follow
TICKETS: Although this News Conference is specifically for members
of the media, the public is also invited. Several hundred
complimentary passes will be provided to the public,
exclusively at the Experience Music Project ticket
counters. These free passes will be available to fans
beginning Thursday, September 19th. Seating, however, will
be on a space-available basis.
SATELLITE: Highlights from the press conference will be available in
the afternoon via satellite at:
AUDIO 6.2, 6.8
1700-1730 ET
Wrestlemania in Seattle BABY!!!!! I am so there. I only wish I could watch Telstar 5, Transponder 8 on the good old C-Band.
I�m going to bounce or I�m outtie or whatever the hell is the in thing to say when I mean I�m just getting the fuck outta here.
Don't forget to check out everyone else's stuff on the site including but not limited to:
Our weekly RAW from JHawk's Beak recapping all of RAW's action from the week and also the previously mentioned Cross Face featuring Dean Rassmussen as a guest. Also check out the really good shoot interview recap of the Road Warriors by Brandon Truitt
That is some but not all of the stuff here on the site so check out the rest I didn't get to as well.
All praise and hate mail is appreciated and can be sent here.
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