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Tape Reviews
Magnum TA Shoot Interview (Highspots Video)
Posted by Brandon Truitt on Dec 2, 2002, 19:00
Slow news day, so the only thing I'll say is HHH vs. RVD tonight. Be afraid... Be VERY afraid.
As usual, you wanna ask questions, talk, buy me stuff, whatever... no big whoop, drop me an e-mail at this address.
Magnum T.A. Shoot Interview (Highspots Video)
The tape begins starts with the finish of the Magnum TA vs. Wahoo McDaniel cage match from the Great American Bash in 1985, although I may be mistaken,, with Magnum winning the US title. After that, it cuts to newscasters discussing Magnum�s crash and the possibility that he�d be left paralyzed, then clips of Crockett Cup 1987, as Magnum walked down to the ring for the finals of the Cup�s tag team tournament.
The first question is how Magnum (Terry Allen) got into the business, and he talks about how he grew up in Virginia watching Mid-Atlantic wrestling. Instead of playing cops and robbers, he�d pretend to be a wrestler. He was a big fan of the Wahoo McDaniel vs. Johnny Valentine feud, especially the Silver Dollar challenge. He talks about how he�d see clips of those matches on TV but not the whole thing because house shows were far more important than TV back then.
He started doing amateur wrestling in high school and continued doing it until his freshman year at Old Dominion college. Between his freshman and sophomore years in college, he started working out with a bunch of �muscleheads�, added 30 pounds of muscle, and quit amateur wrestling because they wanted him to go back to his original weight class. After that, he quit caring about college and started trying to find something to do, which was almost joining the Navy SEALS. He�d come to meet Ricky Steamboat, Greg "The Hammer" Valentine, and Buzz Sawyer, and Buzz was the guy who got him into the business.
Actually entering the business- He�d gone to a tryout held by Ole Anderson and Gene Anderson, only to realize halfway through that they were stretching everyone to run them off and that they had no intentions of actually training anyone, so he left. (Al Snow ended up in the same situation, except he was asked to leave after putting a Greco-Roman Nutlock on Gene, if
I recall correctly, because Gene was trying to gouge his eyes out.)
Buzz had come up to him after the ill-fated tryout with the Andersons and convinced him to try and break into the business in a different area because it�s not good for someone to start our in their home town. He takes a roundabout way of saying �I would say Buzz screwed me over, but he�s dead so I�ll be respectful�. Jake Roberts isn�t as discreet, as he claims that Buzz and his brother Bret were screwing Magnum over whenever they got a chance because he was just a green rookie. He says that he ended up following Buzz to the Portland, Oregon, territory and he worked his first match there against Buzz for the promoter (who was probably Don Owen). He didn�t make much while he was there, or anywhere else during his first three years in the business, though.
Magnum is then asked how in-depth his training was, as the interviewer relates the somewhat infamous tale of The Undertaker paying Buzz to train him, only to find out he�d skipped town after only being taught how to lock up. Magnum says that he�d worked out in the ring twice prior to his first match, so it was mostly on-the-job training for him. �He saw potential in me, but he also saw me as a mark�, which caused him more trouble than it was worth for a long time. They worked against each other several years later in the Superdome, while Magnum was in Bill Watts� Mid-South territory. He says that Buzz was very talented but �as a man of morals and high ethics, that�s where it all stopped.�
We then get a clip of the Crockett Cup 1986 tournament, as Magnum and his partner Ronnie Garvin take on Buzz and his partner, Rick Steiner. This is heavily clipped and appears to have been from a commercial release, although I thought only Crockett Cups 1987 and 1988 had gotten a commercial release. As with most Crockett Cup matches of ANY year, the matches tend to suck because the vast majority of the teams involved are thrown together with no rhyme or reason. The matche ends with Magnum doing a belly-to-belly suplex on Rick Steiner for the pin.
Florida- He�d followed Buzz there to make sure he got what had been promised to him, as Buzz thought he wouldn�t travel 3000 miles to catch up with him. Magnum talks about a lot of the young talent coming up in the Portland area he�d just left, including The Barbarian from the Powers of Pain and Matt Borne (Doink the Clown).
Southwest Championship Wresting in San Antonio, Texas, was his next stop. Among the people he worked with there were Tully Blanchard and Nick Bockwinkle. He was there for about 6 months, as he was treated right since people saw dollar signs in his look.
There is a match inserted here between Magnum and Nick Bockwinkle, who has the AWA title here. (I guess this wasn�t a week where Verne Gagne decided he was going to put himself over his champion� which he did several times towards the end of his career) This is a pretty good TV match here, as Bockwinkle actually looks young here as opposed to the perpetual 70 years he�s looked since the mid-80�s and was always a good worker. Bockwinkle wins on a piledriver.
The second match included in this part of the tape is Magnum and Scott Casey vs. Tully Blanchard and Gino Hernandez from Southwest Championship Wrestling. Pretty good match here, though it shouldn�t be too surprising considering how good Tully and Gino were alone. Finish comes as Magnum has a bearhug on Tully, but Gino Hernandez hits a top-rope elbow to break it up then another one for a three count.
Back to the shoot, he talks about how the Road Warriors were his idea of the epitome of wrestling, so he and Ray "Hercules" Hernandez would train constantly. Eventually, he got up to 300 pounds of muscle but couldn�t move well. One night, Brusier Brody told him �Kid, you look great� and it made his day until he said �� but it would be a lot easier if you just learned how to work.� He eventually saw that Brody was right and decided to learn how to be a better worker and do less bodybuilding.
Florida- Eddie Graham�s son, Mike Graham, came into town and they started hanging out together. Eventually, Mike made an offer to bring him to Florida to work with the Brisco brothers amongst other things. He learned a lot just by listening to Eddie and Mike whenever he could.
Dusty Rhodes- He met Dusty while he was there and said that �either you love him to death or can�t be in the same room with him and I loved him.� Dusty�s physique wasn�t too good, but he knew timing, psychology, and interviews and it made his career. Dusty would team him with Scott McGee or Brad Armstrong against veterans like the Royal Kangaroos for long matches each night, which helped him learn how to put a match together properly.
Andre the Giant- He met him in Florida, during one of his many drop-ins to the area. Andre told him that he needed something to distinguish himself as a gimmick and told him that he looked like Magnum PI (Tom Selleck�s TV detective), so he should be called Magnum TA. Around that time, Ernie Ladd was amongst the many names coming in and out of the territory and was splitting time as Bill Watts� booker in Mid-South. Ernie was looking for a �white-meat babyface� and Magnum fit the mold, so he brought him into Mid-South and Magnum found himself living in Alexandria, Louisiana, the crossroads of the vast territory that Watts ran in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, and parts of Texas and Mississippi.
Mid-South- They tried him a lot of different directions and hadn�t found his niche, so he was prepared to go back to Florida and work with Dusty. However, Bill Watts decided at the last minute before he was supposed to leave that they weren�t letting him go. Thankfully, Bill Dundee came in at that time from Memphis to book, and paired him off with Mr. Wrestling II in a tag team. The main booking of the team was that Magnum would take by FAR all the damage the team got, including a tarring and feathering by Jim Cornette and the Midnight Express. Watts wanted people to believe the TA and II vs. Midnight Express angle to work so bad that he told the Express that if people couldn�t see the welts on TA and Mr. Wrestling II�s backs after they whipped them with belts, they were ALL fired.
The Magnum TA-Mr. Wrestling II team dissolved around the end of the Midnight Express feud, as II turned heel and cost the Junkyard Dog the North American title. Eventually, Magnum beat II for the title, which was his first major one in the business. He says that Mid-South acted as a finishing school for him, as it prepared him for coming into Mid-Atlantic just after Dusty was hired as Jim Crockett�s booker.
Mid-Atlantic- It was like he�d come out of nowhere fully formed since he hadn�t had national TV exposure before working for Jim Crockett. Crockett sold him on coming to Mid-Atlantic by telling him he�d be in line for the top babyface spot, which was what Barry Windham was being groomed for. Barry had left for the WWF because Crockett wasn�t paying him enough to live on, with no chance of improvement in sight. Bill Watts thought he was a dumbass for throwing away guaranteed money in Mid-South for the chickenfeed Crockett was paying, but Magnum saw Mid-Atlantic as a bigger pond than Mid-South and saw potential in moving on despite the low initial pay.
Matches with Mr. Wrestling II- One match with him was in the Superdome and Hercules, dressed as Mr. Wrestling II, cost him the North American title. He thought it was interesting that such an old friend of his could be brought in to work one of his first big angles. He puts over Mr. Wrestling II as a guy that helped him make his name in the business. He does seem a little upset that he and II put so much into getting the Midnight Express over with no revenge ever being extracted while Junkyard Dog and a briefly un-retired Bill Watts beat the Express from pillar to post and made a lot of money in the process. He doesn�t blame Watts though and says if he owned the company he�d probably do the same thing.
Travelling buddies in Mid-South- Terry Taylor, Ricky Morton, Robert Gibson, and Bill Dundee were his usual travelling partners, although he rode with �Hacksaw� Jim Duggan early in his run there. He talks about how Duggan had mental demons due to a nasty car wreck in which a drunk ran him and his fiancee off the road and she died. People were hard to deal with early in his run there because no one was really making any money and, thus, were in horrible moods and weren�t easy to work with in the ring. He mentions how he�d work against the Missing Link around that time and, while Link was a good guy for the territory, it was hard to get a good match out of him due to his gimmick. He talks about how they traveled about 2000 miles a week in a time where there were no north or south interstates in Louisiana and that it was VERY different from being flown everywhere.
Impressions of Bill Watts- Very talented, driven, self-centered, and opinionated. He learned a lot from him. VERY old-school. He puts him over for running such a large territory but Bill�s people skills were� unusual. He said it was good for young guys, but that it didn�t work with mid-level or high-level guys because his communication skills weren�t that good. He said that it was the same with him and about everyone else that came out of Mid-South to make other companies very successful (Junkyard Dog, Ted Dibiase, and Jim Duggan in the WWF and Magnum, the Midnight Express, and the Rock and Roll Express in Mid-Atlantic). �They either followed behind me or moved up to New York� and said that it wouldn�t have been like that if he�d hired someone like Dusty and made people feel like they were capable of achieving more success under him. However, Jim Crockett was a much more laid-back manager and people preferred dealing with him than Watts.
Early impressions of Mid-Atlantic- He was excited because he was returning home and would be wrestling in the arena where he used to go see matches. He was nervous that he wouldn�t make as much there, but saw that guys like Ric Flair and Dusty could turn the territory around. It wasn�t as bad as he�d expected coming in, as Jim Crockett protected him and made sure he got at least $1000 each week.
Wahoo McDaniel- He started out in a program with Wahoo over the US title, which was a stepping stone to the NWA title. Around June of 1985, Crockett and Ted Turner worked out a deal to put Mid-Atlantic on TBS and things just took off from there.
We then get portions of the Magnum-Wahoo cage match from earlier on the tape. They chop each other, throw themselves into the chain-link cage, suplex and slam each other, and blade like there�s no tomorrow. Eventually, Magnum hits the belly-to-belly on Wahoo for the three-count and his first US title reign.
He talks about how he won the title from Wahoo in a sold-out Charlotte Coliseum match, which he thinks was the last big match for Wahoo. Wahoo was a true professional, though, and worked with him to make it mean something when he won the title.
Ric Flair- After winning the US title, he started feuding with Ric Flair and did a lot of broadway matches (draws) with him. They did about 18 of those in one month and, during the process, Flair taught him more about how to run a match. He talks about how Flair was capable of wrestling a broomstick to a great match if he wanted to, �although not for 60 minutes, but close.�
They had some great matches, including a show at Three Rivers Stadium in Pittsburgh, PA, during the Great American Bash tour. It started raining in mid-match, but people just stood up and put their chairs over their heads so they could keep watching. Eventually, it started hailing and people STILL kept watching. Finally, Flair threw him over the top rope at the 58 minute mark because both were so blown up they couldn�t do the last two minutes for the draw.
He talks about how he could have won the title in another 6 to 8 months if he hadn�t had his accident at the pace his career was on, but shit happens.
Magnum TA vs. Ric Flair- This is a match from NWA Worldwide where Magnum puts up $1000 that says Flair can�t beat him. Flair accepts the challenge and we get the standard Flair match which, while routine and repeated almost every night, was still great up until the late 1990s. The match ends when Ole Anderson and Arn Anderson do a run-in and a beatdown before Dick Slater and Buzz Sawyer make the save. About 13 minutes of high-quality NWA goodness here.
They were looking for something explosive and he had been using the belly-to-belly suplex since Mid-South. They�d been telling him for years that he had to develop a finisher he could use on anyone, and he could do that move on anyone either with the opponent�s help or on his own since he was a powerful amateur wrestler. It wasn�t a move used often back then, although guys like Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit use it four times a match now.
His feud with Tully Blanchard- Tully was one of the most ambitious people he�d ever met in the business. When he met him in Southwest Championship Wrestling, he made it clear he wanted to be the greatest heel in the business, which he did through hard work since his stature was below average. Tully saw a lot of potential in him and saw money, so he came up with the ideas for their feud. He�s not sure how Baby Doll came into the whole equation, and says that she�s a nice person but NOT what most people would consider a �Perfect 10� like she was billed. Baby Doll and Tully together was magic. By the end of their feud, he and Tully could read each other�s minds and not have to communicate during the match. He says they took the level of violence in wrestling during the 1980s to a new level, which I�m DAMN sure not going to contradict having seen the I Quit match from Starrcade 85 quite a few times.
The storyline behind their feud was that Tully screwed him out of the US title shortly after his run with Flair was done. Tully screwed him in a big way, story-wise, because Baby Doll had slipped him a roll of quarters and Tully had use the Power of the Punch to get the win. They just built from there until the I Quit match at Starrcade 85. They kept the feud hot for so long by Magnum chasing Tully for months and trying to get back at him any way he could. He thinks the idea of the I Quit match to Tully, but wasn�t sure if Tully knew how he was getting out of that stip but that the feud�s heat was enough to warrant it.
We cut to the infamous I Quit match now, several minutes into it as Tully�s arm has already been bladed. I�m not doing play by play on this because I can�t do it justice (and I probably already did it in my Baby Doll shoot anyway), so I�ll just cut to the end. Baby Doll throws a wooden chair into the ring, Tully tears it apart and tries to stab Magnum with a sliver of it, but Magnum gets away, grabs the sliver, and shoves it in Tully�s eye. Tully blades like there�s no tomorrow and and squeals like a pig while he screams �YES!!!� into the microphone when asks if he quits. One of my FAVORITE matches ever! Too bad it�s not here in its entirety, but the majority of it is here.
Starrcade 85 was a simulcast between two cities as well as showing closed circuit at several other sites. While the match was only 15 or 20 minutes, it felt like it took days. Tully still claims that he never said �I quit�, which is true because he only yelled yes once referee Tommy Young asked if he quit. From there he moved on to the Nikita Koloff feud.
When�s the last time he watched the match? �It�s been years.� He has an uncut version of it, and says that the version on the Starrcade tape is severely cut. I debate that because the Starrcade 1983-1987 set is four hours long and that copy of the match does NOT appear to have been cut. He might mean the rare tapes of the Starrcade 85 show, though, which I cannot vouch for.
Nikita Koloff- �Nikita is a great personal triumph for me.� Nikita put everything he had into becoming the Russian Nightmare and says that Nikita wouldn�t even speak English in public, even while at the gym (Nikita�s own shoot, which I�ve been unable to review for various reasons, has plenty of stories like this.). He was dangerous, strong, and explosive, and was possibly going to hurt you in the process of doing something else. Magnum draws comparisons between Nikita and Goldberg and says Nikita was everything Goldberg was about 10 years before the �Goldberg� chants got piped in. They had some great matches together, which resulted in their Best of Seven series for the US title. He�s proud of some of the 40 minutes matches they had together since he had to carry Nikita (He said Nikita could do anything but didn�t know WHEN to do things at that time. He calls him a fast study, though.). He said that carrying Nikita through that series to great matches earned him his stripes with the office. He feels that he could have been a good NWA champion if he had a chance because he�d gotten good at carrying people and that was the main job of the NWA champion� to make stars in each territory by making them look like a million bucks and teach them in the process.
Was the Best of Seven series always planned out to have Nikita win? Yes, because he was being groomed for something better than the US title, but apologizes and says it�s not supposed to sound egotistical. The plan was that he was to be moved up the card and they wanted him to establish Nikita before doing so, and their series of matches got extended longer than was originally intended because they were so good.
Nikita Koloff (with Ivan Koloff) vs. Magnum TA- We come in here late in the match as Ivan breaks up a Magnum pin on Nikita. Eventually, the ref and Magnum are distracted with Ivan while Nikita gets a chain, wraps it around his fist, and waffles Magnum for the win.
He confirms that the plans after the Nikita match were for him to feud with Ric Flair and that he was supposed to finally win the NWA title.
When asked about the Booker T vs. Chris Benoit Best of Seven series, he starts talking about how those two, along with Steve Austin, have a lot of respect for those that came before them and that it makes him feel great to have meant something to the business. He says that being able to perform before 10,000 people and to get them to do whatever you want is better than any drug in the world. He says that�s why so many people find it hard to get out of the business today. He has a lot of respect for Ric Flair to be in his fifties and STILL going out there and wrestling every night, and says if it wasn�t for the accident that he�d probably be in the same position since he�s only 43. The fact that wrestlers now earn millions each year on top instead of thousands makes it even harder for people to give it up.
What made it so magical to be in the locker room back then? They all pulled together back then and tried as hard as they could. People would watch all the matches to make sure that some guys were learning and that they didn't repeat what some guys were doing in their matches later that night. (This has been taken care of in a way these days� the lower card isn�t allowed to do jack shit but sell, the midcard�s guys can do any move they want, and the few �top� guys like Undertaker and �God� himself, Triple H, will no-sell everything.) Everyone wanted to steal the show every night, to be the guy who got everyone to go home talking about something they did. Guys had a different level of respect for each other then, too.
He discusses some tension in the territory over the WWF, as Flair in particular pissed and moaned about how he wrestled an hour each night while Hulk Hogan would have ten minutes to pose and only wrestle for two minutes. He said that Vince McMahon concentrated on showmanship while himself, Flair, Tully, and others were more concerned with blood-and-guts wrestling, which is why few of them went north to New York until they had little choice. Everyone thought that they�d win by having the superior product and Magnum feels that, had he not had the accident, he would have stayed in the NWA for his career because calling wrestling �entertainment� didn�t sit well with him.
Crockett Cup 1986- He was originally supposed to team with Dusty Rhodes, but it changed at the last minute to him teaming with Ronnie Garvin. He doesn�t know why it happened, but he mentions that Dusty got a title shot against Flair on the second night of the tournament and I think that answers the question right there� I�m sure that Dusty preferred to beat Flair by DQ than to lose to the Road Warriors in the tag tournament finals. He thinks there was something political behind it in hindsight, but he was looking towards the big picture instead. He and Garvin jobbed in the finals to the Road Warriors after one of them tripped on a banana peel� no, I am NOT making that up. Hell, there was enough of THAT bullshit on the Brian Christopher shoot last week.
The crash- While he says he had some drinks that night, he wasn�t drunk when he was driving and he was on nothing else at the time. He�d wrestled that night, dropped Dick Slater off at a Bennigans (�Oh boy, BENNIGANS!�[/Butters]), then started driving the 10 minutes to his apartment from there. He crashed his Porsche on a dog-leg turn halfway between Bennigan�s and his apartment, which was during heavy rain, and said that when he got his Porsche lowered a few months before, he never got the tires realigned so his back tires were uncontrollable. All these things added up to disaster. He said that he�d been down that road going 100 when it was dry but, that night, was driving 50 when he hit a water puddle, hydroplaned, and hit a tree. Because a Porsche is a back-wheel drive car, he couldn�t regain control when he tried to recover from hydroplaning, and ended up wrapped around a telephone pole. The police cut him out of the car and then cut up the car and his briefcase looking for drugs.
He says that the simple reason why he crashed was that he was going too fast on day with bad conditions, and that fate just picked that day for something to go wrong. He says it�s a sobering experience to go from being 27 and on top of the world to hearing from a doctor that you�ll never walk again.
Was there a coverup? No� the cops did the bloodwork on him and investigated, and if there was anything it would have been found. He says the most ludicrous thing he�d ever heard was that a website writer claimed that he faked the accident and was working everyone for the 15 years since it happened.
He spent 5 months in the hospital and another year or so in outpatient therapy before he could re-enter the business, and then he was trying to get into the booking and announcing parts of the business, which people usually do when they�re much older than that.
Coming back to the ring- He wanted to come back as a way of telling the fans �I�ll be all right�, especially since there was the high possibility that he was going to die during the first 30 days after the accident. The territory was so much like a family that when he got hurt, it was treated as if everyone�s brother had gotten hurt. He talks about how things changed after he got hurt, as Barry Windham was brought back into the territory, Nikita Koloff went babyface to replace the fallen Magnum (�Ancient Vulcan proverb� only Nixon can go to China�), and that Lex Lugar and Sting were brought in soon afterwards. Magnum was the planned babyface of the future, so Crockett was scrambling to fill the hole he left behind due to the accident.
From there, we get a clip from Crockett Cup 1987, as Magnum walks down to ringside with the help of current WWE official Teddy �Peanuthead� Long. He hugs Dusty and Nikita before they go into the finals of the tag tournament.
Contracts- Once he was there about 6 months, people started getting guaranteed contracts. He says that in addition to himself, the first guys to get them included Tully, Flair, and Manny Fernandez. These were set up like the current WWE contracts, as they guaranteed a minimum amount should the business bottom out or they get hurt. He said when he got hurt, Crockett started handing them out like candy and it got to the point where everyone was on salary instead of drawing money by putting asses in seats. He said that Crockett painted himself into a corner because the guaranteed money meant that they couldn�t cut salaries when times got rough, which contributed to him selling out to Ted Turner.
Being a commentator- He didn�t particularly like it because he wanted to be back into the ring. If he�d been older when the accident happened, then he would have made the transition easier. He also said he was a bit of a prick to Jim Ross at first because Ross used to be the peon who held a mic for him in Mid-South and that he�d never been in the ring.
He says that paying people too much hurt because they felt like they were stars even if they weren�t, and that getting that much meant you should already know what you�re doing.
Turner- People who didn�t know anything about wrestling were making too many important decisions. One of them, Jim Herd, was brought to run WCW on a daily basis and didn�t endear himself to Magnum, or ANYONE else for that matter. He cut Magnum�s pay soon after he arrived then had his secretary fire him over the phone a few weeks later. Damn� that�s at least two parallels between Magnum and Steve Austin now� they both had severe neck injuries and were both fired from WCW by the boss�s secretary over the phone. About two years later, he got the satisfaction of being hired back to be Dusty�s deputy booker and to watch Jim Herd receive a �Get the fuck out, do not pass GO, do not collect $200� card. He says that what goes around comes around, so be careful about who you step on when you�re making your way up in the business. �No one is on top forever�
His businesses outside wrestling- He was booking in the early 1990�s for Turner. Eventually, they started running him into the ground. One night, before a Clash of the Champions, he stepped through a curtain, caught his bad leg on something, then fell to the ground so hard that he broke his hand in three places and knocked himself out. When he went to the doctor and they compared his physical condition to the job description, they insisted he couldn�t do it and he ended up getting a nice disability payoff as a result. Eventually, he got into cellular telephone service, as he and his dad invested in a radio tower to lease out to cellular phone companies. It lost a shitload of money at first, but eventually made them a good amount of money. Around that time, he also started investing in construction. He took a $20,000 investment in it and 20 employees and turned it into a million-dollar company. He sold it out a few years back and worked with the buyers, but the economy went to shit after 9/11. The buyers pulled out of the industry, so he was able to get back into the business and now he runs Magnum Cellular, which does cellular installations for Cingular Wireless and other cell phone companies.
He goes on a tangent here, as he talks about how the product is too adult today. While he enjoys it, he remembers back when there was something for everyone at the matches. He says the Benoits, Austins, Triple Hs, etc. can go out and tear he house down, though.
He then goes into how the business has grown over the years� It used to be a big deal when the Florida territory did $1 million in buinsess in one year. Then it was $750,000 in one night for Starrcade 85. Now it�s millions of dollars in live gate and tens of millions more in Pay Per View for a big show.
Best Ric Flair story- Before things really took off, Ricky Steamboat had wrestled Flair in Philadelphia when there was two feet of snow outside. �We had a $20,000 house when it should have been a $100,000 house.� They all stayed at a hotel right down the street from the arena and they went drinking in the bar. They finally decided they wanted to go eat at a diner, so they took cabs to it. Flair ordered one of everything on the menu and had it spread out on the table and, due to everyone drinking, they ended up starting a food fight. He thinks that Flair passed out and that they had to drag him back to Japan. The next morning, a very hung over Flair was walking through the airport, dressed to the nines, with his suit covered in egg yolk, ketchup, etc.
Best driving time between Columbia, SC and Charlotte, NC (90 miles)- One night, Ronnie Garvin took his plane from Columbia to Charlotte and he STILL beat him back to the bar that night driving his turbo Porsche, which took about an hour.
Does he want to say anything to his fans? Yes, to all the diehard fans and those who loved it for what it was and what it became� thanks. He says it�s an honor for everyone to take him into their homes and their hearts. He puts over the loyalty of wrestling fans and says that NASCAR fans are the only fans he knows of who can compare in that regard.
This was a very solid interview, as Magnum was honest and well spoken about his career as well as shooting a bit on Bill Watts among other people. I can�t in good conscience recommend this above the Arn Anderson shoot or the 8-hour Jim Cornette shoot, it�s still one of the best one�s I�ve seen out there. Well worth your $15 plus shipping at www.highspots.com.
Be sure to use my link if you order it: Magnum T.A. Shoot Interview
Highest possible recommendation.
