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" The Gravel Pit "

Raw from JHawk's Beak (5/10/2004)
Posted by Jared "JHawk" Hawkins on May 10, 2004, 22:41
Raw from JHawk's Beak (5/10/2004)
by Jared "JHawk" Hawkins
E-Mail of the Week: Harry Broadhurst chimed in with his thoughts about last week's Raw:
I agree with you about HHH spoiling the end to the Benoit-Michaels match. Just when I thought we were going to get the huge nosed assclown out of the title picture he inserts himself back in, and that makes the average fan like myself, not want to watch, but other than that I have a few other things to point out about Raw on Monday:
1. Enjoyed the 6 man tag match at the beginning of the show, and I think Edge and Orton will rock next week, but the only problem I have is setting up HHH-Benjamin for the third time in less than 2 months. Create a new feud already...Benjamin proven he can beat HHH, so we don't need to see it again.
2. I really hope Tajiri and Batista can put on a decent match, but I don't think it'll happen because of the horrible style difference between the two of them.
3 Victoria and Gail Kim for the Women's title could be decent, but I don't see them getting a lot of time to work with in that match...maybe have it at Badd Blood?
4 I must say, if this is the Eugene that we are going to see wrestle, I am impressed. He looks very good in the ring, and Regal is a real good teacher to have, although knowing Regal, I wouldn't be surprised to see him turn on Eugene next week, and join La Resistance. I hope that's the Eugene we see wrestle because if so, next week could be a good match. Also, Conway's new finisher is badass! Also, the STF that Eugene used was actually the Regal Stretch.
5 Pretty good match between Michaels and Benoit, and even though the finish hurts it, I must say I was expecting more from those two. It's too bad this match didn't have a clean finish, as the could have really helped solidify Benoit's title reign.
Well, that's all the time I got. Your reviews are awesome, so keep up the good work. Talk to you later.
Forums Quote of the Week: FrigidSoul: This forum has officially become the basement where a bunch of 16-19 year old cast-offs from society talk about who they'd rather bang. I'm waiting for a game of Dungeons and Dragons to break out at any moment.
Kyliejunge: As opposed to talking about the ethics of banging 16-19 year olds?
Tonight: Probably the biggest Raw in years takes place tonight. Christian and Chris Jericho meet inside a steel cage. Eugene makes his TV in-ring debut against Rob Conway. Then Evolution takes center stage as Batista battles Tajiri, Triple H meets Shelton Benjamin, and Randy Orton defends the Intercontinental Championship against Edge. Something is incredibly wrong with the booking committee if they can't get a good show out of this one.
Segment 1
Last week, Triple H's interference cost Shawn Michaels the World Heavyweight Championship.
L-I-V-E from the HP Pavilion in San Jose, California! Good Ol' JR and The King at ringside for all those great matches!
One fall: Hungry Hungry Hippos vs. All About Shelton Benjamin
Six weeks ago, Shelton Benjamin scored the upset pin over Triple H, then got a countout win the following week. Benjamin with an armdrag before the bell, and a few more. Running elbowsmash for a quick near fall. Backslide for 2. Snap mare into an armbar. Roll up for 2, and another armdrag into an armbar. Into the corner, and Triple H with shoulderblocks to the midsection. Whip, reversal, boot to the face by Hunter, but a powerslam by Benjamin gets 2. Mounted punches in the corner, then a DDT for another count of 2. Shelton misses the Stinger Splash in the corner, and Hunter clotheslines him over the top rope. Out comes the Holy Bible Kid to attack Triple H, and he knocks him out of the ring. Mike Chioda tries in vain to send HBK to the back, but it's all HBK until three other referees finally come out. It's still not enough, as Hunter tries to escape through the crowd, and HBK damn near catches up with him. No closing bell, but I guess Triple H wins by DQ (call it 3:50 and give it *, since it never got going). HBK grabs the mic and says he ain't leaving until it's settled, but Eric Bischoff prevents it before it ever happens. Bisch promised Mr. McMahon that the first person to get out of line would be made an example out of, so as of now, Shawn Michaels is suspended. HBK hops the guardrail before security can get to him...and he finds Triple H and continues to unload on him. Hunter finally hightails it.
I question how much most people really want to see another match between Michaels and Triple H, but this was a good way to build to it. Triple H finally plays the cowardly heel who doesn't want to fight his mortal enemy when the odds are even, and HBK is so desperate to get another shot at him that he doesn't even let a suspension prevent him from getting his hands on him. A good way to build up animosity, and the suspension will make it that much more interesting when it comes time for HBK to finally get hold of Triple H again.
Segment 2
Moments ago, Shawn Michaels was suspended for attacking Triple H in the middle of his match.
Randy Orton is still here, and he defends the Intercontinental Championship later tonight. Cue the video package of Edge's attack on Orton three weeks ago, then Edge pinning Orton in the six man tag last week.
Evolution is in the locker room, and Ric Flair tells Triple H that HBK finally got what he deserved. Evolution's the best thing going today, and tonight, Orton will embarrass Edge. And up next, Batista will beat Tajiri so badly that they'll have to carry him out of the building. Flair got bleeped out there. In comes Eric Bischoff, who has made another decision. Next week, Triple H will get an opportunity at Chris Benoit and the World Heavyweight Championship.
And the world gets a sense that we'll get a title change next week, although I think you'll see HBK run out through the crowd and cost Hunter the title. Hey, it should be a hell of a matchup, but I just don't see any way it ends cleanly unless there's a title change. And shouldn't Benjamin get the shot since he's pinned Hunter and Hunter hasn't pinned Benjamin yet? Must be the WBA ratings system in effect.
Segment 3
One fall: Tajiri Yoshihiro vs. Batista
Tajiri uses the kicks early, and he uses Batista's momentum to send him over the top rope. Baseball slide, and Tajiri rams Batista into the security wall. Batista catches Tajiri and rams him into the guardrail. Back into the ring, and Batista begins to focus on the back. Vertical suplex. Stomp to the back. Forearm to the back. Standing on the back while leaning against the ropes. Knee choke. Tajiri lands on his feet on a suplex attempt and gets a sunset flip for 2, but Batista takes him down with a sidewalk slam. Corner whip. Shoulderblocks to the back. A charge, and Batista runs into a standing back kick. A series of kicks, and a handspring elbow. Batista quickly knocks Tajiri down to stop the assault and goes for the Sitout Power Bomb, but Tajiri counters into the swinging DDT. A slow cover, and Jack Doan can only count to two. Batista blocks the Buzzsaw Kick and gets a spinebuster in for the pin at 5:05. Tajiri looked better than I expected here. 3/4* Postmatch, Batista gets in another spinebuster, then gets the Sitout Power Bomb for good measure. A chokehold, and Tajiri tries to spit the green mist at him, but the mist just falls down his chin as referees finally come out to break the chokehold.
We all knew this was going to be the end result, as WWE rules state that a cruiserweight is rarely going to beat a man over 300 pounds. But this does show the mark of a true heel. Batista said Tajiri was going to have to be carried out of the ring, and it's unlikely he can walk out of the ring on his own if he can't breathe. Sure, I'd have rather seen Tajiri get the win, but this was a well done segment.
Segment 4
My Future Wife gets TV time! Some guy had a sign that stole my "Keibler Elf" bit. Stacy shills the Divas South of the Border DVD and gives us a sneak peek. The sneak peek gets interrupted by Gail Kim and Good Golly Miss Molly Holly. Gail questions how she made the Women's Champion tap out and it's Stacy that gets camera time. Unfortunately, that's a good point. They claim Stacy said she was hotter than Gail and Molly (I believe that was me, actually), and they attack Stacy. Victoria runs out for the save, and out comes Jazz for Victoria. Nidia attacks Jazz, and the crowd goes apathetic.
The Intercontinental Title is on the line next.
And this is obviously setting up some sort of six woman tag team match at some point in the future, perhaps as early as next week's Raw. Too bad that means Stacy has to wrestle. Hey, I love Stacy, but outside of looking good, she serves no purpose. The other five women could make that match decent if it's done right though.
Segment 5
As the babyface divas talk, we've been told that six woman tag is later tonight. And we still have that cage match tonight.
Todd Grisham interviews Y2J+4, and Jericho claims that Bischoff had already promised him the title shot next week. Uh, what? But tonight, it's Christian in a steel cage. Christian and Trish Stratus like it rough? Then that's what Christian's going to get.
One fall for the WWE Intercontinental Championship: Randy Orton (champion) vs. Edge (World Tag Team Champion)
Lockup. Stalemate. Orton with a side headlock. Headlock takedown, maintaining the headlock. Edge finally breaks the hold. Orton with a forearm to the back of the head, and he turns it into a brawl. Edge reverses a corner whip. Edge makes his focus Orton's back, pounding away with several forearms. Backbreaker for 2. Forearm smash. Orton comes back with a European uppercut. Edge regains the advantage by going to the back again. Edge gets the ringpost backbreaker in, but not without Orton trying to fight out of it. Double-axhandle to the back. Edge goes into a form of a bow-and-arrow. Orton frees himself and goes after Edge's head. Corner whip, and Orton apparently sets up for a backdrop, but Edge kicks him in the face. A clothesline sends Orton outside the ring, and Edge follows, getting a double-axhandle to the back and ramming it into the steps. Out comes Ric Flair...
Actually kind of slow so far, but that could be because they're building to something, as you have some solid storytelling with Edge focusing almost entirely on Orton's back. Will any of it matter when we get to the finish? Let's find out.
Segment 6
Edge breaks a chinlock with a series of elbows and quickly knocks Orton down for a near fall. During the break, Flair rammed Edge into the steps, which led to Orton gaining the advantage. Back live, and Orton gets a near fall following a modified backbreaker. Armbar with a chinlock. Orton grabs around the eyes before going back to the chinlock portion of the hold. Edge breaks with an armdrag, but Orton locks in a head and arm submission. Orton even ties up Edge's free arm with his leg. Nice subtle move there. Edge breaks with some elbows and kicks Orton in the face. Both men slow to their feet, and Edge gets a small package for 2. Neckbreaker by Orton for 2. Orton to the top rope slowly (selling the back), and he gets a flying bodypress, but Edge rolls through for 2. Both men exchange forearms, with Edge slowly getting the advantage, and Edge backdrops Orton. Back suplex for 2. Edge sets Orton up for a superplex, Orton fights it, and Edge knocks Orton to the apron with a forearm. A spear from behind sends Orton into the guardrail. Edge rolls Orton back into the ring and climbs up top, and he hits a missile dropkick for 2. This has turned into a good little matchup here. Orton with a forearm, and he wants a reverse neckbreaker, but Edge forearms him in the back and gets the Edgeomatic for 2. Orton goes for a rana, but Edge counters with a sitout power bomb for 2. Ouch. Flair to the apron for the distraction, and Orton goes for the RKO and gets sent into Flair. Edge goes for the spear, but he misses and hits Flair, and Orton gets the roll up and a handful of tights for the pin at 17:54. Slow start but good stuff overall. **3/4
We still have a cage match later tonight.
Pretty solid stuff here. Edge never really got away from the back at all, and Orton did what he had to do to win. Add that with a couple of nifty high spots and you got a better match than some of us probably expected. Certainly not a classic or a match of the year candidate, but they had the crowd buying into some of the false finishes and did things in a way that make both men look good in the end.
Segment 7
Last week, William Regal helped Eugene prepare for tonight's match.
William Regal watches Eugene warm up, and in comes Uncle Eric, who gets a hug from Eugene. Bischoff wants to talk to Regal about his training, and Bischoff is hoping for a loss for Eugene so that he becomes discouraged and quits. That way he keeps his promise to his sister...and Regal gets a spot on the active roster. Regal promises the best man will win tonight.
Your hosts discuss what we've just seen, with JR rightfully making Eugene look like a victim.
Six Diva Tag Team Match scheduled for one fall: My Future Wife, Nidia, and Victoria (WWE Women's Champion) vs. Good Golly Miss Molly Holly, Gail Kim, and Jazz
JR acknowledges Pepper Gomez's passing. Jazz quickly goes into the Mutalock on Victoria, then simply pounds away at her. Dragon screw leg whip. Half crab into the STF, and Nidia makes the save. Jazz gives Nidia a shot, then tags in Molly. Victoria with a clothesline, but Molly regains the advantage and tags Gail in...and Victoria powerslams Gail for a near fall. Kim with European uppercuts, then into that same headscissors she got the tapout with last week. Stacy runs in for the save, Mollly goes after Stacy, Nidia goes after Molly, Jazz goes after Nidia, and we eventually go back to Gail locking in a version of a half crab with a hammerlock to make Victoria tap again at 2:25. 1/4*
SmackDown Rebound recaps last week's show, specifically Eddy Guerrero vs. Bradshaw (and thankfully ignoring Jacqueline: Cruiserweight Champion).
Well, give them credit for making Gail Kim seem like a legitimate threat to the Women's Title, and give them credit for making it seem like a huge deal, as JR even compared it to Shelton Benjamin's win streak over Triple H. I'm not sure the eventual blowoff between them will be any good, but the average fan is probably going to expect a title change. And you'll always get a bigger crowd if a title change seems possible.
Segment 8
We still have a cage match tonight.
Todd Grisham interviews Christian, who isn't concerned about the cage match because he has Tyson Tomko and Trish the Bitch. It's game 7, and the loser can take his ball and go home. Christian claims he's been given the opportunity to become World Champion. Um...wait a second here... Trish goes to check on Lita and startles her, and Trish claims Kane's on the way to scare Lita, and of course he's not there. Trish laughs, and Lita starts beating the crap out of her. Christian, Tomko, and Matt Hardy v.1.0 pull them apart.
One fall: Matt Hardy v.1.0 (w/Lita) vs. Val Venis
Forget the match, because Kane's taken care of Venis. Lita knows what Kane wants and has one week to give Kane an answer, and it had better be the right one.
I honestly have no idea what I'm supposed to say about this one. Lita's obviously paranoid and Kane wants to spawn some demon children or something. This is like a bad horror movie. I'm guessing we're getting a fatal four way next week for the World Heavyweight Championship. Either that or some sort of gauntlet thing.
Segment 9
One fall: Rob Conway (w/Sylvain Grenier) vs. Eugene (w/William Regal)
Backstage, Eugene's nervous, but he's getting a chance to live his dream. Besides, Regal will be right by his side. Eugene thanks Regal and hugs him, and Regal looks almost sad. I can't believe this got over.
Eugene immediately goes to the top rope but thinks better of it. Conway with an arm wringer and a side headlock, but Eugene with a beautiful waistlock takedown. Hammerlock by Conway, and Eugene with a cradle for 2. Backslide for 2. Crucifix for 2 as the crowd chants "Let's go Eugene." Conway finally gains control. A series of kicks and forearms, then a snap mare into a neck vice. Eugene counters with what can best be described as a wristdrag. Turnbuckle smash by Conway has no effect. A series of punches by Eugene, and an atomic drop. Inverted atomic drop. Airplane spin! Up top with a flying axhandle for a count of 2. Running legdrop for 2. Into the ropes, but Regal trips Eugene. And Eugene apparently knows what happened, but Regal claims it was the ring apron that tripped him up. Conway charges, but Eugene counters into a rolling cradle with a bridge for the pin at 3:43. A few moves you never see in WWE bring this one up to *1/4. Eugene hugs Regal, who seems disappointed because that should end his hopes of making the active roster.
I have to admit, I like it. They not only pulled the gimmick off, but they let Eugene bust out some actual wrestling in order to get the job done rather than forcing him to work WWE style. Now we get an added dimension to the story, as Regal tried to do what Bischoff asked him to, but Eugene got the win anyway...so I'm expecting a Bischoff-Regal argument with Eugene overhearing everything. Regal vs. Eugene? Maybe not so soon, but that could be a clinic.
Segment 10
It's still daylight in San Jose, and the main event is still to come.
A video look at Chris Benoit's rise to the World Heavyweight Championship.
Out comes Eric Bischoff and Johnny Monday Nitro, and it's time to clear up the controversy surrounding the World Title picture. But first, a very important announcement to be given by Nitro. Next week, it will be Trish Stratus vs. Lita one-on-one. During the evening, various men have been claimed to be given an opportunity to become World Champion, and they're right. There will be a 20-man battle royal, and the winner will get the title shot at Bad Blood on June 13. But that's next week. Now it's time for a steel cage main event, so lower that cage!
Next week's show could be interesting. Battle royals suck by nature, but it allows for several storylines to continue while several others start, and it's probably the easiest way possible to establish a number one contender. This could be the perfect opportunity to elevate a midcarder...or firmly cement an uppermidcarder as a bigtime player.
Segment 11
Eric Bischoff has joined the commentary team, and he notes that since Shawn Michaels is suspended, he's not in next week's battle royal. He leaves the booth at that point.
Steel Cage Match: Y2J+4 vs. Christian (w/Trish the Bitch and Tyson Tomko)
Pinfalls, submissions, or escapes to win. Jericho with a baseball slide through the door as outside referee Jack Doan talks with Tomko and Trish. Mike Chioda handles the duties inside the ring. In the cage, and Jericho quickly goes for the Walls of Jericho but can't hit it. Jericho climbing the cage early but getting caught. Now it's Christian's turn, but Jericho stops it. Side suplex for 2. Christian blocks a shot into the cage and punches Jericho, then chokes him. Chops by Jericho, punches by Christian, and an inverted backbreaker gets Christian a near fall. Right hands, and Christian tries to climb out of the cage. Jericho climbs after him, and they're both on the top rope...and Christian lands groin first on the top rope. Jericho tries to climb over, but Tomko is on that side and holding a chair, defeating the purpose of a cage match, as there's supposed to be no interference. Jericho decides to take Christian down with a flying bodypress instead. Jericho crawls for the open door, and Tomko slams it in his face. Both referees decide to send Tomko to the back. Jericho again tries to crawl out the door, and he's nearly out, but Christian is able to drag him back in. Jericho with right hands, but he gets backdropped into the cage. Christian chokes Jericho against the ropes. A series of punches, and a chokehold. Chinlock with a yank of the nose. Jericho with elbows and punches, but Christian gets a knee in. A charge, but Jericho side steps and sends Christian into the cage. Christian is bleeding, and Jericho rams repeatedly the face into the cage. Cagescrape. Springboard dropkick against the cage. Bulldog for 2. Trish climbs the cage enough for the distraction. Christian goes for the Unprettier, and that's blocked, but Christian side steps a bulldog and sends Jericho into the cage. Unprettier by Christian, and he's slow to cover and only gets a couple of 2 counts. Christian tries to climb out, and Jericho catches him and takes him down with a double underhook superplex. Trish enters the cage with a chair and goes for Jericho, but he trips her up and locks her in the Walls of Jericho. Christian uses the opportunity to try to escape the cage, and Jericho releases the hold and goes after him. Modified power bomb off the top rope, and Jericho turns it into the Walls of Jericho. Christian tries to crawl out the door while in the hold, but Jericho drags him in and forces Christian to tap out at 11:41. It took about half the match to get the intensity they needed and there was too much interference, but once we got that sense of urgency this was great. ***
Hopefully this satisfies everybody as far as how the feud should have ended. Jericho was able to get the Walls on Trish for more than two seconds, then got the decisive victory that he needed to blow off the feud. We should have gotten more of a brawl in the first five or six minutes to truly establish the hatred between the two, which lowers the rating, and the cage is supposed to prevent interference and didn't, which also hurts the rating, but a terrific second half to this match.
Overall, actually kind of a disappointing show considering how much hype went into it, but by no means a horrible show. Two good matches, some solid storyline development, and you certainly didn't have too many people holding back. This show has been treated so much better than SmackDown over the last six weeks or so that I would laugh if SmackDown didn't suck so much.
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